
Jul 23, 2011 08:53

Characters: Everyone
World | Location: Beast's Castle | Dining Room and Ballroom
Date | Content: 23rd July @ 4 o'clock | Party!
Rating: C for cute.

Here's a guide to help you:
Meet and Greet
Ballroom Floor
Buffet Table

❧ [final fantasy viii] seifer almasy, [weiss side b] chloé, [kuroshitsuji] elizabeth middleford, [sailor moon] setsuna meioh (pluto), [final fantasy vi] locke cole, [kuroshitsuji] ciel phantomhive, ❧ [final fantasy xii] mjrn, [secret of nimh] mrs. brisby

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Sidelines toseehimsmile July 23 2011, 08:09:24 UTC
Not everyone wants to dance, there might be some that prefer to stay on the sidelines and watch the others enjoy themselves.


dewdrop_pebbles July 23 2011, 16:44:20 UTC
[Mjrn watches the dancing curiously and perhaps a little wistfully, but prefers to remain apart from the affair. Her knowledge of such dancing is non-existent, and she's desperate not to embarrass herself if it can at all be avoided. She glances around for any familiar faces...or even just friendly ones.]


Sidelines executionerrose July 23 2011, 17:13:12 UTC
It wasn’t that he couldn’t dance or that there weren’t several attractive ladies here at the party it was more that this event was beginning to remind him of another that he had attended recently. A wedding, that had gone horribly wrong.
Chloé moved off to the side almost hiding himself behind one of the tall pillars. So lost in thought that he wasn’t even really paying much attention to the events going on around him. He was back in that moment right before the darkness had attacked his world.


Sidelines abracadabrapon July 23 2011, 19:29:09 UTC
As most people were dancing, gossiping, and generally just not paying much attention to anyone outside of their circle, Setsuna figured now was a good time to leave. Not leave leave, of course, but she had some business to attend to in this place.

Quietly, glass in hand, she made her way to the ballroom doorway, not bothering to glance to see if anyone was following her. One, the acoustics were such that she'd be able to figure out if someone did try to sneak behind her, and two, well, glancing back just looked suspicious. And she didn't want suspicion to fall on her for any reason.

But if anyone did ask, she knew, as she quietly disappeared into the main hall, that she could bluff her way through it. She'd had plenty of practice at deceiving people, after all.


executionerrose July 24 2011, 16:01:03 UTC
Even lost in his own thoughts as he was Chloé would never fail to notice a attractive lady slipping away from the scene. Maybe she was going to meet someone? Normally not a cause for concern, since today he did find himself a little on edge, Chloé decided to slip out of the ballroom as well. It was a silly fear of course, this party was nothing like the one that haunted his memories, but he would feel better knowing that nothing untoward was occurring in the shadows of this event.
Since the lady he followed made no show of checking to ensure she wasn’t being tailed it was a very simple matter to keep an eye on her as she moved through the castle.


abracadabrapon July 24 2011, 17:48:43 UTC
Her first stop was the study. The roaring fireplace, the walls, the chair... Setsuna seemed to be examining every bit of it, moving things aside, picking things up to look into them. She could just be exploring, though she seemed to be examining things with a rather critical eye.


executionerrose July 24 2011, 18:07:52 UTC
Chloé stationed himself behind one of the pillars in the hall. Since she hadn’t bothered to close the study door it was a simple matter to watch her actions through the open doorway. He couldn’t make out everything that was going on in the room of course, but from what he could see as she examined the fireplace and the pieces of furniture visible from his point of view she only looked more suspicious. Was she a thief of some kind? What was she searching for?


abracadabrapon July 24 2011, 19:38:37 UTC
...No. This place didn't seem to be very optimal. Not at all. Setsuna put the candlestick she had been looking at back down. She turned to leave the room. The study, while pretty, wasn't a place where what she had in mind would necessarily work. There were no good hiding places.


executionerrose July 24 2011, 20:07:20 UTC
It was a simple enough to just slide fully behind the pillar when it looked as if the lady might be leaving the study. The pillar was large enough around the base to fully conceal Chloé’s presence there and if he was some how discovered. What could be more normal than taking a break from the festivities in the quiet hall?


abracadabrapon July 24 2011, 20:40:25 UTC
Quietly, Setsuna began her way to the kitchen. Maybe she was stealing food? Perhaps. But she quietly opened a few cupboards, as if to be careful not to disturb someone.

The question was, who could she possibly disturb? There was no one there but her and Chloé.


executionerrose July 24 2011, 21:07:21 UTC
She wasn’t taking anything though. Just looking into the cupboards and then closing them again. If it were food she were after there had been plenty at the buffet table and… she wouldn’t have searched the study first.
Being quiet while she looked through things wasn’t necessarily a clue. A thief would act as quietly as possible in order to not draw attention to themselves.


abracadabrapon July 24 2011, 21:46:24 UTC
Strange woman, wasn't she? But she's now making her way back out, to go upstairs. There were more places to look - surely she'd find what she was looking for.


executionerrose July 24 2011, 22:28:53 UTC
He didn’t bother to follow, at least not until she had fully climbed the stairs and disappeared behind one of the doors that separated one wing of the house from the other. Doing so before then he surely would have been seen since there was no cover to be had on the stairs at all, now however he could use the closed door to hide him from view.


abracadabrapon July 25 2011, 23:43:33 UTC
Up into the first bedroom she went. Hmm. This room...was nice, but no place where anything could be put.


executionerrose July 26 2011, 00:47:17 UTC
Was she going to search every room in the castle?
He considered simply confronting the lady and asking what her intentions were, but if she really were up to no good it was hardly likely that she would willingly confess it. The only thing he could do was follow along and hope there would be some kind of clue as to what she was doing… or maybe she would find the object of her search and he could confront her then.


aliveinphoenix July 24 2011, 15:54:28 UTC
[Of course, Locke stands on the sidelines he can't really dance. But he's having a good time anyway.]


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