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fightsforalice May 21 2011, 08:30:07 UTC
Oz for once had been unusually calm, or as calm as the young boy could be about the whole thing. He had already been given his communicator and was now on the look out for Alice, or anyone that he knew at least. So far this had been rather uneventful and this place was HUGE! But this didn't stop the young boy from trying at least.

The boy didn't show his emotions of how he felt right now, it wasn't the time for that, instead he ended up sitting outside a shop, out of breath from running around for a good while as he started to stare at what he had been given.

Was his friends here? Had they come to? These were questions that he didn't know, and he wanted to find out. Though while sitting down his questions were going to be answered.

Hearing some yelling from a voice he recognized, so he looked up and spotted the person he had been with before coming here.

"Alice?!" He had shot up at that point, watching the poor Moogle behind her possibly trying to get her attention. Right now he was happy that at least someone he knew was here.

"Alice! I'm here!"


lostblackrabbit May 21 2011, 08:44:12 UTC
"I said away with you, rat thing! Unless you have food... or are food." Alice stopped and leered over her shoulder at her pray.

"KUPO! N-no, Miss, I'm not at all tasty, I just want to help!"

"Help..." She knew that word and took on a less predatory stance to hear the creature out. The moogle looked relieved to have Alice finally listening to it, but sadly her attention didn't stay on it for long. She had heard the voice of her servant and her attention was fully on locating him!

"OZ! You useless manservant, how dare you lose me!" She says angrily, despite the tears already forming in the corners of her eyes. She ran towards him and practically knocked the blond over in her enthusiasm.


fightsforalice May 21 2011, 08:59:17 UTC
Before he had a chance to admit he didn't leave her alone on purpose, he had been knocked over and hit the cobbles hard. All the young boy could do in this moment was wrapped his arms around her lightly and laugh.

"I'm sorry Alice, but I didn't do it on purpose. I woke up in a different place somehow."

He put on one of his usual smiles as he laid there for a moment, watching her as he did. he next apology had the laughing stop this time as he tried to slowly sit up, making sure she didn't fall over or anything.

"I'm really sorry for losing you, I'll try not to do it again, okay?"

He looked around for a moment, before spotting the Moogle was still here. "Ah, Alice I think this thing wanted to talk to you before you decided to knock me over like you did."


lostblackrabbit May 21 2011, 09:16:23 UTC
So he's noticed they're in a strange place to? That was good, she was starting to think she was the only one seeing this place.

The chain rest against her contract as he laughs off her assault, it was nice to be in familiar territory again. The last time she say him, she had wondered if she'd ever hear him laugh again.

"You better not..." She grumbled and whipped at her eyes with one hand as the other lightly clung to his vest.

"Huh?" She looks over to the exhausted looking moogle. "Oh, that fluffy thing again. It said something about... something."

'Kupo...' It sighed in exasperation. "I was trying to give you your ticket!"

"Ticket? Is that food?"


fightsforalice May 21 2011, 12:39:34 UTC
Oz put his hand to his ear, checking to see if this really wasn't a dream. When he looked and saw a tiny bit of blood, he knew it wasn't, after all he clearly remembered Alice biting him before ending up here and it hurt, it hurt as much as when she thought to bite him on the cheek.

Though when she asked about the ticket, Oz felt it was best to explain it to her before she decided that it really was food and eat it.

"Well, tickets are something you are given. Usually you can exchange it for something." His hands were firmly against the floor to keep himself seated up as he sat there, waiting for any signs of Alice possibly getting off him.


lostblackrabbit May 24 2011, 07:06:18 UTC
Nope, it didn't look like Alice had planned to stop using Oz as a chair. She instead tilted her head and watched as Oz reopened the small cut she had left on his ear. "Stop that..." She murmured and pushed his hand away.

"He's right, Kupo! This is your ticket to the Destiny Islands. You will be enrolled at the academy there, Kupo. But your gummiship doesn't leave until morning." It then pulled out two room keys. "Take these to the hotel over in the second district and they'll give you rooms to stay in for the night, Kupo."

The moogle also handed them two bags with some munny in them. "Welcome to Traverse twon! Enjoy your stay, Kupo!" It then started to float away.

"Traverse Town? What is that? I thought we were supposed to be a Sister Sharon's place." She frowned in confusion as he opened up her bag of munny. She took out one and sniffed it, then gave it a curious lick.


fightsforalice May 24 2011, 11:50:27 UTC
He smiled at her when she pushed his hand away. "Ah, sorry, just checking to see if this was a dream or not." Which he had come to the conclusion that this place was in fact, very, very real and they were stuck here for now.

When the Moogle had floated away, Oz couldn't help, but stare at everything they had been given. Well, it was a little too generous and it made him slightly wondering just what they were trying to do, but for now at least it was something and they didn't have to sleep outside.

"Alice, don't lick that. I don't even know what it is." He picked up the bags, not sure if he should let Alice carrying them, after all he knew about her habit of eating things that one shouldn't, god only knows what could happen if she did try and eat it.

"Once you get up, we will try and this this hotel the creature told us about, okay. We will rest for tonight, then try and find the others tomorrow."


lostblackrabbit May 27 2011, 23:54:34 UTC
Alice drops the munny piece back into the bag and stands up. She lets Oz carry the items, since...well she just didn't want to carry anything. That was servant work anyway. "I don't understand... Where are Sister Sharon, the Clown and Seaweed head?"

She offers her hand to help Oz to his feet.


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