1. Vote for your favorite story. One vote per person, per category.
2. The story with the most votes, wins.
4. Winners will be announced here at the LJ community on or before May 5.
Rules: 1. Anonymous posts will not be accepted. 2. Votes are made in a response to this post or may be emailed to moste.potente.passions at gmail dot com. 3. All posts will be screened. 4. You may only vote once. No multiple posts! 5. You may vote for yourself.
You may cut and paste this form into an LJ post or an email:
Shrinking Solution: Best Drabble VOTE:
Hiccupping Solution: Best Drabble Series VOTE:
Invigoration Draught: Best Short VOTE:
Strengthening Solution: Best Mid-Length VOTE:
Calming Draught: Best Novel Length VOTE:
Everlasting Elixirs: Saga/Epic VOTE:
Amortentia: Best Romance VOTE:
Felix Felicis: Best Smut/PWP VOTE:
Agitation Elixir: Best Angst VOTE:
Scintillating Solution: Best Drama VOTE:
Hair-Raising Potion: Best Action Adventure VOTE:
Polyjuice Potion: Best A/U VOTE:
Euphoria Elixir: Best Humour VOTE:
Instant Darkness Powder: Best Dark Fic VOTE:
Draught of Peace: Best Fluff VOTE:
Still Simmering: Best WIP VOTE:
In Stasis: Best We Fear to be Abandoned VOTE:
Top Brewer: Best Author VOTE:
Potions Apprentice: Best New Author VOTE:
NOTE: We tried to use archives that require a log-in for mature stories.
Note to authors: If we are not using your preferred link, please let us know and we can change it! Thanks!
Please keep in mind, that some of these stories were first posted at sites other than the ones we've given here! We really did check to be sure they fall in the time frame. We're just giving the links that were most used during nominations or that the author prefers. :)
Please comment if any of the links are incorrect! :D Thanks!