Earth Magic

Sep 10, 2008 15:58

Users:Anyone who wants to join.
Time:Late afternoon, after class.
Location:Near the lake, just outside the Forbidden Forest ( Read more... )

❧pallas olbers, ❧rangiku matsumoto, ❧aang, ❧toph bei fong, ❧seifer almasy

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puppetpallas September 10 2008, 22:44:59 UTC
PallaPalla walked slowly along the water, wearing a black hat and cape, and carrying a doll in each hand. Her footsteps were light, as she often bounced when she walked. She'd come outside to get away from the school for a little bit, because it was unlikely she'd run into Larxene outside, and she didn't think she could face her with a straight face yet.

"'Mr. Sparkles was my true love!' 'Well, he's dead now... why not marry me?' 'Really? Oh my...' 'Oh yes...' 'Oh no!' 'Oh yes!'...." Pallas stopped, looking ahead at the two people. She'd seen them around, but didn't really care who they were. Maybe she could talk to them. She was bored. Mr. Sparkles' brother was boring her, anyway.

The blue-haired girl stopped and waved, "Hello!"


blindearthgirl September 10 2008, 23:05:36 UTC
Toph turned to face the new arrival. She could feel that she was carrying something soft in each hand. Something like dolls. "Who are you?"


avis_elemental September 10 2008, 23:12:02 UTC
Aang jumped and turned, grinning as he spotted the new arrival. "Hello!" He called out. He waved in greeting, hoping to make the girl feel welcome with the little impromptu twosome he and Toph made.


puppetpallas September 10 2008, 23:21:09 UTC
"PallaPalla is PallaPalla," she replied, grinning the whole time. She held up the each of the dolls, and introduced them as well. "This is Mrs. Sparkles, "Hello!' and this is Mr. Glitters. 'Hello!'"

The small girl took a few more steps forward, until she was just a few feet away, and remained there, casting a curious glance at the two. "Who are you?"


blindearthgirl September 10 2008, 23:24:04 UTC
Toph was really annoyed by the way the girl talked. It didn't help that she introduced her dolls as if they were people. Instead of answering her question, Toph went off on her own tangent. "You're really weird."


avis_elemental September 10 2008, 23:27:16 UTC
Aang gave a slightly worried glance towards Toph at her reaction to PallaPalla's introduction. Toph didn't seem very fond of the girl.

"Nice to meet you PallaPalla, Mrs.Sparkles, and Mr.Glitters. I'm Aang! And this here is Toph."


puppetpallas September 10 2008, 23:30:10 UTC
She was weird. People told her this often. Why did this girl have to repeat it. PallaPalla was a little annoyed. She narrowed her eyes a little, but brightened back up when Aang spoke.

"Hello Aang! Hello Toph! Why are Toph and Aang standing around by the lake?"


blindearthgirl September 10 2008, 23:35:00 UTC
"I was practicing the spells I developed. Do you want me to show you?" Toph grinned smugly as she relied to PallaPalla. She didn't really like her, but she did like to brag, and she did whenever the opportunity presented itself. "I could teach them to you too. I know Twinkletoes was interested."


avis_elemental September 10 2008, 23:39:42 UTC
"Do you have to call me Twinkletoes?" Aang grumbled under his breath, a bit put out by the nickname. He brightened up quickly enough though, so as not to seem so downcast to PallaPalla.

"The spells are really cool! It'd be fun to learn them!"


puppetpallas September 10 2008, 23:46:07 UTC
"Yay!" Pallas jumped up and down, clapping her hands together... well, trying to.. The dolls hit each other, instead, the head falling off of one of them and plopping on the ground.

"... Mrs. Sparkles can join her husband, now. It's for the best." The girl spoke plainly, and shrugged before leaning over to pick up the head. Her expression brightened quickly. "PallaPalla likes to learn new things!"


blindearthgirl September 10 2008, 23:53:38 UTC
"Alright then. Lets start with this. Terra Exertus!" Once again, a large rock was pulled from the ground, and not having a decent target, Toph threw it in the lake. Toph could tell that the splash was pretty big too, even though she didn't feel the impact. The splash was loud, and after a second or two, she could feel some mist from it being carried on the wind. "How was that?"


avis_elemental September 11 2008, 00:10:44 UTC
Aang watched with amazement as a huge wave lifted in the lake and crashed back down soon after. It was amazing that a spell could lift a such a large amount of rock and throw it that far of a distance.

"Let me try!" He volunteered. He pulled out his wand and did his best to imitate Toph as he recited the spell. "Terra Exertus!" Unfortunately for him, he only managed to pull out a large stone rather than a large boulder as Toph had done.


puppetpallas September 11 2008, 00:23:31 UTC
PallaPalla simply watched the chuck of earth fly into the lake with her mouth wide open. The waves.. the waves it made. It flew! A huge rock! Pallas was rather impressed by the blind girl.

"Wow! PallaPalla is impressed!" She grinned, turning to watch Aang. His stance wasn't quite the same, she noticed, but his inflection seemed correct. She laughed at the small size of the result.

Without a second thought, the dolls were dropped onto the ground and her wand was now in her hand. "PallaPalla will try!" She mimicked the movement and inflection precisely. "Terra Exertus!" The result, though, was smaller than Aang's attempt. She frowned and flung it to the ground. Stupid spell.


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