Aug 10, 2009 17:31

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kink meme, mod

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Prompt filled (kinda) oddegg August 10 2009, 20:47:42 UTC
Ok, Bones knew that walking in on two of your shipmates (and superior officers at that) in a... well, lets just say a compromising position was probably a little embarrassing for the kid, but honestly - he'd never seen anyone go that red, then that white quite so quickly.
Pavel running into the doorframe and knocking himself out trying to get away was just overkill though. Even if the kid was a bit inexperienced, surely he'd seen porn before?

The Orion had been right behind Chekov. She'd peered in the door, looked down at the unconscious navigator, looked up over at Spock and Bones where they were still frozen in position and the grin she gave nearly split her face.
She hauled Chekov up and slung him over one shoulder. Before she closed the door she gave them a thumbs up and said
"Amazing flexibility there, Dr McCoy! Kudos!"

Bones looked at the specimen on his examination table.
"A plant?"

Spock's voice was as bland as ever when he replied
"A gift from our pilot. I believe it is a miniature Terran rose"

Bones scratched his head and bent to look closer at the small, tightly curled petals, the tiny little thorns. The petite blooms were a soft, blush pink, deepening to red at the heart of the flowers. He looked back up at Spock
"But... why did Hikaru give you a plant?"

"Mr Sulu told me the gift was for us both. As a blessing on our relationship" Spock's lips pressed in slightly and he added in a dry tone "I would have believed him more sincere if he hadn't been laughing whilst he said it"

"Wait. What?"

Jim looked dazed. More so than the blow on the head he'd received planet-side would usually account for.

"You and Spock? Spock?! And you!?!"

Maybe picking this moment to clue Jim in on certain changes in his best friend's love life hadn't been the best idea.


Jim probably wasn't really in clinical shock but, what the hell; Bones jabbed a hypospray into his neck anyway.
He didn't like folk shouting in his medbay.

The engineer had blinked, looked puzzled for a moment, and then shrugged.
"Well, no ma cup of tea - prefer some big knockers or a nice throbbing warp core ma'self. But more power te ye, doc!"

And he'd clinked his glass of whiskey against Bones'

Her reaction had been the one Bones had been dreading, but in the end it was the one he was most glad of.
She'd looked a little taken aback, and had met Spock calm gaze for a long time, their eyes saying things to each other that Bones wasn't quite able to read. Then her smile had included both of them and she'd said quietly
"I wish you both every happiness. I'm glad for you both"

That smile had a slight edge of regret to it, but Bones could tell sincerity when he heard it.

The security officer looked over across the mess hall at the senior officers; Kirk still looking a bit freaked out at the joined hands of his CMO and First Officer, Chekov going red as a beet at something Gaila was whispering in his ear, Sulu obviously trying and failing not to smirk.
Cupcake rolled his eyes at his companion and said wearily
"Oh please... Like anyone could miss that one coming!"

Keenster nodded his agreement and snuck a couple of fries off Cupcake's plate.


Re: Prompt filled (kinda) alder_knight August 10 2009, 23:31:53 UTC


Re: Prompt filled (kinda) oddegg August 11 2009, 21:27:44 UTC
FLEXIBLE WIN AT THAT! \o/ *does a victory vaginas run through the Enterprise*


OP oddegg August 11 2009, 00:01:39 UTC
Love these, but Gaila's reaction was for the win.


Re: OP oddegg August 11 2009, 21:28:53 UTC
*G* Glad you liked it pet! (the more i read this meme, the more in love with Gaila i fall!)


Re: Prompt filled (kinda) syredronning August 16 2009, 01:53:06 UTC
Sweet and funny, and Gaila just rocks *G*


Re: Prompt filled (kinda) oddegg September 8 2009, 17:04:24 UTC
*G* It's what we ALL would have said! (well, the ones who didn't say 'Can I join in?' anyway)


Re: Prompt filled (kinda) the_sexypancake August 18 2009, 08:24:46 UTC
This was great. Of course Cupcake and Keenser know all.


Re: Prompt filled (kinda) secretsolitaire August 18 2009, 12:22:01 UTC
Hee! Cupcake and Keenser! ♥


Re: Prompt filled (kinda) szeretni August 23 2009, 11:31:40 UTC
Hahaha, so awesome! :D


Re: Prompt filled (kinda) oddegg September 4 2009, 21:20:22 UTC
Gaila, Kirk and Cupcake were my favorites but the whole thing was hilarious. (Keenster is a better name than Keenser too.) Loved.


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