RP: To the victors belong the spoils

Jul 07, 2007 23:11

Date: 7 July 2005
Characters: Arabella Figg, many others (will add later)
Location: Stoatshead Hill Quidditch pitch
Status: Semi-private (open to all pairs from the end of the BBBB race)
Summary: The racers and the people whose bonnet they captured have their own picnics around the Quidditch pitch (or elsewhere if they wish)
Completion: Incomplete ( Read more... )

justin finch-fletchley, caradoc dearborn, ron weasley, constance montgomery, alicia spinnet, dennis creevey, lavender brown, oliver wood, vincent crabbe, kingsley shacklebolt, katie bell, marietta edgecombe, july 2005, ginny weasley, place: quidditch pitch, dean thomas, arabella figg, padma patil, marcus flint, greg goyle, orla quirke

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shh_marietta July 9 2007, 12:05:02 UTC
Marietta thought the other woman was examining her for a moment, perhaps searching her memory. Suggesting she might be irate about having lunch with her, though, raised Marietta's hackles a bit. She searched her own memory and realised she remembered only a little about Katie Bell. "You played Quidditch for Gryffindor, didn't you?" she said, shaking Katie's hand. "And you had an...unfortunate accident in seventh year, I do remember that," she said, biting her lip at having brought up a memory that Katie would probably rather forget. "That was rather terrible for you, wasn't it? I'm sorry I brought it up. My memory of people from school isn't as good as it should be. You'd think I was about 80 years old the way I've forgotten some things. So you were trying to grab something your boyfriend hung up? Was it the visor or the shirt?"

Katie seemed very interested in the contents of the picnic basket. "I've got pita sandwiches with a chicken and vegetable salad in them, and a fruit salad with a zesty sauce, Stilton cheese and wheat wafer, white wine from Roma and chocolate cheesecake with raspberry sauce for dessert. How does that sound?" she finished with a smile. "We can eat here. There's no bloke expecting lunch with me. I didn't hang up my bonnet for anyone in particular." She wished the latter weren't true, but that was the chance she'd taken.


shh_katie July 10 2007, 01:10:32 UTC
"That would be me," Katie replied, "though yes, I obviously prefer to be remembered for Quidditch than that rather unfortunate accident." It had been terrible, but it was a topic she didn't want to revisit with a relative stranger.

She shrugged, "I'm afraid my memory of those at school isn't much better, but that's more a function of not paying attention to many younger than me, or non Quidditch players, than senility. Vague familiarity is about as much as I have unfortunately, for most." A smile of slight amusement crossed her face, "I remember you though - for an unfortunate event in your fifth year, though I'll say like my accident that's a topic best left avoided."

"Here it is," Katie agreed, indicating the area around them and reaching to help Marietta set up, wondering if she should transfigure something. "Sounds like a brilliant picnic though, especially the chocolate cheesecake. I'm not sure if what Cedric - the one whose bright red shirt I was aiming for - would be quite as delicious." Though the food hadn't been the appeal. "I'm glad I didn't snag you away from anyone then. I think there were many people hanging up bonnets randomly anyway."

As they set up, she asked Marietta, "So, are you a Quidditch person, or just here for the comraderie and ambience?"


shh_marietta July 10 2007, 04:59:25 UTC
Marietta wasn't surprised that Katie didn't want to talk about the incident that put her in St. Mungo's for several months in her seventh year. She had no idea, though, about any "unfortunate event" in her own fifth year at school. It had been an interesting year, certainly, with students from Beauxbatons Academy in France living in Ravenclaw Tower during the TriWizard Tournament. The only unfortunate things she could remember from that year were having to put up with most of the boys falling over themselves in front of Fleur Delacouer and not attending the Yule Ball because no one asked and she was too passive to ask anyone. And, of course, having to hear from Cho what a brilliant kisser Cedric was. Perhaps that was what Katie was referring to.

"Well, I certainly wouldn't want to relive that," she said morosely, figuring it best to let that sleeping dog lie.

They settled down to picnic right where they were, Katie being kind enough to help set up. "Oh...so you're Cedric's girlfriend now," she said; her eyebrow wanted to quirk up but somehow she restrained it. "I wondered who had put up that red shirt. How is he doing lately? I'll admit I was shocked when I got to town and heard he'd been brought back to life after... Well, that's a rather remarkable story, I'm sure. As for Quidditch, I'm not a fanatic but I enjoy watching. Cho Chang was my best friend in school and I always cheered for her and the Ravenclaw team. This seemed like a good way to see some Quidditch skills and meet some new people. How about you? I know you run the local cinema? Have you been playing Quidditch since you came to town?"


shh_katie July 10 2007, 05:49:40 UTC
"Uh, yes I am...now," Katie replied, thinking the wording choice was a little odd, but not worrying about it, "and he's more than fine, I'm sure. I didn't realize you two were acquainted." Though when she mentioned Cho Chang, Katie realized that would explain it. She was still thinking of the guilt Cedric carried over the girl's death. "It's quite a fortunate thing of course, and I'm more grateful than anyone for that 'miraculous story'. And, I'm sorry - about Cho. It can't have been an easy loss."

"As for not realizing who put up the red shirt," she snorted, "I suppose I should be grateful that most of the crowd managed to miss the bit of a strip tease he did then."

She shifted on the blanket they'd set out as they each dished out some of the food, "I'm not a fanatic anymore - though I suppose that's up for debate now, which is part of the announcement I have to make right away. I haven't actually played since the pro league was disbanded though - and I've taken at least a few hours out of my day for the cinema even now."

Mention of the cinema made her realize where she should have known Marietta's name from - she'd taken care of the floo at the place, though Katie hadn't been able to be there for the inspection. "How are things at the Minsitry?" she asked Marietta, "I've only just realized where I should recognize your name from as well - the floo inspector. You must be busy."


shh_marietta July 10 2007, 20:06:19 UTC
"Cedric is a lovely b- man," Marietta said as she and Katie helped themselves to sandwiches and fruit salad. "At least I thought so when I knew him at school, through Cho. I still picture him as a 17-year-old boy fighting that dragon, you know? How is he doing?" She frowned slightly when Katie mentioned Cho. "Thank you. It wasn't easy. Still isn't, some days. She was the best friend I've ever had. She died much too young, but so did everyone else in the war." Thinking of Cho reminded her of her mother and sister, and thinking about them made her cry, so it was much easier just to gloss over them.

Cedric did a strip-tease? "Well, that must have been...interesting." She would never admit to his current girlfriend that she'd been jealous of his former girlfriend, though in some ways, she knew, she'd been more jealous of the fact that Cho had any boyfriend. Even when Cho had gone out with Potter, Marietta had been jealous of her -- until she heard what a fiasco their date had been.

"You played professional Quidditch? Was it as glamourous as it seemed when I was younger?" she asked between bites of pita sandwich. "I was lucky to attend the World Cup in 1994; my mother was able to get tickets through the Ministry. The cinema is very nice, by the way. I've seen a few films there. I was hoping you might show some French films some time; perhaps something directed by Truffaut, or something starring Belmondo?"

"Yes, I'm in charge of Floo inspections," she said proudly. "I'm less busy with Floos then a few months ago, but I've also got Portkeys and broom regulation to deal with, and we're considering starting up the Knight Bus again. I really do need to post some flyers around town for job interviews. You mentioned an announcement about Quidditch? Any chance I could hear it first?" she said, smiling conspiratorially. "Perhaps I could bribe you with a bit of chocolate cheesecake before the announcement?"


shh_katie July 11 2007, 03:39:34 UTC
"I did - for the Canons," Katie told her, taking a bite of her sandwich, "I take it you weren't following much back then. Wait - that sounds awfully conceited, doesn't it. Ignore the poorly phrased statement, but yes, I did play. And, it was glamorous, at times at least. It didn't negate it was work - even if it was the best job you could hope to have. But there are few other jobs where your life and actions are so closely scrutinized."

She pulled out a few pieces of lettuce from the overflowing pita ass she continued, "I'm glad you liked the cinema - like even. I was worried about it flying in a wizarding town, but it's been popular so far. I've never heard of most French films, honestly, but I'm always willing to try and acquire new things where I can. If they're popular enough, it shouldn't be an issue."

Katie eyed the chocolate cheesecake longingly, though she hardly needed a bribe, "Well, the announcement is seemingly quite simple - Britain is entering a team in the World Cup. It's going to be a bitch to do, and organize, and make a success, but it's going to happen." She smiled then, taking another bite of her sandwich, "You'll have to get tickets through the Ministry yourself this time. Though, there may be some issue of broom regulations to deal with I suppose, one of this niggling details I haven't figured out yet. There are rules on everything known to man, isn't there?"

"The Knight bus though, really?" She asked then, "I wasn't expecting that for a good long while, but I suppose Stoatshead is hardly the only wizarding enclave, and we spend enough time going to muggle areas it would be worthwhile. Do you have a timeline on it, as I can imagine that would be quite a project? Portkeys though, it will be nice to have those in greater circulation."


shh_marietta July 11 2007, 12:37:34 UTC
"Oh, the Chudley Cannons." She would have to be diplomatic; the Cannons had a long history of finishing at or near the bottom of the league. "I grew up in Plymouth, southwest of here. The wizarding community there tends to favour the Falmouth Falcons. No offense, of course. As I said, I'm not a fanatic about Quidditch, and frankly during the war I was more focused on the Ministry and helping to keep the Floo system running. I started working there right after I finished at Hogwarts." Katie seemed slightly surprised. "One doesn't need ten N.E.W.T.'s to work in one's own mother's department, though if I'd got less than seven Father would have probably disowned me.

Marietta wasn't surprised Katie didn't know of most French films; she herself had seen only a few before she lived in France. "I'd be happy to recommend a few films, with subtitles of course. You might want to try a comedy or an action film to start; they're a bit easier to get into. French dramas are a bit...oh, dense and depressing would be good words. Probably not a good fit in a community that's rebuilding from a war."

Marietta's eyes went wide at Katie's little revelation. "Oh, that is fantastic news! There'll be such excitement." Finishing her sandwich, she sipped her wine again. "I hope I'll have no trouble getting tickets. I suppose I should put my name in right away. No, we've not got rules on everything known to man, only about 95 percent of things," she said with a wink. "I suppose my department will have to inspect the brooms of all the players prior to the games, you know, for cheating charms. You'd be surprised how much interest there is in restarting the Knight Bus; I've received some complaints from people who can't stand the Floo, Portkeys or Apparation for various reasons, usually age or health or both. First we'll need to find a driver and a conductor, so I suppose that's my timeline, starting once we find appropriate staff. I hope to hold interviews within the next month, though Merlin only knows whether there's anyone qualified around here."

Katie seemed done with her sandwich. "Would you like that chocolate cheesecake now, or would you rather wait until you've made your announcement?"


shh_katie July 12 2007, 07:25:04 UTC
"I don't take offense to someone not cheering for my team," Katie said with a shrug, "until my second year on the team, there wasn't much to cheer for. I wasn't even partial to the Canons until I had to play for them. They weren't my first choice, but that...unfortunate incident limited some of my options."

Taking a last bite of her sandwich, she commented, "Nepotism aside, it's admirable you knew what you wanted to do right out of school, and don't doubt it even now. And it's a neccessary and valuable job - getting the transportation running."

Katie grinned as she sipped at her wine, brushing the crumbs from her food from her clothes, "Merlin, I hope so, though I can't see it not. The country goes crazy for World Cup usually, even those who don't like the sport, and this time we all really need something to rally around."

As Marietta's mention of inspecting the brooms, Katie nodded, "The World Cup is always so much more strictly regulated. Inspection for charms on broooms, sticking charms on hands, making sure nobody has taken a felix felicitas potion. It's impossible to get away with anything there." Winking back, she responded, "They don't just have rules about 95% of things, they have them about 100% of things related to the event."

Katie frowned, trying to remember, "What about that man who used to be involved - the slightly odd one who was arrested once upon a time. Stan something, I think. I wonder if he's in town. Though, maybe changing the public face of the Knight Bus isn't a bad idea either, but if he's got experience it will make your life a lot easier."

"As for the chocolate cheesecake, give it to me now," she laughed, "if I've got to get up on a stage and speak to an entire crowd, I want some comfort food first. I'm good at speaking in a team setting, yelling at players or what not, but put me up there with this many people - not as comfortable. At least I'm talking Quidditch though. How're you at public speaking, don't suppose I can entice you to get up there for me, quell the pixies that are fluttering around in my stomach?"


shh_marietta July 12 2007, 12:11:26 UTC
Marietta had never followed the Cannons closely. "It must have been gratifying to know that the team improved so much while you played there," she observed. "That incident, when you were hurt, scared an awful lot of people, including me. You missed a lot of school. I'm...sorry you got hurt. Too many people got hurt that year."

"I was probably born with Floo powder on my nose," Marietta joked. "My mother ran the Floo network for many years. I used to visit her office in the Ministry during holidays. She offered to let me apprentice with her once I'd sat my N.E.W.T.s and nothing else appealed to me at the time. I've actually come to enjoy my job a lot. I get to use a lot of Arithmancy and Charms, which were my favourite subjects."

Marietta listened in awe as Katie noted some of the stringent rules that applied to the Quidditch World Cup players. "Oh, I know it's incredibly regulated, all in the name of fairness, of course. We'd not want any team - even England's - to have an unfair advantage based on magic."

Biting her lip, she tried to remember who used to work on the Knight Bus. "Stan...Stan... yes, I do remember him now. He wasn't much older than we are, maybe five or six years. A gangly fellow, as I recall, with terrible..." She stopped short before saying spots on this face; perhaps the scars on her own face were visible and her new friend was being polite enough not to mention them. "At any rate, I've not even heard that he'd been released from Azkaban. I never understood why he was put there to begin with. Imperius'd supposedly, but Minister Scrimgeour was probably being overly vigilant."

"Okay," Marietta laughed back, "chocolate cheesecake now for Katie. Comfort food is a good thing. I'm not fond of public speaking either. I was okay in the classroom but I don't think I could speak to a large audience. So sorry, you'll have to buck up and do this yourself. The cheesecake will give you strength." Pulling cheesecake, plates and a jar of raspberry sauce from her cheesecake from her basket, she cut a large piece for Katie, spooned some raspberry sauce over it and passed it to her. "Good luck."


shh_katie July 13 2007, 07:25:02 UTC
"Thank you," Katie said simply, at Marietta's comment, "it wasn't an easy time for me, nor for anyone else who had to undergoe hardships that year. Though it wasn't easy for anyone really in general, was it?"

She laughed at the floo powder comment, "It's obviously in your blood, I suppose. But it's certainly not as simple as it sometimes sounds - the floo network. One tends to gloss over the magic that goes into it in their mind."

Snorting, Katie settled back on her hands, "There are always those who try to circumvent rules of course. We have one keeper who is going to try out - Brevis Burch. Everyone knows he uses felix felicis, even if it's unproven so far. Another beater has been suspected of using performance enhancing potions - though he's passed muster every time a healer has examined him, and he's bloody talented. But even if one was never caught, it would make for a hollow win, would it not? Knowing you won by cheating."

At the mention of Stan's imprisonment and reasoning, a wry smile crossed her face, "There were a lot of imperio's going around that year."

Genuine pleasure crossed her face though as she accepted the cheesecake from Marietta, taking a large bite, she practically sucked the remains from the forkful. "This would have been worth any bribe you had suggested," she told Marietta with a laugh, once she had swallowed. "I think I feel empowered enough to get up on a stage and speak. And, thanks for the well wishes - though you're probably just glad it's not you." Eating the rest quickly, as she saw Oliver and Alicia gathering before the others dug too far into her picnics - she almost felt sick as she swallowed the last bite.

"Thanks for the brilliant picnic," she told Marietta, trying to help clean up before she scampered off, "even if it was a little abbreviated."


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