Aug 10, 2009 17:31

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kink meme, mod

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Comments 6520

anonymous August 10 2009, 16:51:22 UTC
The Enterprise is a starship/brothel, owned by Pike and managed my Spock ( ... )


Deja vu? *blink* leaper182 August 10 2009, 17:10:20 UTC
Is this a repost? *curious*


Re: Deja vu? *blink* kirke_novak August 10 2009, 17:13:41 UTC
It is and it's from... 4 pages ago? 5? I've seen it very recently.


Was The OP, But Not The Reposter...If That Makes Any Sense anonymous August 10 2009, 19:14:21 UTC
I was the OP - posted in part 11. Don't know who reposted.

P.S - I love your icon.


shonen_key August 10 2009, 16:51:33 UTC
McCoy/Chekov - Miscarriage


shonen_key August 10 2009, 18:06:42 UTC
I love this prompt. I might have to work on this. It'll be a day or two, but I'm doing it.


Filled. truthwritaslies August 10 2009, 18:08:45 UTC
The sharp pain in his lower abdomen instantly woke Leonard from deep sleep. He waited to see if it would be repeated or if it was just a cramp. For a minute nothing happened but just as he was about to label it a cramp it came back worse ( ... )


Re: Filled NOT OP BUT LOVED IT geeky_ramblings August 10 2009, 19:42:08 UTC
I loved it. I need something happy after this. *sobs* I love the emotion in this, I can only hope they try again with happier results.


anonymous August 10 2009, 16:52:54 UTC

Various reactions from the crew when they realize the two are dating.


2jamie August 10 2009, 18:57:06 UTC
Someone please make this happen


Prompt filled (kinda) oddegg August 10 2009, 20:47:42 UTC
Ok, Bones knew that walking in on two of your shipmates (and superior officers at that) in a... well, lets just say a compromising position was probably a little embarrassing for the kid, but honestly - he'd never seen anyone go that red, then that white quite so quickly.
Pavel running into the doorframe and knocking himself out trying to get away was just overkill though. Even if the kid was a bit inexperienced, surely he'd seen porn before?

The Orion had been right behind Chekov. She'd peered in the door, looked down at the unconscious navigator, looked up over at Spock and Bones where they were still frozen in position and the grin she gave nearly split her face.
She hauled Chekov up and slung him over one shoulder. Before she closed the door she gave them a thumbs up and said
"Amazing flexibility there, Dr McCoy! Kudos!"

SuluBones looked at the specimen on his examination table ( ... )


Re: Prompt filled (kinda) alder_knight August 10 2009, 23:31:53 UTC


Chekov/Scotty - 12 Days of Christmas kirke_novak August 10 2009, 16:53:24 UTC
I waited with this since part 9! Seen this plot in several fandoms so it's ST's turn now.

12 days before Christmas Chekov starts to receive gifts ala 12 Days of Christmas (but not actual presents from the song, something ST related). He's utterly confused because he's Jewish.

Turns out it's Scotty trying to woo him.


Re: Chekov/Scotty - 12 Days of Christmas leaper182 August 10 2009, 17:10:43 UTC
*is ded of cute*


Re: Chekov/Scotty - 12 Days of Christmas kirke_novak August 10 2009, 17:26:48 UTC
On it.


Re: Chekov/Scotty - 12 Days of Christmas angelofcaffeine August 18 2009, 11:41:48 UTC
LOL this is a brilliant prompt. *Bookmarks*


Leverage repost anonymous August 10 2009, 16:54:20 UTC
I'm not the op on this but I saw this in a past part and as a huge Leverage fan would love to see this written but can't get their characters right.

"So, the new season of Leverage has started and now I want the team to meet up with the Enterprise crew. Nate and all end up on the Enterprise in whatever Star Trek fashion.

Parker crawling threw the Enterprise and dropping out of random ceilings
Parker confusing the hell out of Spock
Hardison hacking into the computers
Sofie pulling (or trying to pull) a con on someone
Eliot taking someone down
Nate sitting back and shaking his head

And go Anons, go"


Re: Leverage repost anonymous August 31 2010, 05:00:05 UTC
Now writing, thanks to prompting from a fellow Leverage fan. Should be up and around soon-ish. :D Depending on how long school interferes with me.


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