Class Log

Mar 22, 2010 17:56


How this will work, is that professors who wish to hold an OOC log post a thread for each year of their classes, labeled with the year and class. Then, students reply and we carry out one of our OOC logs. For examples of how our OOC logs are carried out, please go hereIf you find that events are carried out in the ( Read more... )

grell sutcliffe, ❧hikaru sulu, ❧tsunade senju, !ooc log, ❧namine snow, !open, ❧cynthia brighton, ❧cloud.strife, ❧jean twist, ❧oc - dionysus drake, ❧renji abarai, ❧ruby carmine, szayel aporro granz, ❧hatori sohma, ❧sachiko ogasawara, ❧luxord holmes, ❧galatea godeye, ❧cereza bayonetta, xigbar strelka, catty turner, ❧sasuke uchiha, ❧nigel thornberry, !class, angelina durless barnett, ❧argent sicarius, yoichi hiruma, squall leonhart, ❧komachi mikumari, ❧sharpay evans, ❧leia organa solo, alyss heart, ❧hades pantheon, ❧cree winters, ❧tidus ascalon, ❧rangiku matsumoto, ❧kazumi asakura, sakura haruno

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Comments 324

History of Magic youdontgotdbuns March 23 2010, 01:46:26 UTC
Both classes are in the Library! Let's see what the older students can do with their ~research skills~


Sixth Year youdontgotdbuns March 23 2010, 02:01:17 UTC
Leia gives an extra minute for late students to make it to the library, and then splits the class in half with absolutely no mind for House or any other distinctions. Today you're looking at the historical context of the International Statute of Secrecy. One group is assigned to take the position of those FOR the Statute, the other is to take the position of those AGAINST it. She'll give a basic overview of what the Statute is, how it came into being and namedrop some useful references if students are sneaky enough to notice them, and then send the groups off to do research on their respective positions. This lesson is just for research - next lesson, the groups will have to present their findings to the other half of the class.

Leia is open for questions at any time~ No slacking off now 8|b


ya_ha_hiruma March 23 2010, 18:10:34 UTC
Hiruma catches the references she drops, but has no desire of actually accomplishing anything today. Why bother with it, when it isn't even due until the next class. He does however make a mental note of which group he's in before promptly researching other things, more interesting things.

Occasionally he flashes a sinister and smirky grin to his fellow group members that is sure to make them leery.


heyo impassive_eyes March 23 2010, 20:22:36 UTC
Sasuke's in the group arguing against the Statute, which is dumb because he's for it anyway. Why can't he swap groups? This is dumb. He researches some of the namedrops just to get something done, though.

He rolls his eyes at Hiruma's creepy grinning. Amateurs.


Care of Magical Creatures ohhowsmashing March 23 2010, 03:13:30 UTC
Classes are outside for an exciting first hand experience! After all, everyone should get a good look at the wonders of nature~


Years 1-2 ohhowsmashing March 23 2010, 03:24:32 UTC
Let's start off with something simple. Beginning students get off a little easier. The task at hand is to observe the basking habits of domestic salamanders. These little lizards are still juveniles, so they are mostly harmless. Of course, Nigel has a lengthy lecture on the use of salamander skin and how they are very important creatures. Students get to help these little guys out by taking them some hot coals from the nearby fire. Just watch you don't get burned! 8D

Questions are always welcome, as long as you don't mind a smashing tl;dr in the answer!


no_souls_here March 23 2010, 18:44:01 UTC
Ciel looks completely bored and longingly towards the door failing to see the merit in learning about these creatures. He also gives the assignment a flat expression. Transporting hot coals should be a task reserved for ones butler, not one's self.


cryptidwizard March 23 2010, 19:38:22 UTC
Zak is having fun, running around with the coals but, for once, not being too reckless. He is already planning on keeping one of the salamanders to take back with him if he can get away with it. [He can't.]

He would like to know, however, if people actually kill the salamanders for their skin. Because if so, that would totally not be okay. D8


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no_souls_here March 23 2010, 18:46:25 UTC
Transfiguration is not one of Ciel's strengths. He eyes the cup wishing it was a hot cup of tea instead. His eye sweeps the room to see if anyone else has already completed the task or not hoping to glean some quick tips as to how to proceed.


cryptidwizard March 23 2010, 21:55:27 UTC
Although Zak would actually be pretty happy to turn the water into bugs, he casts the correct incantation. The new substance in his goblet is a little gooey and seems to be congealing, but it is still a liquid. This is much better than Charms.

He eyes Ciel looking around. Could the genius actually be having some trouble?


History of Magic, years 1-5 whoaismyhairout March 23 2010, 04:28:14 UTC
Hopefully this time it will not end in tears...


First and Second Year whoaismyhairout March 23 2010, 04:30:55 UTC

And no, Hades is most definitely not combining the classes because he's a lazy jerk. Not at all. He just wants you guys to have ~*~fun~*~

Your assignment for today is to recreate the battle of Lenshenscireopolis through the use of something creative. Like a diarama. Kids love diaramas, right? Anyways, it was a Very Important Battle and Hades expects you to know all about it despite the fact that it might not have actually happened.

Have fun.

Oh yeah, and it's worth a quarter of your grade.


cryptidwizard March 23 2010, 05:14:27 UTC
Well, if Zak wasn't convinced before that the entire class system was specifically designed so he would fail, he believes it now.

He is just going to give you this horrified look until Hades takes it back.


seeks_beauty March 23 2010, 21:05:31 UTC
Ruby is so excited because he's going to show off his artistic skill!

He somehow ropes Zak into helping him plan costumes for reenacting the battle. Keep in mind, Ruby has no idea what this battle is about or when/where/why it occurred. This doesn't stop him from designing the most badass-looking costumes ever created.


Health and Healing Magic, years 6&7 no_sevens March 23 2010, 04:40:12 UTC
Time to nut up or shut up.



Year 6 no_sevens March 23 2010, 04:45:02 UTC
Students will enter Tsunade's classroom and see a simple bamboo mat where their seats usually are.

Today they're going to be learning about the effects of meditation as well as the importance of mental health and stability. Tsunade will lead them in stress-relief techniques and, once they've relaxed, will show them how to better focus their magical energies through meditation.


Re: Year 6 battle_in_bloom March 23 2010, 07:44:12 UTC
Sakura's early to class as always (JUST IN CASE). She is possibly slightly disappointed that they will not be learning SUPERHEALINGPOWARS because she never gets stressed, ever, but she hides it pretty quickly and sits cross-legged on the mat waiting for the class to begin.


Re: Year 6 no_sevens March 23 2010, 22:13:10 UTC
Tsunade gives a nod to Sakura of acknowledgement and something that looks dangerously close to a smile before she instructs Sakura to take a long, deep breath and to close her eyes. She asks for Sakura to open them once she feels her breathing is regulated and even.


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