RP: To the victors belong the spoils

Jul 07, 2007 23:11

Date: 7 July 2005
Characters: Arabella Figg, many others (will add later)
Location: Stoatshead Hill Quidditch pitch
Status: Semi-private (open to all pairs from the end of the BBBB race)
Summary: The racers and the people whose bonnet they captured have their own picnics around the Quidditch pitch (or elsewhere if they wish)
Completion: Incomplete ( Read more... )

justin finch-fletchley, caradoc dearborn, ron weasley, constance montgomery, alicia spinnet, dennis creevey, lavender brown, oliver wood, vincent crabbe, kingsley shacklebolt, katie bell, marietta edgecombe, july 2005, ginny weasley, place: quidditch pitch, dean thomas, arabella figg, padma patil, marcus flint, greg goyle, orla quirke

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shh_ginny July 8 2007, 07:30:53 UTC
Casting a quick freshening charm, Ginny retied her ponytail and tugged her black Henley into place, blushing lightly as she realized it'd ridden up during the course of the race. Tying the bright yellow bandana around the end of her broom, Ginny slung it over her shoulder as she approached the basket area of the grounds, unsure of what to do next as the fliers hadn't really given too much away - understandably so since it would have ruined the surprise of it all. She figured the basket people would either tell her or the bandana owner would seek her out.

Looking around, she smiled catching sight of Greg holding a broom himself but she didn't remember seeing him at the starting line and the nagging suspicion of the bandana became more pronounced as she wound her way through the crowd towards him, grateful for his height or she'd have never seen him, and saw his T-shirt. Catching her bottom lip between her teeth thoughtfully as she watched him give directions to a younger boy, she hesitated for a moment before approaching him.

"Pardon me, sir." Ginny chuckled, holding her broom out to display the bandana. "This wouldn't happen to be your 'favor', would it?"


shh_greg July 8 2007, 07:43:21 UTC
Greg had made his way over to the finish line and was just looking to see who had grabbed his bandanna when a young boy tugged on his shirt and asked him where the Beater skills test area was. Greg pointed him in the right direction then looked around when Ginny walked over, his bandanna tied to the end of her broom.

He smiled at her with surprise and delight. "Yes, it is." Then he paused and continued drolly, "What gave me away?"

"Great flying by the way. It looked a bit crazy up there at times." He hefted the basket he was holding. "Um... shall we find somewhere to eat? To the victor the spoils and all that."

He hoped that she was willing to have lunch with him. They'd gotten along really well so far and he thought this might be a lot of fun. He refused to think about how pleased he was that she had grabbed his bandanna.


shh_ginny July 8 2007, 07:57:54 UTC
She smiled and gave a soft laugh at his humor, winking at him. "Oh, I think the 'bow wow' on the bandanna was a small clue. Regular kismet."

"Thanks but I can't take all the credit. This new broom practically flys itself." Ginny blushed lightly and nodded, glancing around. "Yes, please, let's... ummm... I'll let you lead the way, I can't see a bloody thing down here. There was a little area off to the side of the pitch that looked like a good place for a picnic... just there."

She touched his arm and pointed in the general direction, delighted that it was someone she knew that she'd 'won' as she truly enjoyed the wizard's company, even a bit moreso than she was comfortable admitting to herself.


shh_greg July 8 2007, 08:13:29 UTC
"Well, it was the only clean one I had," Greg said with a grin. "And reminded me that I need to do my laundry tomorrow."

He eyed the broom with interest. "Really? Is it a new one? Mine's pretty old and I could do with a replacement."

He peered over the crowd in the direction she'd indicated, trying not to think about the little thrill he'd gotten when she'd touched his arm. If he thought about this, he was going to do something stupid and make it all awkward so he was better off just relaxing and enjoying himself.

"Oh, yeah, I see what you mean," he said, catching sight of the area she was talking about. "It's this way."

He indicated a clear path through the crowd with his broom and started walking.


shh_ginny July 8 2007, 08:41:48 UTC
"Sod on! That's what I was forgetting! There goes my nice relaxing Sunday morning doing laundry." Ginny remembered at his prompting, returning his grin.

"Yes, Angelina Johnson has a broom shoppe in town and she made this one. She won't tell me who sent it to me but it's a right nice piece of work and I'm sure she could fix you up nicely." Setting her broom on her shoulder, she followed him through the crowd away from the basket and bonnet area into a nice clearing.

Spotting a nice shade tree just off to the side, she said. "How about there? We can people-watch without being trampled. I'm terribly curious to know what's in that basket, Mr. Greg. I didn't even know you could cook. A man of hidden talents, I see." She teased slyly.


shh_greg July 8 2007, 09:17:45 UTC
Greg laughed. "Don't you hate it when the mundane gets in the way of relaxation."

He raised an eyebrow. "Nice gift. I'll have to drop in and see what she can do for me. This is the broom my parents gave me for my sixteenth birthday. It's a good one but it's a bit old now."

He nodded when she suggested the tree over to one side. "Looks good to me." He led the way over there and put his broom and bat down near the tree. He put the basket down as well and opened it, pulling out the rug he'd put in.

"Voila!" he said with a grin, laying down the rug. "It's not a picnic without a rug to sit on." He waited until she had sat down then joined her, pulling the basket over to him.

"Well, I can cook a bit. Jalo insisted that we learn so that when we left we didn't end up starving to death." He grinned then looked a little uncertain. "I hope you'll like what's in here. I made some of the traditional Finnish food I enjoyed."

He pulled out the first container and opened it, revealing small bits of adorned crispbread that he offered to her. "This is gravlax. It's salmon that's been cured in salt, sugar and dill. The white sauce is dill and mustard. And I have apple juice or a Finnish beer called Sahti. It's usually home brewed and this is some of Jalo's stock. It's kind of yeasty and actually tastes a little banana. Seems strange but it's pretty good."


shh_ginny July 8 2007, 09:42:09 UTC
"I do! It's so... inconvenient." She joked, laughing with him.

Setting her broom down, Ginny rescued the bandanna from the grass and tied it around her ponytail before helping him spread the rug out. "This reminds me of the picnics we'd have by the lake, well, except my brothers aren't here arguing over who hit whom with which Beater and my Mum isn't fussing over the food."

"Hmmm, cooking and common sense... I think I should thank Merlin that I managed to pick your bandanna." She said, sitting down on the rug. "Jalo sounds like a smart fella. I wish the Healers I apprenticed under thought of that. I'm sure some of the blokes I did residency with have managed to starve themselves. Either that or they married the first bird who knew how to cook."

"Finnish? Well, I'm up for trying anything once and well, you look healthy enough." Ginny took the container he offered, feeling a small flutter in her stomach at the low, lazy grin he gave her. Catching her lip, she said. "Gravlax, gotcha. I'll try some of the Sah-ti, please."

"So what did you think of the race? If I'd known you were going to come, I'd have looked for you before the race started. To, umm, say hello." Ginny nibbled on a piece of Gravlax, nodding her approval with a soft smile.


shh_greg July 8 2007, 10:08:07 UTC
Greg laughed. "That was one thing I missed when I moved to Finland. No more house elves. I had to do my own chores. I didn't at first but Jalo was pretty creative with the punishments if you neglected things like that. Basically you got to do all the dirty work around the clinic. I learned pretty quickly."

Greg's smile dimmed a bit. "Mum and I used to do picnics on occasion during summer when Father was away. I used to pretend to complain but I never really minded. We used to talk a lot." His expression became slightly wistful. "She would have liked being here in Stoatshead Hill. She'd be the life of the party." He smiled shyly. "She'd have liked you."

He wasn't quite sure why he spoke of his mother to Ginny except... he felt comfortable telling her. His mother was usually a touchy subject because of how and why she had died but he wasn't lying when he said she would have like Ginny.

He chuckled as he took a piece of gravlax for himself and ate it. "Jalo knew that we couldn't always rely on living in a communal type setting like he had established. He's... pretty unusual for a vet but I like him a lot. I'm hoping he'll visit at some point but he's pretty busy."

He smiled shyly and pulled one of the chilled bottles of beer out of the basket, opening it and offering to to her. He then pulled one out for himself.

"It was pretty amazing actually," he said with a grin. "I don't think I would have managed to finish it. Some of the aerobatic involved probably would have had me falling off my broom, I think. One problem with getting this big. Very useful when playing as a Beater but not so good for tricky maneuvers." He gave a pleased smile when she indicated her approval of the food. "I wasn't entirely sure until this morning. I'd had an owl from a local farmer a couple of days ago saying he might want some help doing the drenching of his cows and he was thinking today would be a good day. But he owled this morning and said he'd have to reschedule for next week sometime. Apparently his wife wanted to go into London."


shh_ginny July 8 2007, 10:46:17 UTC
"Ah, see, we never had house elves to begin with. Mum always claimed she'd rather do it herself. It took a bit of adjusting to when I started at Hogwarts and, to be honest, they still haven't grown on me. When I ran into Professor Slughorn last, he tried to convince me to take one in but I just... well, it's a little bloody creepy thinking of one of them roaming around my house when I'm sleeping, you know?" She gave him a lop-sided smile and shrug. "Not that I have anything against them, I don't. You might owl him, actually, about one. I'm sure that'd be a great help around the shelter."

Ginny listened to him talk about his mum and was surprised when Greg said his mother would have liked her. She knew where his father's loyalties had lied and had only assumed that his mother had felt the same way but evidently that wasn't the case. She nodded soberly. "That's kind of you to say."

A trio of very young wizards walked past, chattering excitedly and Ginny watched them with an odd sense of the surreal. Taking the bottle he held out, she lifted it in a salute before taking a sip, considering the beer for a second before nodding. "This isn't bad. I can see what you mean about the taste but it's good. So is the gravlax, by the way. You miss him, don't you? Jalo?"

She looked over to where the crowd mingled by the basket table and leaned back, stretching her legs out and crossing them at the ankle. "It's odd how we can be surrounded by people so much and yet, still feel not quite a part of it all. Some days I miss the absolute chaos of the Burrow... I miss..." She blinked. "Well, it doesn't matter, yeah?"

Reaching out, she gave her broom an affectionate pat. "This little darlin' kept me seated perfectly, absolutely perfect for Seeking or Chasing. I was just happy to get a good run in and it was fun to see where I came in but still, Ron beat me and the twins would have for sure if they'd come." She took another sip of her beer before asking. "Drenching? I'm almost afraid to ask but... that can't be what it sounds like."


shh_greg July 8 2007, 11:12:54 UTC
"You get used to them after a while," Greg said with a shrug. "I grew up with them." He nodded thoughtfully at the idea of using a house elf or two around the shelter. It probably would help. He grimaced. "I could probably use some of the house elves from home but... I'm not actually sure of the legalities of whether its mine or not. The head house elf came to me when Father died but I'm not sure if the Ministry made any decrees about the property of Death Eaters."

He nodded. "Jalo was... more of a father to me than my own really." he hesitated for a moment then continued. "When I went to Finland, it was under an assumed name because I didn't want my father to track me down. After I got to know Jalo, I... really hated lying to him. I eventually confessed to him and told him why I'd lied. He understood and actually took further steps to protect me." He looked down at his bottle for a moment then back up at Ginny. "I owe him a lot."

"It was a bit like that at the Shelter in Finland," he said thoughtfully after taking a drink of his beer. "Even after Hogwarts I wasn't used to having so many people around all the time. It was a little uncomfortable at first but after a while I kind of got to like it. I still liked being on my own on occasion but the group common room we had was always pretty rowdy." He paused and grinned. "Jalo's wife ruled us all with a lethal wooden spoon though. And she could throw that thing with frightening accuracy if we got a little too smart for her liking." He sighed. "Unfortunately life goes on and well, most of us in my group are gone now. All off to our own jobs."

He stretched out on the blanket then turned slightly and dug into the basket, pulling out another container since they had nearly finished the gravlax. He opened it and placed it between them.

"These are cabbage rolls," he said. "The ones on this side are filled with minced beef, the ones on this side with vegetables and the ones in the middle with mushrooms. They're all seasoned with onion, tomato paste, pepper and spices."

He tipped his head back and laughed then eyed her with a mischievous look. "No, it's not. It's a method of getting oral drugs into a cow. Usually it's for worming and stuff like that. I don't know why it's called drenching but it's definitely a multi-person operation. It also guarantees a long and very tiring day."


shh_ginny July 8 2007, 11:53:58 UTC
"My brother, Percy, works for the Ministry. You could owl him about the property but I did't think that elves could be reassigned by anyone but their Master. I mean, I'm sure you know more about them than I do but I, err..." She was thinking of Grimmauld Place and that awful little elf, Kreacher. "thought they had to do what the next in the blood line wanted."

"At least he was understanding about it, could have made things a lot harder for you if he didn't. He sounds like he is a good teacher and friend. He must be very proud of what you've accomplished here so far, getting the shelter up and running properly, taking on all the farms and whatnot." Ginny said quietly.

She laughed the mental picture of a little Finnish woman hurtling spoons at Greg. "Mum, too! Merlin, that's funny. I thought only my Mum did things like that. She'd have half the kitchen utensils chasing us around the kitchen if we got out of hand, which, you can imagine, was pretty often. But, yes, life goes on. My family all live here and we rarely see each other anymore."

"Mmm, they sound delicious." Ginny peaked into the container he drew out of the basket, turning on her side to playfully peer over the top with a smirk before selecting one of the ones he said had mushrooms in it.

'Oh. dear.' She thought, keeping her features neutral when he flashed her a mischievous look, feeling a light flush rise in her cheeks. 'That's just not even fair.'

"How, exactly, does one... give a cow oral drugs?" Ginny asked before taking another sip of her beer and taking a bite of her roll. "I mean, I know what it's like to do that with a human but... Merlin, I guess you might be thankful but I'm thinking you'll just have to do it another day, yeah? Our jobs don't just go away when someone wants to go shopping for the day."


shh_greg July 8 2007, 12:24:16 UTC
"I might do that," Greg said thoughtfully. "I hate the place but if it's mine, I guess I should take responsibility for it."

He nodded. "Well, since I was essentially running away from the Dark Lord, he understood," he said ruefully then he smiled softly. "Yeah, he is. He keeps telling me to pace myself though. Not to work myself into the ground. He's right so I'm trying."

He laughed. "Seija was very proprietary when it came to her kitchen but she's also the one who taught us all to cook so I can't complain. She mothered us all indiscriminately."

He saw the flush on her face and wandered briefly what he'd said or done to cause it. He liked it more than he was willing to admit and he grinned at her smirk. He took one of the beef rolls for himself.

"Using a drenching gun," he said promptly. "It's sort of a glorified syringe but with a squeeze handle and long enough to get a short way down a cow's throat and made of metal because they chew on it a bit. You load it up with the dose then work it past the back of the cow's tongue then fire away." He nodded. "Yeah, it has to be done so it's only been postponed. It's not dangerous work, just hard, manhandling all the cows. Even for someone like me, it's tiring."


shh_ginny July 8 2007, 12:50:11 UTC
"If you hate the place, you could always sell it or donate it to the Ministry. Unless you have, you know, other family that might want to take if over. Sometimes memories just... well, hurt, even if they are good ones." Ginny answered absently, her thoughts very far from the picnic in that moment.

Giving her head a minute shake, she gave him a wry look. "I was just about to say you weren't trying awfully hard but you are here, aren't you? It's a beautiful day and hopefully you are enjoying yourself."

"Sejia. Pretty name." Ginny laughed. "Mum tried to teach the boys how to cook but that was like trying to catch a wet cat. By the time she got to me, I don't know if she tried to make up for lost time or what but she did manage to teach me enough so I don't starve. I'll admit that I'm not a gourmet chief, though. Not me, nope. I'm happy with a nice beef stew or a pan of lasagna."

The roll was quite good and she picked out a beef one to try next, finding herself hungrier than she realized from the race and all the excitement after.

"They chew on it? Oh!" Her eyes widened. "They don't bite, do they? I mean, they're cows. It's bad enough when my patients bite me but they aren't that big, thank Merlin. Then again, getting bit is probably half your day isn't it? Ever since I changed over to the internship, I don't see regular patients anymore so the occasional bite is a thing of the past for me."


shh_greg July 8 2007, 22:56:44 UTC
Greg shrugged. "I haven't even read Mum and Father's wills or any of the family stuff. I'll have to do that before I can do anything with the hulk." He snorted and looked slightly amused. "I have a pretty good idea Mum will want me to keep it, make it into something worthwhile. Change the bad memories to good ones. All that sort of thing."

He looked over at Ginny and smiled shyly. "Yeah, I'm enjoying myself," he said, knowing he was talking more about the picnic than the rest of the day.

"I mostly do the basics when it comes to cooking," he said as he took one of the vegetable rolls. "I can cook more fancy food but it takes a time and energy that I usually don't have after work."

He laughed. "Well, I think anybody would chew on something being shoved down their throat," he said with a laugh. "And cows do bite if they're annoyed enough though they kick more than they bite. Horses will bite more readily. And yeah, bites and scratches and pretty much par for the course. That and getting peed on."


shh_ginny July 9 2007, 07:09:18 UTC
"I'm glad you are," She said, returning his smile and vainly willing the color in her cheeks not to rise even as she felt her cheeks warm.

You are flirting... with the vet! With Greg Goyle! And blushing!

'I am not flirting. Not even a little.'



She shook her head, replying. "I've a friend who fancy cooks, sends me left-overs. That's about the extent of it for me. Even if I had time, I just don't have the inclination. I mean, it's just me so why bother, right? And no, the cat doesn't count in that."

"Ah yes, the good ol' days of... well... Friday. Bites, scratches..." She sighed and laughed. "At least you have the novelty of having patients that can't hex you. My first week in Incurables, polka dots. All. Over. And I do mean... All over. Big. Pink. Polka. Dots."


shh_greg July 9 2007, 09:08:34 UTC
Greg blushed a little himself at her response then he abruptly cleared his throat and turned to rummage in the basket again. Was she flirting with him? Was he flirting with her? Actually he thought he might be... and he was fairly sure he liked it.

Well... that was interesting. And good... he thought... as long as she thought it was good. And she seemed to. Okay... he really needed to stop that or he was going to start stammering.

He pulled out a larger container this time then fished into the basket for a couple of plates, fork and knives and a sharp knife.

"Okay, this is an interesting one," he said with a grin. He opened the container to reveal a largish oval-shaped loaf of bread. "This is called kalakukko. It's a traditional dish and it's bsically a rye loaf with fish, pork and bacon cooked inside. It even has a traditional way of eating it."

He sliced off the top of the bread then cut it in two and spread it with butter before offering one half to Ginny.

"You cut off the top and eat it with butter then slice the rest of the bread, eating it with the filling. Don't worry about the bones in the fish. The way this is cooked, they'll be so soft you probably won't even notice them."

He took a bit of the bread, chewed and swallowed it. "That's why I often don't go to these kind of measures," he said with a laugh. "If it's just me, I don't need to make a fuss. But this is definitely worth it."

He laughed at the idea of Ginny with pink polka dots. Not meanly but just at the mental image. "I don't think pink polka dots would go with your hair," he said with a grin. "Green maybe but not pink." He chuckled. "True, my patients can't do that but some of them can be dangerous."

He paused and looked thoughtful as he remembered the almost surreal incident with the runespoor and Harry Potter.

"Shadow found a runespoor down near the river a few days ago. She was quite seriously hurt. She had a bad gash down her side. She didn't want to let me near her and I wasn't going to push the issue since runespoors are very venomous. I had to get help from Potter, which was... interesting."


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