(Put Me Back Together) Unwanted Visitor (19/?)

Jul 22, 2010 12:53

Title: Put Me Back Together
Part: Chapter 19: Unwanted Visitor
Author: Squeeka Cuomo
Rating: PG
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Kurt/Puck, Burt Hummel, Mercedes Jones, Finn Hudson, Quinn Fabray, Emma Pillsbury, Will Schuester, Tina Cohen-Chang, Artie Abrams, Rachel Berry, Santana Lopez, Brittany, Mike Chang, Matt Rutherford
Author’s Note: The title and opening quote for this fic come from the beautiful Weezer song, “Put Me Back Together.” You can find it here.
- I know there are tons of spoilers out for the upcoming episodes. Please don’t post them in the comments.
Warning: This takes place directly after “Sectionals.” Everything up to that point is considered fair game. There are spoilers if you haven’t seen the first 13 episodes.
Disclaimer: Not mine.
Summary: All it takes is one moment to break Kurt apart. How many will it take to put not only himself but Puck back together?

Put Me Back Together Chapter 19: Unwanted Visitor
Burt looked… exhausted, and it was only then that Kurt realized his dad must have been up most of the night watching over him. And now that he’d realized that, Kurt couldn’t help but notice the bags under his eyes and stubble on his chin. “We both did. You couldn’t do it yourself.”

“Please tell me…” Kurt couldn’t even say the words. Every last bit of him was filled with terror at what had happened, of what he couldn’t remember.

“He left the room when I changed your pants.” Burt was totally serious, and for that, Kurt was grateful. “And we only put that shirt on you, because it doesn’t have buttons.” His tired face looked apologetic. “All of your stuff has buttons or zippers or ties…”

Puck had seen him shirtless but not pantless. And given the situation, Kurt guessed that that was the best he could have hoped for.

And unable to say anything, Kurt just nodded. He knew what his wardrobe was like and what type of night clothes he owned. And all of the tops did, indeed, button up. But he really did not want to be wearing Puck’s ratty old t-shirt. Kurt would have rather gone shirtless than wake up in anything of Puck’s at that moment.

“You really wouldn’t have wanted to wake up in what you were wearing last night.” Burt was trying to be reassuring, but that comment only made Kurt feel worse, because if his dad was saying that…. Then the thought of what could have happened to his clothing was unbearable. So he chose not to wonder about what happened to them right then.

“But really, son,” Burt shifted on the stool, looking nervous and uncomfortable. “You should give that boy a chance to explain himself.” When Kurt’s mouth fell open, Burt held up one hand to keep him from interrupting. “If you don’t like what he has to say, fine. But at least give him a chance. That’s only fair.”

Burt sounded so sincere that Kurt couldn’t help but wonder what Puck had done the night before. Part of him was tempted to ask, but the larger, angrier part of him refused to. He didn’t want to sit there and listen to his dad go on and on about Puck holding back his hair as he puked or anything like that. Kurt just didn’t think he could handle that right then. (Or ever most likely.)

“So… Is that it?” Burt sat up a little straighter on the stool, obviously trying not to look too relieved or hopeful. “Is Puck the only problem?”

No, truthfully, Puck wasn’t the only problem. But Kurt found that at that moment, he was the only problem that mattered.

There was Mercedes and the chasm that was currently dividing them. But Kurt wasn’t too worried about that. He knew in his heart that they’d work through their issues in time. They always did.

And then, of course, there was Finn.

But in retrospect, Finn’s idiocy didn’t seem like such a big deal. Granted, that didn’t mean that Kurt forgave him or was ok with what he’d done. And he fully intended to steer clear of Finn in the future. But Kurt found that he wasn’t all that upset about it.

A month ago, Finn’s betrayal would have killed him. But now, there were other things that were so much more important to Kurt.

Of course, it still hurt that his first love had come and gone without so much as a first kiss. But that had everything to do with losing that first and nothing to do with Finn himself.

In addition to that, Kurt really didn’t want to broach the topic of first loves with his dad. Talking about his kiss with Puck had been difficult as it was. He knew that they’d talk about love and sex someday, but for now, they’d both had enough.

“Yeah,” Kurt shut his eyes as his head throbbed.

“Ok…” Burt’s voice trailed off, as if he was trying to gather his courage. “No more secrets, ok?” Kurt opened his eyes to find his dad staring at him with concern on his face. “I know that you’re sixteen and that you’re not gonna tell me everything.” Burt smiled a little as if remembering his own teenage years. “But the big stuff? I’m here for it, ok?”

Kurt felt the back of his throat tighten up, and rather than try to respond, he nodded his head. It hurt, oh did it hurt, but Kurt didn’t care. He just couldn’t bring himself to speak.

Across from him, Burt nodded as well before standing up. “Good.” It came out sounding choked, and Kurt could see his dad’s Adam’s Apple moving as if he was trying to swallow his own lump of emotion. “Now, you get some rest. I already called you in sick for the day.”

“Thank you.” His voice was thick and shaky, but a nod wouldn’t have been enough. Kurt wasn’t thanking his dad for letting him skip school, and they both knew it. But Burt didn’t push the matter, and for that Kurt was grateful.

“Oh. I almost forgot.” Burt looked down at his son, and there was touch of something in his eyes that hadn’t been there before. “You’re working full time in the shop this weekend. And I don’t mean on the phones.”

Kurt felt his mouth drop open. Normally, he didn’t mind working in the shop. In fact, he always kind of enjoyed it. After all, fixing cars was the only common ground he and his dad had managed to find before Kurt came out to him.

But Kurt had (had being the key word) decided to treat himself to a spa day complete with an anti-stress facial, seaweed wrap, massage and mani/pedi combo on Saturday. Sure… it was a major splurge. But Kurt could afford it. And more importantly, he needed it.

“I thought I had this weekend off?” Kurt didn’t think. He knew. But he also knew that picking a fight wasn’t going to help matters.

“You did. Until you decided to get drunk over something a boy said to you.” Burt stared at his son as if daring him to deny it. When Kurt didn’t say anything else, Burt moved the stool back to its place in front of the vanity. Before heading upstairs, he turned back to Kurt. “Just get some rest. And if you need anything, I’ll be upstairs. I took the day off.”

Kurt didn’t say anything, didn’t try to protest his dad’s punishment, because he knew that it was more than fair. That didn’t mean he liked it, but Kurt knew that, all things considered, it could have been much worse.

For instance, Burt could have taken away the Navigator again or frozen his wardrobe budget. Which, truth be told, would have been the worst possible punishment. All in all, Kurt knew he’d gotten off easy.

“Right, well…” Burt looked at Kurt for a few seconds before nodding a couple times. “I’ll check on you in a little while.” This time, he didn’t wait for a response. Instead, Burt turned around and headed back upstairs.

As Burt’s footsteps echoed through the front hallway, Kurt slid a little farther down into his bed even though he didn’t want to “get some rest.”

Or no…that wasn’t true.

Kurt very much wanted to rest, to sleep through the worst of his hangover. But more than that, he wanted to rid himself of the weight of Puck’s t-shirt. He wanted to take a shower and scrub away all of the sweat and scum of the night before.

But as much as Kurt yearned to wash away the remnants of the previous day’s pain, the bathroom was so far away, and his head was pounding painfully. And the idea of hauling himself out of bed and then standing up long enough to take a shower… Well, it wore Kurt out just thinking about it.

So even though he could barely stand to be in his own skin, Kurt sank back into his bed and just gave in…

Wrapped up in his plushest robe, Kurt sat on his couch, cell phone in hand. He’d just finished taking a shower and scrubbing off what felt like a week’s worth of grime. But even though he was finished cleaning up, Kurt hadn’t gotten dressed yet. The soft, clean cotton felt like Heaven against his shower-warmed skin, and he wanted to hold onto that feeling for as long as possible.

When he’d gotten out of the shower, Kurt had found his school bag, jacket, and cell phone on his couch. And the possibility of missed calls or texts had proven too much for him to resist. So despite the fact that he normally would rather wear a cotton poly blend than get his couch wet, Kurt had plopped down on the white cushion and picked up his phone.

The first thing he noticed when the tiny screen sprang to life was that his battery was almost dead. The second (third and fourth) was that he had twelve missed calls, five voice mail messages, and twenty-three texts.

Now, Kurt had expected a few missed calls and couple of texts, but he hadn’t expected anything like that.

Curious (and slightly nervous), Kurt decided to go through the texts first. The first one was from Puck, and it read, “I’m sorry. Let me explain.” The second was also from Puck, and it started out, “What I was trying to say-” Kurt didn’t want to read anymore. Instead, he deleted the message and the rest of the texts from Puck. He knew his dad had told him to give Puck a chance, but Kurt wasn’t in the mood for whatever Puck had to say.

Once Puck’s texts were gone, Kurt was left with just one text message and a low battery warning.

Rolling his eyes, Kurt cursed himself for not bringing his phone in the night before. But when he scanned the remaining text, which was from Mercedes, Kurt wished that the battery had died and that he hadn’t been able to check anything on it. The words on the tiny fluorescent screen felt like a slap in the face after the day before.

It read, “So… You never told me… Are you and Puck, like, a couple now or something? I won’t tell anyone. Promise!”

After reading the message, Kurt tossed his phone across the couch. It bounced on the white cushion before landing on the seat next to him, the screen still bearing Mercedes’ text. Kurt gave the tiny device a nasty look, and a second later the screen went black, the battery finally dead.

Kurt knew it was a coincidence, but for just a few minutes, he felt triumphant.

“Let me get this straight…” Burt paused, a look of confusion crossing his face. “If Puck, the boy who brought you home last night, the boy who stayed with you for hours, comes by…” He paused again, and Kurt squirmed a little under his searching gaze. “You don’t want to see him.”

“That’s right.” Kurt sounded falsely bright, which only caused his dad to look more confused.

“But Kurt, I thought we talked about this.” Now Burt looked slightly exasperated, as if their earlier conversation had been for nothing.

Kurt felt himself sag under his dad’s glare, the fake cheer gone. “Please, Dad. I’m just not ready to see him.”

Burt didn’t look happy, but he seemed to understand what his son was saying. “Ok. But just today. You gotta get this…” Burt gestured vaguely to Kurt, curled up on the couch, covered in his mom’s blanket and a 7-Up in hand. “Worked out.”

“I know.” Truth be told, Kurt didn’t have any plans to chase Puck down or listen to him. As far as Kurt was concerned, whatever they’d had going was a lie. Just one more way for Puck to torture him. And Kurt didn’t have any desire to inflict any more pain on himself.

Thankfully, Burt didn’t press the matter any further. Instead, he pursed his lips together and nodded as if he was satisfied with his son’s answer. The look made Kurt feel guilty about lying, but he just couldn’t bear the thought of facing Puck again. And the nausea and anger that Puck currently inspired in Kurt far outweighed the guilt Kurt felt for lying. At least this way, hid dad would think he’d helped. Which, he did. But Kurt just didn’t agree with his advice.

No matter how great Puck had been the night before.

“So, you hungry?” Burt shoved his hands into his pockets as he looked at Kurt. “It’s seven thirty, and you haven’t eaten yet.”

At the mention of food, Kurt’s stomach lurched feebly right before giving a tiny growl. It was almost as if his stomach was at war with itself. And Kurt felt like he was just as torn. Yes, he was hungry, but he also still felt a little queasy. “Umh…”

“I can order you a salad from Uncle Mike’s.” A small smile crossed Burt’s face, and Kurt wondered if he was remembering the day Uncle Mike had revealed his new menu, complete with three brand new salads - one of which had been named The Kurt. (Later, after much protesting on Kurt’s part, it had been renamed Strawberry Fields.)

The addition of salads to Uncle Mike’s menu had been a birthday present to Kurt from his uncle, and he’d love it. It meant that if his dad wanted to go and hang out at the pizzeria to watch a game, Kurt could go along for dinner (not the game of course) and not have to eat pizza or a burger. It had been the perfect gift considering how often his dad wanted to hang out with Mike.

“That would be great.” If he could keep it down that was. Kurt was feeling better but not great. He was still a little sick to his stomach, and his headache was far from gone. But he no longer felt like death warmed over, and that was a vast improvement.

“Ok. I’ll go get dinner ordered.” Burt didn’t wait for a response. Instead, he turned around and headed back upstairs.

Half an hour later, Burt came back down into the basement, a brown bag in one hand, a can of Coke in the other, and two trays were stuck under his arm. Flipping off the TV, Kurt thought about asking why he hadn’t stacked everything on the trays and carried it that way. But he didn’t. Instead, Kurt just stared in wide-eyed amazement as his dad plopped down on the couch next to him. It wasn’t uncommon for them to eat together, but his dad never came down and hung out in the basement with him.

“Look, Kurt…” Burt had obviously noticed the shocked expression on his son’s face. “I know we don’t really spend much time together. And I know we work together at the shop and eat dinner together.” He placed the sack of food on the small coffee table in front of the couch. “But after what happened, I think we should make it a point to check in with each other more.”

“Umh, ok.” Kurt shifted over on the couch to make room. He understood what his dad was saying, but it still seemed weird. He, however, wasn’t about to argue, because as odd as it was, it was also kind of… comforting. Having his dad there, taking care of him… It just felt so surreal. And Kurt didn’t think that, after sixteen years of awkwardness between them, he’d ever be able to get enough of their newfound camaraderie.

Burt opened the bag and pulled out a burger and fries, which he placed on one of the trays. “Good. Now…” He paused for a second as he pulled the salad and dressing packets out of the bag and placed them on the other tray. “What are we watching?”

When Burt passed Kurt his tray, Kurt noticed a hint of worry in his dad’s smile. And he knew it was because he was worried about what he was going to have to sit through. Part of Kurt wanted to say something like, Project Runway or Desperate Housewives, simply to see how his dad would react. But he decided not to, because he was worried it might ruin the moment. So, instead, he flipped the television back on as he said, “White Christmas.” Kurt knew that, since it was only November, it was too early for Christmas movies. But he loved it, and it was showing on AMC, so he’d left it on.

The look of worry on Burt’s face disappeared, giving way to a soft smile. “Your mother loved that movie. You used to watch it with her all the time. Even in July.”

“Well, the brilliance of Bing Crosby, Rosemary Clooney, Danny Kaye, and Vera-Ellen know no season.” Popping the lid off of his salad, Kurt smiled at his dad, Even though the memories were fuzzy, he could still recall singing along with his mom and Rosemary. Those were some of the best memories he had of his mother.

“She felt the same way.” For a second, they both looked at each other, sharing a memory of a long gone past. It was peaceful and comforting, and Kurt would have given anything to hold onto it. But the subtle ding-dong of the doorbell pulled Burt’s attention away.

“I…” It was obvious from the tone of Burt’s voice that he had been just as involved in the moment as Kurt. And he was also just as upset that it was over. “I’ll get that.” Burt set his tray down and ran to get upstairs to the door.

While he waited, Kurt tore open the packet of strawberry vinaigrette dressing and drizzled it over the leafy green salad. Setting the empty plastic packet aside, he picked up one of the chunks of strawberries and popped it into his mouth. Cautiously, he bit into it and began chewing experimentally, concentrating on how his stomach reacted.

But just as Kurt swallowed, he heard his dad’s voice echo down from upstairs. “No, sorry, Puck. He isn’t really feeling up for visitors right now.”

Instantly, Kurt lost whatever appetite he had.

And as Rosemary began to sing, he also changed his mind about which song he was going to sing for Mr. Schuester’s Free For All tomorrow.

Squeeka Cuomo’s Notes
- The title and opening quote for this fic come from the beautiful Weezer song, “Put Me Back Together.” You can find it here.
- I keep trying to think of new and exciting ways to say how thankful I am for everyone’s support. Unfortunately, nothing ever seems to be new or exciting enough. And more than that, nothing ever seems to convey just how very thankful I really am. So, I say to all of you, simply and humbly… Thank you.
- Quack: Forget being an awesome beta. You’re an awesome person and friend. And that’s so much better than being good with the commas. :duck:
- Reviews are love.

Put Me Back Together
Chapter 1: Kiss Me Goodbye
Chapter 2: Of Soirees and Sarongs
Chapter 3: Not So Subtle
Chapter 4: Late Arrivals
Chapter 5: Breaking Point
Chapter 6: Empty Hallway
Chapter 7: Cleaning up the Mess
Chapter 8: Dirty Laundry
Chapter 9: Gossip Mongers
Chapter 10: Just Breathe
Chapter 11: Damon Salvatore vs. Dexter Morgan
Chapter 12: Cloudy - Chance of Tension
Chapter 13: Pocket Squares
Chapter 14: All Apologies
Chapter 15: The “F” Word
Chapter 16: I’ve Come Undone
Chapter 17: Not So Blissfully Numb
Chapter 18: Drunken Lullabies

(character) will schuester, (character) rachel berry, (character) artie abrams, (character) santana lopez, (chaptered fic) put me back together, (fandom) glee, (ship) kurt/puck, (character) matt rutherford, (character) finn hudson, (character) kurt hummel, (character) noah "puck" puckerman, (character) mike chang, (author) squeeka, (character) quinn fabray, (character) emma pillsbury, (character) brittany s. pierce, (character) mercedes jones, (character) burt hummel, (character) tina cohen-chang

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