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Comments 417

Anywhere in Traverse town. lostblackrabbit May 21 2011, 07:54:37 UTC
After trying to eat hard shelled creature (Also known as her communicator) the moogle had given and that jingling candy called "Munny", Alice had grown bored and even more frustrated. Her heels softly clicked across the concrete surface of the street. She didn't recognize this place, nor did she remember coming outside after she saw Oz go to bed. This only added anxiety to the mix of emotions going through her. She was alone. Well... almost alone. She glances around the slightly busy streets, the people seemed fairly warm and alive, yet something felt off. She couldn't quite place what it was, but since there was no immediate danger, she let her guard down the smallest of fractions. Also, what was with this furry creature that kept trying to hand her a key? What was it saying? Kupo? What the hell is a kupo? ... Oh, it might be food... The pest was only giving her more questions! She hissed at it and sprinted off.

The real questions hanging in the air was 'How?' and 'Where?' She couldn't remember how she'd gotten here. The last thing ( ... )


fightsforalice May 21 2011, 08:30:07 UTC
Oz for once had been unusually calm, or as calm as the young boy could be about the whole thing. He had already been given his communicator and was now on the look out for Alice, or anyone that he knew at least. So far this had been rather uneventful and this place was HUGE! But this didn't stop the young boy from trying at least ( ... )


lostblackrabbit May 21 2011, 08:44:12 UTC
"I said away with you, rat thing! Unless you have food... or are food." Alice stopped and leered over her shoulder at her pray.

"KUPO! N-no, Miss, I'm not at all tasty, I just want to help!"

"Help..." She knew that word and took on a less predatory stance to hear the creature out. The moogle looked relieved to have Alice finally listening to it, but sadly her attention didn't stay on it for long. She had heard the voice of her servant and her attention was fully on locating him!

"OZ! You useless manservant, how dare you lose me!" She says angrily, despite the tears already forming in the corners of her eyes. She ran towards him and practically knocked the blond over in her enthusiasm.


fightsforalice May 21 2011, 08:59:17 UTC
Before he had a chance to admit he didn't leave her alone on purpose, he had been knocked over and hit the cobbles hard. All the young boy could do in this moment was wrapped his arms around her lightly and laugh.

"I'm sorry Alice, but I didn't do it on purpose. I woke up in a different place somehow."

He put on one of his usual smiles as he laid there for a moment, watching her as he did. he next apology had the laughing stop this time as he tried to slowly sit up, making sure she didn't fall over or anything.

"I'm really sorry for losing you, I'll try not to do it again, okay?"

He looked around for a moment, before spotting the Moogle was still here. "Ah, Alice I think this thing wanted to talk to you before you decided to knock me over like you did."


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notahonda May 21 2011, 14:22:07 UTC

... )


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notahonda May 22 2011, 02:24:48 UTC

... )


toseehimsmile May 21 2011, 08:38:06 UTC
She was in a new place that she had never been to before, a place that looked different, a place that looked so... cute ( ... )


ardentloyalty May 21 2011, 10:16:31 UTC
All this stuff about "Darkness" was sure a lot to take in! And somehow, Jake was taking it in stride and keeping a pretty cool head about things. No doubt he was worried as hell about Fon and the others, but he seemed pretty confident they'd show up sooner or later.

In the midst of his wandering, a young lady caught his eye. She was crying and he honestly couldn't blame her. This was pretty scary and she looked so young...

Decidedly, Jacques stepped over with a friendly smile and decided to try and lend a helping hand. "Are you okay, Miss?" he offered, leaning his head to one side. Maybe it wasn't the best question under the circumstances, but it was a nice way to break the ice, he figured.


toseehimsmile May 21 2011, 11:53:03 UTC
Lizzie hadn't been paying an awful lot of attention to what was going on around her, she was too into trying to find her fiancé who as of now still hadn't found. She had started to worry a lot when she heard something asking if she was okay.

Lifting up her head up slightly, she wiped her eyes. After all it wasn't very lady like to cry in front of a man, unless it was Ciel because she couldn't help it when she was around him. Putting on a smile she lightly held her dress and curtsied as a gesture of politeness and greeting.

"I'm fine, thank you."


adewdropbright May 22 2011, 04:55:50 UTC
"Excuse me ... are you one of the refugees?"

Lizzie had dried her eyes and smiled, but the moogle floating by her and her clothes -- unusual for Traverse Town -- left a few clues for Aerith about her situation. Still, she looked faintly apologetic as she asked. This couldn't be easy for the girl.


duelking May 21 2011, 10:08:50 UTC
Encroaching darkness was not was Zell had anticipated seeing when he stepped outside for his morning jog. It had been maybe two days since he and the others ventured to the future to defeat Ultimecia and already the fear that somehow she survived made his heart leap into his throat. It only grew progressively worse when Zell woke up in the middle of an unfamiliar town with a start and a loud yell. He was on his feet in less than a second, whipping around wildly for any sign of hostility.

After a moment, it sunk in that his friends weren't here either. He called out their names and wandered around, but it only got him the attention of a... moogle?

Poor thing did its best to explain, but it really only resulted in Zell blowing up more: "The hell do you MEAN my world was destroyed?! How?! Who's ass do I have to kick?!"

Apparently Darkness had no tangible source, as it existed everywhere... and that made Zell's heart drop about a mile and then some. The only thing he could think to be thankful for was that it really wasn't Ultimecia ( ... )


pinkhairedkitty May 21 2011, 12:02:05 UTC
Yuiko was lost and very, very confused. Last think she remembered was talking about a school trip and now she was here. Walking around Yuiko was keeping an eye out for anyone she knew, or Ritsuka who she hadn't seen in a good day or so, she lost count ( ... )


duelking May 22 2011, 00:45:58 UTC
"Um, hello there."

(...Huh?) Slowly, Zell cracked his fingers open and peeked out to look at the origin of the voice. He stayed there for a long moment, staring. Did she have cat ears? And pink ones no less. ...And pink hair... Whoa. What the hell did he eat before he went to bed last night?

He sat up suddenly, swiveling around to face her after he put his hands down and blinked. Still not waking up. ...Damn.

"Uh. Yo! You lost, too?"


pinkhairedkitty May 22 2011, 15:34:14 UTC
She watched for the good portion of the time the adult was getting up, she was still a little nervous around him since she had no idea who exactly he was, or even in her head how he might have lost his ears.

"Yes, I am. I don't know where I am and I was hoping that someone could help me."

Although she knew she shouldn't talk to strangers, it seemed to be the only option she had in front of her right now.


blitz_acing May 21 2011, 16:59:17 UTC
No one had told Tidus what dying was like ( ... )


ofthefall May 21 2011, 19:04:54 UTC
Cloud had followed Leon to Traverse Town, hearing about the strange influx of people and the several thousand worlds winking out of existence. Radiant Garden had been nearly fully restored, so they could leave it alone for a little bit to investigate. Not that he was good with the whole consolation thing, but he could at least help people with information.

The first person he saw was a teen-aged blond who looked rather heartbroken. From the look of things, the kid had barely heard a word the moogle said as he was given his phone and some munny. With a sigh, he walked over. "Need some help, kid?"


blitz_acing May 21 2011, 19:40:19 UTC
Normally, Tidus would have argued over being dubbed a kid by this stranger, but he wasn't focusing on little details like that right now and a human face was a welcome sight. Suddenly being pulled out of his world was hard enough without trying to get accustomed to the talking Moogles. Besides, something about the spiky-haired man told Tidus he could trust him.

"Do you know how I can get back home?" he asked, not startling himself when his voice came out softer than he intended. "Spira," he clarified with more certainty. He wasn't sure when he began to think of Spira as home, but now he knew that it was. Just like with Zanarkand, he had a feeling he wouldn't like the answer. He had to ask though, to know for certain.


ofthefall May 21 2011, 19:47:06 UTC
Cloud, unfortunately, shook his head. "If you've found yourself here, that means your world has been swallowed by Darkness. There's nothing you can do right now but settle down here until something is figured out."

He wasn't sure how so many worlds at once could have been swallowed up and it was something he wanted to find Sora and talk to him about, Merlin too whenever they got back. It was simply disturbing and made him worry for his own world. It couldn't be swallowed up again, not on his watch.


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