Aug 10, 2009 17:31

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shonen_key August 10 2009, 16:51:33 UTC
McCoy/Chekov - Miscarriage


shonen_key August 10 2009, 18:06:42 UTC
I love this prompt. I might have to work on this. It'll be a day or two, but I'm doing it.


Filled. truthwritaslies August 10 2009, 18:08:45 UTC
The sharp pain in his lower abdomen instantly woke Leonard from deep sleep. He waited to see if it would be repeated or if it was just a cramp. For a minute nothing happened but just as he was about to label it a cramp it came back worse ( ... )


Re: Filled NOT OP BUT LOVED IT geeky_ramblings August 10 2009, 19:42:08 UTC
I loved it. I need something happy after this. *sobs* I love the emotion in this, I can only hope they try again with happier results.


Re: Filled. shonen_key August 11 2009, 04:00:08 UTC
Thank you for filling this prompt! ^^

At first I thought of choosing Chekov as the one who had the miscarriage, but then I just put that word only, thinking it'll be funny if the writer choose McCoy instead. And you did!

He lay with his head on Pavel's chest and counted the heartbeats his baby would never have.

Guh ;____;

Have some cookies?


Re: Filled. shonen_key August 12 2009, 19:12:13 UTC
Talk about turning the prompt on its head. I loved it!!!


Re: Filled. the_sexypancake August 18 2009, 08:20:26 UTC
Guh! So beautiful and sad. I was surprised when I first started reading this was McCoy was the one who was pregnant. I though Chekov would be the one having the miscarriage. Either way, I agree that we need something happier to follow this up. Like maybe they try again, or adopt or something. Or just have closure about the fact that it's not meant to be.


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