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Comments 61

First and Second Years slitherouter November 3 2009, 19:33:30 UTC
Howl looked at all the younger children and smiled. "Today we will be starting with spell basics. Some of you may know this already, but it is an essentially part of theory. Several things are needed in order to create a spell to begin with. Can anyone tell me what one of things things are?"


Re: First and Second Years seeks_beauty November 3 2009, 20:20:54 UTC
Ruby glanced around. Not many of the first years seemed to be willing to volunteer any answers right off the bat.

He didn't really like the idea of answering the first question (what if he got branded as the smart one? He'd never be able to slack off if he wanted to!), but on the other hand, the allure of the spotlight called to him. Inevitably, Ruby's hand rose into the air.

"An incantation?" he suggested.


Re: First and Second Years blindearthgirl November 3 2009, 22:36:54 UTC
Toph had walked into class, not very excited that this particular professor had returned to torment her. Why the headmaster made this a required class was beyond her. She had already come up with two spells on her own. It had taken a lot of work and practice, but she had a very good grasp on them now, and she was even thinking of other spells she could come up with.

Ignoring the class, she let the little first year answer the question, and leaned back in her seat to plop her bare, grime covered feet on her desk.


Re: First and Second Years no_souls_here November 3 2009, 23:41:14 UTC
Not sharing in the instructor's enthusiasm, Ciel remained silent from his vantage point. Patience wasn't always his strong suit. Ideally, the professor would just skip the question and answer bit and just get down to the material. Ciel had both elbows propped on the table, hands clasped together, looking more than a little bored.


Third and Fourth Years slitherouter November 3 2009, 19:34:15 UTC
From his position, Howl holds up his wands. "As you should all know by now, wands are incredibly important in spell casting. While some magic can performed without it's aid, it is next to impossible to get to such a point without first knowing the basics. Now, why exactly are wands so important?"


Re: Third and Fourth Years icyprodigy November 4 2009, 01:07:43 UTC
Toshiro resented the idea of being sorted by years. In his opinion, the talent and work ethic of a student was what dictated their learning, not their age. Of course, this might have stemmed from his years of being acknowledged as "short" and "cute" rather than being taken seriously.

He raised his hand in response to Professor Pendragon's question. "Wands channel and enhance the spells made by the caster by their materials and by their connection with their owner."


Re: Third and Fourth Years slitherouter November 4 2009, 02:25:46 UTC
The Professor tried bit back a chuckle at the student's seriousness, "I couldn't have asked for a better answer. Thank you, Hitsugaya." To the rest of the room he continued, "While it is possible to perform without a wand, they are incredibly important for this reason. Without a wand to direct a spell, problems can occur, as I'm sure many of you discovered as children."

"As Hitsugaya pointed out, materials are also incredibly important to a wand. As we all know, the wand chose the wizard. Without the proper wand, spells are more likely to go awry. This goes for cores, wood type as well as the flexibility of one's wand. Now, who can tell me the most common wand cores?"


Re: Third and Fourth Years dunamis_storm November 4 2009, 23:57:40 UTC
Gokudera almost had to laugh at that question. Really common cores were the first thing a wizard learned. "There are essentially three, valued for their ability to work easily with most wizards. Dragon heartstring, phoenix tail feather and unicorn hair. There are other common cores of course, but those three are most often actually put into wands."


Fifth Years slitherouter November 3 2009, 19:34:47 UTC
"Welcome fifth years. This year we will be studying by ourselves, as you are the only ones preparing for your O.W.L.'s. Later this year we will be studying creation, but first there is a bit more theory to learn." He pauses for a second as he takes the class in. "Everyone should have a latin dictionary to aid you in this year. Who can tell me why?


acciopeaches November 3 2009, 21:18:24 UTC
Momo glanced around the classroom from her seat in the middle row. She hesitantly raised a hand after the professor asked the class a question, answering in a small voice.

"Um, Professor? We need a Latin dictionary because most of the incantations are derived from that language."


slitherouter November 4 2009, 00:20:11 UTC
"Exactly, Hinamori," he gave her a quick nod before continuing. "The dictionary is very important for this class. Without the proper word for a spell, it will not have the effect we want. The same goes if we do not have the proper meaning in mind."

"Today we will start by giving a word in latin and you are to tell me what kind of spell it will create based off its meaning. Mind you, this are in now way actual spells," he spoke to the classroom as a whole.

"We'll start easy. Aquatio".

((In no way do I know latin, I don't expect you to as well :3 I'm using this.)


wishesforname November 4 2009, 19:26:40 UTC
Without even sparing a glance down at the dictionary, K had swiftly answered the question. "Aquatio is easily translated from aqua, which is the basic terminology for any various collections or forms of water such as rain or rivers."

Spell creation was easy. She had already made a few of her own spells growing up so she had an extensive range on understanding the Latin language. "The actual Latin word itself means 'fetching water' and it can also be seen as a combination of the words Aqua and the summoning spell, Accio. So the spell in question would be a summoning spell that is specifically designated for water collection."


Sixth and Seventh Years slitherouter November 3 2009, 19:38:31 UTC
"Finally, the reason you are all here. This year we will be putting spells together. However, we will not be starting as you think. I'd like everyone to start with putting your latin book away, as we will not be needed them just yet. I'd like everyone to get into groups of two. Today we will be writing a poem with your partner." He smirked, that going over quite well. "If you cannot create a magic-based poem, you cannot create a spell to use with your wand. Decide what you want the spell to do and use your words in the form of a poem to do this. As you work in pairs, I will be walking around the classroom aiding you as I see fit."


Re: Sixth and Seventh Years link_to_the_net November 3 2009, 22:39:45 UTC
Link couldn't believe what he was hearing. "Poetry?"

The sixth year wasn't bad at spells. He thought he could defend himself pretty well, and he was excited to start creating his own spells. This little group assignment seemed ridiculous. He was here to create his own awesome spells, not become a poet.


fuilarsa November 4 2009, 01:45:46 UTC
If that could earn a faint eyebrow raise, nothing would. Even Clare was skeptical over the use of poetry in spells. But she was already a natural skeptic to begin with, but-

Pair into two? A soft sigh, between her pressed lips, the pale girl sifted back down to her papers that were still in her hands. She just... wouldn't budge from her seat. Group work was never her forte.


Re: Sixth and Seventh Years jazzy_hats November 4 2009, 05:18:56 UTC
Ryan tucked his book away, looking a little confused. Didn't they need latin to make spells? His confusion was quickly replaced with a smile. Finally, something CREATIVE to do. Poetry used in spells made perfect sense to him. After all, wasn't it all just words anyway? And there were certainly some forms of spellwork that used long incantations that sounded like poetry.

"That's such a cool idea," he exclaimed. He pulled out his parchment and was already jotting down ideas. Of course, he forgot he was supposed to be partnering up. He looked around at the people seated nearby when he remembered, "Uh...anyone want to be my partner?"


Before/After Classes slitherouter November 3 2009, 19:39:25 UTC
After Class elricwizard November 6 2009, 03:51:39 UTC
Edward knocked on the doorjam with his right hand, poking his head inside Howl's classroom. He smiled a little. "Hello Professor. I heard you'd returned. Did you have a nice time?"


Re: After Class slitherouter November 6 2009, 03:57:29 UTC
Howl was working on a few papers at the desk when he heard the knock at the door. Looking up, he was strangely not surprised to see who it had been. It had been quite some time since the student had popped in on him.

"Hardly," he responded with a frown as he put his quill down. "I don't enjoy being forced to work for the ministry even more than I enjoy being forced to teach. But that is neither here nor there." The upturn of his lips suggested he was not nearly as serious as he let on.


Re: After Class elricwizard November 6 2009, 04:01:09 UTC
He smirked and leaned against the doorway. "Everyone's forced to do something, you just have to pick the job that you hate the least. I'd have come to see you sooner but I have yet to stumble upon your new office, Professor." He smiled a little. "Which really is too bad, you have a lot of books."

Edward stepped into the classroom and sat on a desk instead. "Do you like teaching this class better?"


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