1. Go to CareerCruising.com. 2. Put in Username: nycareers, Password: landmark. 3. Take their "Career Matchmaker" questions. 4. Post the top however many you feel like results.
Erich's maternal Grandma died Tuesday evening. Nadine was a tough lady who had been sick for years. She has been on dialysis since before I met her. The last time she visited Indiana was for our wedding, five years ago today. We've rushed out to Kansas City so often these last few months knowing that the end was near and usually being told that
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Today I was out with my mom doing a little grocery shopping, etc. We are in this very busy parking lot of Walmart walking along one of the strip malls next to it (all one big parking lot.) We hear this baby crying and happen upon a beat up car with the windows down and a baby about the age of Carmina (a year or so) just wailing in the car next to
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Erich hates his current job situation. We've desperately been trying to find him a new job. I finally gave into him going to a temp agency. I was worried about the whole "temporary" thing and not having benefits
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Okay, so I'm moving some stuff in our kitchen to organic. My budget is still extraordinarily tight, but I'm wanting to move dairy, beef, and the dirty dozen over to organic. The beef I think is going to come from a local grassfed farm. My mom and I are going to go in on a half cow. So that should be PLENTY. The milk is my other big priority.
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As some of you know, my dad gave me a dog before he died. I've had her since I was 8. She was my Christmas present. My parents got her at the humane society and we changed her name from Peaches to Gracy. At the ripe old age of 18, Gracy peacefully passed away yesterday morning. She was the most loving gentle and sweet little dog. She
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It's amazing, I read a book. Well, I didn't read it so much as I listened to it on tape. ;) I've never been into the whole audio book thing, but I'm hooked. A few weeks back I listened to Shopgirl by Steve Martin. Great book and I got through the cd's in one day while working in the kitchen. I was able to finish my work and entertain my brain
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