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Fifth Years slitherouter November 3 2009, 19:34:47 UTC
"Welcome fifth years. This year we will be studying by ourselves, as you are the only ones preparing for your O.W.L.'s. Later this year we will be studying creation, but first there is a bit more theory to learn." He pauses for a second as he takes the class in. "Everyone should have a latin dictionary to aid you in this year. Who can tell me why?


acciopeaches November 3 2009, 21:18:24 UTC
Momo glanced around the classroom from her seat in the middle row. She hesitantly raised a hand after the professor asked the class a question, answering in a small voice.

"Um, Professor? We need a Latin dictionary because most of the incantations are derived from that language."


slitherouter November 4 2009, 00:20:11 UTC
"Exactly, Hinamori," he gave her a quick nod before continuing. "The dictionary is very important for this class. Without the proper word for a spell, it will not have the effect we want. The same goes if we do not have the proper meaning in mind."

"Today we will start by giving a word in latin and you are to tell me what kind of spell it will create based off its meaning. Mind you, this are in now way actual spells," he spoke to the classroom as a whole.

"We'll start easy. Aquatio".

((In no way do I know latin, I don't expect you to as well :3 I'm using this.)


wishesforname November 4 2009, 19:26:40 UTC
Without even sparing a glance down at the dictionary, K had swiftly answered the question. "Aquatio is easily translated from aqua, which is the basic terminology for any various collections or forms of water such as rain or rivers."

Spell creation was easy. She had already made a few of her own spells growing up so she had an extensive range on understanding the Latin language. "The actual Latin word itself means 'fetching water' and it can also be seen as a combination of the words Aqua and the summoning spell, Accio. So the spell in question would be a summoning spell that is specifically designated for water collection."


spirit_reader November 5 2009, 00:01:09 UTC
Maka frowned as she heard K cut in with an answer. She had that one, really Aquatio was rather basic when it came to devising a spell's direction and use.

"Even with water collection as it's main directive, wouldn't there need to be more to a spell than that, Professor? Accio requires the name of the item to be used in the incantation. The translation itself isn't very direct in how the word could work if it were a spell...And wouldn't that be a point in both theory and creation?" But of course Maka had to bring in more questions now that she had missed giving an answer.


timeinback November 5 2009, 03:38:42 UTC
Ah, it was pretty apparent to Chao just how much she had forgotten on how many intelligent classmates she had that weren't herself. Sitting there in her usual place in front of the class, with a sturdy oak cane in her lap in case of needing to move around, she chose to keep her hands relaxed as she watched the discussion. With a plain smile on her face, she turned her head from side to side, watching each of the girls argue their case.


adorkable_son November 6 2009, 02:25:36 UTC
Akira was quietly taking notes as professor Pendragon led the lesson. He arched his eyebrow at how quickly his classmates got the answer and smiled a little to himself, mildly impressed. Of course he'd been drilled in Latin before, his father had insisted upon it, but having the dictionary there wasn't a bad idea, just in case he forgot something or other.


slitherouter November 6 2009, 03:15:02 UTC
Inwardly, Howl chuckled. It would seem his students could go ahead and take their O.W.L.'s now and still pass with flying colors. "Correct, both of you," he directed at the two girls. He made a mental note to sneak in five house points a piece later when no one was watching. "Ms. Albarn is very correct. In some cases when the latin is not clear it is quite necessary to use another word to aid it," he begun answering Maka's question in a way so that the entire class could follow him. "However, this is not always so. The most important part of performing a spell is the will to have that particular effect. If the will is strong enough, the words only aid in the spell. I will stop here, though, as wordless magic is something you will not be learning until your seventh year."

"For now, we will simply assume the word given is enough if that is okay with you," he added politely. "Moving on. How about consarcino?"


timeinback November 6 2009, 04:06:44 UTC
Chao raised her hand, a pleasant smile as usually beamed across her face when she was picked. There was obviously no dictionary anywhere in sight of her space of the desk. She had learned the supposedly dead language for a while now.

"Professor, Consarcino is a latin verb for stitch, sew and/or put together." She answered. "It can usually be found in repair spells or charms, restraint enchantments and almost always used amongst tailors."


acciopeaches November 9 2009, 01:54:27 UTC
Momo furiously jotted down notes as her classmates took their turns answering Professor Howl's questions. She was very impressed at them; they were all very knowledgeable in Latin. At least she was sure that discussions would be lively in this class. She was not that fluent in Latin, but she had encountered it many times during her trips to the library.

She scribbled a reminder in the margin of her notes, Must find Latin dictionary.


notthatharry November 12 2009, 17:44:13 UTC
Harry listened quietly, sitting in the back as he took notes and cursed his correspondence course Latin. You'd think Justin could have taken some time to instruct his tools in some basic language skills the prick, but he'd probably wanted more control over Harry and Elaine.

Still, Harry was getting ideas for new spells once he got past the language barrier, using his knowledge of advanced and occasionally forbidden magical practices to build off the foundation he was beginning to acquire from his time at Hogwarts.

Perhaps by using the symbolism inherent in both Aquatio and Consarcino together with Polgara's third principle to stitch together the water in the air for some purpose...


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