Earth Magic

Sep 10, 2008 15:58

Users:Anyone who wants to join.
Time:Late afternoon, after class.
Location:Near the lake, just outside the Forbidden Forest ( Read more... )

❧pallas olbers, ❧rangiku matsumoto, ❧aang, ❧toph bei fong, ❧seifer almasy

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Comments 49

avis_elemental September 10 2008, 21:19:06 UTC
Aang had been wandering the grounds after his classes had finished. He always hated hanging around in the castle for hours, he was much more suited to the outdoors anyway.

He had just begun to make his way around the lake when he spotted someone practicing magic. He stopped short and watched as the girl called out an incantation, and shortly after a large rock shattered a tree into mere splinters. "Woah! That was so cool!"


blindearthgirl September 10 2008, 21:26:01 UTC
Toph whirled around at the voice. Now that she had heard his voice, she noticed that she felt his presence through her feet. She was so focused on her magic and the boy had stepped so lightly that she hadn't noticed him.

Despite being startled, she grinned and replied to the boy's comment. "I made that one myself. I'm also working on another one too. Wanna see it?"


avis_elemental September 10 2008, 21:29:42 UTC
"Yeah!" Aang replied eagerly, practically scurrying over to stand closer to the girl. "You made that last one you're self? That was cool! What's it called?"

Aang was always really interested in new spells, especially when they involved the elements like that last one seemed to. All in all, he looked like an eager little puppy at the prospect of witnessing a new spell.


blindearthgirl September 10 2008, 21:35:14 UTC
"I don't have a name for it yet. I don't have a name for my other spell either." Toph felt the boy come closer to her. "You might want to stand back for the next spell." Letting the boy move out of the way, Toph raised her wand. "Terra Domus!" The ground in front of her was torn up and formed a fairly large dome to form over her head. She had to move out of the way however, because she was still working on mastering this particular spell, and the dome collapsed in a heap of rock and dust. "I still haven't gotten a hang of that one," she said with a shrug.


puppetpallas September 10 2008, 22:44:59 UTC
PallaPalla walked slowly along the water, wearing a black hat and cape, and carrying a doll in each hand. Her footsteps were light, as she often bounced when she walked. She'd come outside to get away from the school for a little bit, because it was unlikely she'd run into Larxene outside, and she didn't think she could face her with a straight face yet.

"'Mr. Sparkles was my true love!' 'Well, he's dead now... why not marry me?' 'Really? Oh my...' 'Oh yes...' 'Oh no!' 'Oh yes!'...." Pallas stopped, looking ahead at the two people. She'd seen them around, but didn't really care who they were. Maybe she could talk to them. She was bored. Mr. Sparkles' brother was boring her, anyway.

The blue-haired girl stopped and waved, "Hello!"


blindearthgirl September 10 2008, 23:05:36 UTC
Toph turned to face the new arrival. She could feel that she was carrying something soft in each hand. Something like dolls. "Who are you?"


avis_elemental September 10 2008, 23:12:02 UTC
Aang jumped and turned, grinning as he spotted the new arrival. "Hello!" He called out. He waved in greeting, hoping to make the girl feel welcome with the little impromptu twosome he and Toph made.


puppetpallas September 10 2008, 23:21:09 UTC
"PallaPalla is PallaPalla," she replied, grinning the whole time. She held up the each of the dolls, and introduced them as well. "This is Mrs. Sparkles, "Hello!' and this is Mr. Glitters. 'Hello!'"

The small girl took a few more steps forward, until she was just a few feet away, and remained there, casting a curious glance at the two. "Who are you?"


Earth (and Spirit) Bending tipofagunblade September 11 2008, 00:23:10 UTC
With his back to one of the trees in the distance, Seifer ignored the others around and 4watched as Toph directed her energy about and tearing the trees near her into shredded pulp. It was reassuring to know that there was someone as dedicated to improving their skills as him. Even in his moments of extreme anger that he threw around earlier, he found a calm in watching the intensity of Toph's training. In hopes of not getting completely trashed by flying debris, he wofted his coat out while walking back into the Forbidden Forest. He hoped Toph had seen him...he planned on working on his own skills fairly soon.


Re: Earth (and Spirit) Bending blindearthgirl September 11 2008, 00:28:30 UTC
Toph felt those foot steps. Those annoying footsteps that seemed to follow her from time to time. Wanting to get Seifer's attention, Toph used her spell. "Terra Exertus!" She sent another boulder flying through the air, and knew that it landed just inches in front of the older student. Ignoring her new friends and their lesson, she ran up to confront the Slytherin.


avis_elemental September 11 2008, 00:36:51 UTC
Aang practically flailed as Toph went stomping off after an older looking student. This didn't seem good. "I-I'm sorry PallaPalla I think something is going on." He said before running after Toph. PallaPalla was welcome to follow, of course, but he was more worried about catching up to Toph than he was about letting the other girl know that.


puppetpallas September 11 2008, 00:53:53 UTC
The blue-haired girl tilted her head and watched the other girl run away, and then the boy she'd seen in classes before. What was so interesting about Seifer, anyway, she thought to herself. She knew who he was, being in the same house, and having somewhat of a reputation. She generally didn't say much to him, because he was a bit intimidating.

PallaPalla was sad, though, because there was no one left except Mr. Glitters, and he was a douche bag anyway. The young Slytherin girl picked up her rolls and walked briskly after the other two. Maybe something interesting would happen, like a fight.


bring_me_sake September 11 2008, 17:10:30 UTC
Some distance away, Rangiku watched with interest.

"This is why we should have duelling classes," she mused softly. The spell Toph was using was impressive. She wanted to learn it. Shaking her head, she went to continue, but paused as she watched a boulder fly towards Seifer.
Glancing around, she sat down, happy to watch from a distance for now.


avis_elemental September 12 2008, 01:58:03 UTC
Aang had grown increasingly worried as the confrontation between Toph and the older student continued. He was hoping it wouldn't escalate into violence, but he would be quick to be on Toph's side if need be. The only current relief was the fact that he had just spotted a professor not too far away.

If things got too out of hand, certainly she would step in....right?


puppetpallas September 12 2008, 03:27:52 UTC
Why did he look at her? What was he saying to the weird Toph girl? Pallas was confused! She just kept walking, though, following Aang like a lost little puppy. This had better turn into something interesting soon, or she'd be very disappointed. She, too, spotted the professor out in the periphery of her vision, but didn't make any effort to look directly at her yet.


tipofagunblade September 12 2008, 16:14:10 UTC
Seifer almost drew back with the aggressiveness of Toph. Then again, he didn't really know her as well as he thought. "Don't mean to be creepy. I think of myself as more scary or intimidating. Besides, if you think I'm going to fight a girl who knows the earth too well on foot, you'd be mistaken ( ... )


puppetpallas September 15 2008, 22:28:23 UTC
"What. are. you. looking. at?"

Pallas looked at him, tilting her head a little. She was a bit surprised, somewhat scared, but not really showing it. The blue-haired girl simply blinked and tilted her head a little. "Can I learn to use a sword, too?"


tipofagunblade September 15 2008, 22:40:05 UTC
Seifer drew back again during the most surprising day he's ever had at Hogwarts. This little blue girl he was attempting to intimidate for sticking her nose in his business was asking for permission to join him in the business that was not even hers. After shaking off the surprise, he gained his stern face again and yelled, "OH, so after you eavesdrop on my conversation that you had NO part of (the echoes of him yelling NO cleared across the lake), you come up to me and ask for FUCKING SWORD LESSONS?!"


puppetpallas September 15 2008, 22:59:54 UTC
The small girl did finally react, and took a cautious step back. "Yes."

His breath smelled a little weird, she thought to herself, scrunching up her face just a bit. Pallas opened her mouth, intending to comment on the breath issue, but thought better of it and simply saluted him. "You were loud."


tipofagunblade September 15 2008, 23:15:49 UTC

"And for good reason. And don't salute...

because you've got spunk and you're somewhat entitled as a Slytherin, I might be able to help you out. But, you have to follow my every rule, order, and direction or your lessons end. If you tell anyone besides Toph and myself about these sword lessons, your ass will get tossed out. Finally, you owe me a favor. I'm not talking a hold-the-door or clean-your-room kind of favor. Just make sure you have the conscience to remember it. Do we have a deal?"


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