Class Log

Mar 22, 2010 17:56


How this will work, is that professors who wish to hold an OOC log post a thread for each year of their classes, labeled with the year and class. Then, students reply and we carry out one of our OOC logs. For examples of how our OOC logs are carried out, please go hereIf you find that events are carried out in the ( Read more... )

grell sutcliffe, ❧hikaru sulu, ❧tsunade senju, !ooc log, ❧namine snow, !open, ❧cynthia brighton, ❧cloud.strife, ❧jean twist, ❧oc - dionysus drake, ❧renji abarai, ❧ruby carmine, szayel aporro granz, ❧hatori sohma, ❧sachiko ogasawara, ❧luxord holmes, ❧galatea godeye, ❧cereza bayonetta, xigbar strelka, catty turner, ❧sasuke uchiha, ❧nigel thornberry, !class, angelina durless barnett, ❧argent sicarius, yoichi hiruma, squall leonhart, ❧komachi mikumari, ❧sharpay evans, ❧leia organa solo, alyss heart, ❧hades pantheon, ❧cree winters, ❧tidus ascalon, ❧rangiku matsumoto, ❧kazumi asakura, sakura haruno

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History of Magic youdontgotdbuns March 23 2010, 01:46:26 UTC
Both classes are in the Library! Let's see what the older students can do with their ~research skills~


Sixth Year youdontgotdbuns March 23 2010, 02:01:17 UTC
Leia gives an extra minute for late students to make it to the library, and then splits the class in half with absolutely no mind for House or any other distinctions. Today you're looking at the historical context of the International Statute of Secrecy. One group is assigned to take the position of those FOR the Statute, the other is to take the position of those AGAINST it. She'll give a basic overview of what the Statute is, how it came into being and namedrop some useful references if students are sneaky enough to notice them, and then send the groups off to do research on their respective positions. This lesson is just for research - next lesson, the groups will have to present their findings to the other half of the class.

Leia is open for questions at any time~ No slacking off now 8|b


ya_ha_hiruma March 23 2010, 18:10:34 UTC
Hiruma catches the references she drops, but has no desire of actually accomplishing anything today. Why bother with it, when it isn't even due until the next class. He does however make a mental note of which group he's in before promptly researching other things, more interesting things.

Occasionally he flashes a sinister and smirky grin to his fellow group members that is sure to make them leery.


heyo impassive_eyes March 23 2010, 20:22:36 UTC
Sasuke's in the group arguing against the Statute, which is dumb because he's for it anyway. Why can't he swap groups? This is dumb. He researches some of the namedrops just to get something done, though.

He rolls his eyes at Hiruma's creepy grinning. Amateurs.


ya_ha_hiruma March 25 2010, 15:53:47 UTC
Hiruma is actually not for the statute, and will have no trouble arguing the point. It's ridiculous for an entire society of people to live in hiding for all their natural life. Negative backlash from muggles would be enivitable but nothing is going to change by allowing everyone else to live in ignorance.Plus, it's a new era since when the statute was even inducted.

Barely even notes Sasuke's presence. Though... the boy might be good at sports....


impassive_eyes March 27 2010, 22:41:26 UTC
Sasuke certainly does NOT look lean or naturally athletic or move with an unconscious grace that comes from years of martial arts, nope. Not at all. No sir. crap -


ya_ha_hiruma March 28 2010, 16:51:37 UTC
Sasuke is Hiruma's new victim BEST FRIEND! Under the guise of completing this assignment he approaches the boy, looking a bit too enthusiastic.


youdontgotdbuns March 24 2010, 19:03:21 UTC
Your non-history related text just closed itself and flew back onto the shelf, Hiruma.


ya_ha_hiruma March 25 2010, 15:43:09 UTC
Not an unexpected outcome. Oh yes, this was going to be a long, dull class.

Fine. Gets a few of the selected readings, flips through them, and that's it.


Seventh Year youdontgotdbuns March 23 2010, 02:26:58 UTC
Similar to Sixth year, Leia splits you all into groups, except this time you're studying the historical context of the Non-Being Rebellion of 1736 that resulted in some races such as Wookiees and Mermaids being granted Being status while other races such as Trolls were denied Being status. The groups you're split into are Wizards and Witches Against the Rebellion, Witches and Wizards Supporting the Rebellion, Wookiees (part of the rebellion), Mermaids (part of the rebellion), Trolls (part of the rebellion) and Centaurs (neutral). Students have already spent a week on this subject because I said so, and groups have today to use the library for research and compile enough information to present their groups position to the class tomorrow.

Leia is open for questions at any time. WORK HARD KIDS.


chairisinpark March 24 2010, 05:16:27 UTC
Yeah, Sulu is sitting at a table, but he's got so many stacks of books around him that it's hard to see him. He's got ink smeared on his cheek and his quill just broke. He hates his life a little bit right now.


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chairisinpark March 25 2010, 00:27:45 UTC
Sulu will say thank you, because yay, working quill! He'll offer Dionysus a chair, and probably mention that he's nowhere near finished and how does Professor Solo figure on them getting through all this work in time for the deadline.


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chairisinpark March 25 2010, 01:44:29 UTC
Sulu will grumble that Professor Solo can keep her good faith to herself if it means they have less work, but he means that in the nicest possible way.

Yeah, Sulu scrubs at his face and now there's ink everywhere. And he'll ask if it's off, because he trusts you, Dionysus. You going to break that trust?


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