EVENT: Wandering the halls

Aug 31, 2009 23:47

Name(s): Open to anyone not in the Library log!
Location: All over-- except the Library and Great Hall
Week: 41
Time: Around midday Saturday onwards, following the posting of Cid's journal
Rating: Uhhhhhm. There is violence, all mun approved, and a crazy ghost.


❧daryan crescend, ❧clare, ❧laguna loire, ❧riza hawkeye, ❧sabriel abhorsen, ❧cynthia brighton, ❧belladonna "ghost widow" vetrano, ❧link virtus, ❧ophelia ripley, ❧ichigo kurosaki, ❧zuko tsanglung, harry dresden, ❧nanao ise, ❧jaina solo, kururu sumeragi, ❧ramza beoulve, ❧flora windcutter, catty turner, ❧kallen stadtfeld, ❧sasuke uchiha, ❧roy mustang, !event, ❧sharpay evans, ❧helen armstrong, ❧iroh fu tsanglung, ❧sheik irfaan, ❧maes hughes, ❧yuki mitani, ❧aang, ❧orihime inoue, ❧dante sparda, ❧shunsui kyouraku, ❧touya kinomoto

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Comments 165

omnomguts September 1 2009, 22:13:49 UTC
Ophelia had heard the announcements, of course, as had everyone in the school-- why the suits of armor had to be screeching so she had no idea. It had upset Claudius, which in turn had upset her. So she was not particularly inclined to follow such orders as the Headmaster and other professors had given. Belladonna was her House ghost, after all, and they got along so well. She did love chaos, and walking against the current of frightened, stampeding students gave her a bit of a thrill. Especially when she pulled out her wand and cast spells to trip them up.

Oh yes, this was going to be fun.


severedserenade September 2 2009, 05:24:46 UTC
Urgency, ..? No point. More people would probably be hurt by the crowds of stampeding students charging through the already cramped corridors. He sighed, not exactly wanting to leave the comfort of his office for the Great Hall, but sure a shit, he would probably get in trouble for not doing so. Leaving his office at a snail's pace, Daryan stuffed his hands into his pockets as he walked down the hall. He probably should have realized that he was headed in the wrong direction as wave after wave of pests scrambled past him, but with each small heard, Daryan found himself walking with a renewed sense of vigor. To be trapped in a room with hundreds of panicking students was, next to Azkaban, officially his new vision of Hell ( ... )


omnomguts September 2 2009, 23:46:58 UTC
"Ah, Counselor Crescend." It was an offhanded remark, barely above ignoring him outright as she flicked her wand up to bind a first year's feet together. Really he should be flattered that she deigned to know his name. He was, as far as she was concerned, mostly uninteresting. It was the position he held which interested her, the counselor of a place like this, so full of painfully pathetic children... he must know so many secrets. And Ophelia did love to gossip so.

"Wouldn't you be hungry, after so many years of being unable to eat?"


severedserenade September 3 2009, 03:26:32 UTC
He was surprised to have been noticed by Ophelia. Pleasantly so. "Mm. Of course. To be able to sate the insatiable .." Trailing off, Daryan knelt beside the first year. He really ought to do be doing something to help the poor unfortunate soul. Or-- not. If he were to grant the brat freedom, there was a very slim chance that it would make it to the Great Hall without, first, being maimed by Belladonna. Why try to intervene with the inevitable? It was a waste of time, and effort. He rose, folding his arms. "... I am curious to see how long it will take her to paint the walls of our great school red." He bit back a snicker. "With this many students still dawdling on their way to the Great Hall, probably not long at all."


impassive_eyes September 2 2009, 02:19:41 UTC
Sasuke's grip on Kusanagi's handle tightened after he screwed the end back on. The handle was hollow, allowing one to place a wand inside it to use the sword itself to channel magic.

He whispered the incantation and the blade ignited in a flurry of blue-white lightning, sparks sizzling between his fingers.

And then he ran down the hall, sprinting towards any sound of chaos he could hear.


Closed to Sasuke and Belladonna for the moment >) ladyghostwidow September 2 2009, 08:59:17 UTC
Oh, what joy. What splendour.


Sasuke. So anticlimactic.

It was a dire sign, she thought, when a ghost heaved a sight of boredom. What a dull little drag.

Still... Belladonna watched Sasuke.

And watched.

And watched.

And watched.

"I have no interest in you," she stated simply, stepping over the ruin of what had once been a wall.


Closed to Sasuke and Belladonna for the moment >) impassive_eyes September 2 2009, 22:00:23 UTC
Of all the things--

of all the things that the lady Belladonna could have said

["I have no interest in you," and the familiar obsidian of his eyes is washed away by crimson reflections of fire over blood over death over--

nii-san, why did you]

A guttural snarl wrenched its way from Sasuke's chest, lost in the sudden flurry of angry white lightning chirping and sizzling around his fingers, up the length of his sword, reflected in his own black irises.

And he lunged.


Closed to Sasuke and Belladonna for the moment >) ladyghostwidow September 3 2009, 02:57:10 UTC
A great many things me-and-ered through her mind all the while; who she might find next, for one, and how she might tear them limb from wretched limb. What a smoldering satisfaction that would be.

The gnat buzzing towards her was a mild irritation, nothing more.

He l u n g e d, her hand wrapped about the side of his neck, and redirected him with a sharp snap towards the window at her side.

Shattering glass and t w i s t i n g metal did nothing to gain her attention.

Belladonna kept walking, enjoying the burst of fresh air.


fashionablyfab September 2 2009, 04:54:30 UTC

If only they would have listened to me. Sharpay mused. Hogwarts was, after all, a dilapidated school on its last of limbs, and really, this little incident only helped to prove her point. Smiling, Sharpay gathered her things. It felt good to be right. Slowly, Sharpay walked up the aisle towards the exit, her arms tightly wound around the script in hand. While concerned for her own well being, there was absolutely no reason to rush. Corridors leading to the Great Hall were probably already teeming with life, and to have to worry about getting mixed up in that chaos-- No. Just no ( ... )


ladyghostwidow September 2 2009, 22:28:11 UTC
"S h a r p a y. What a wonder it is to see you well." A Slytherin of vision! Of change! Ready to take what she wanted and bend it all to her will!

Unfortunate her desires seemed all so simplistic. Underwhelming. Utterly, utterly so.
Slowly, she released the grip she held around one of the little Gryffindor's arm, the sobbing child so pale and pathetic, with skin so soft and s m o o t h... ah, but she digressed, did she not?

Her other hand tightened and wrenched, and audible CRACK ringing down the hall as the child cried out before skittering away.

"How can I help you?" Belladonna asked sweetly. Very, very sweetly.


fashionablyfab September 4 2009, 02:48:12 UTC
It was not fair. Inside, Sharpay was seething. It had all been taken from her, and in the matter of a week! Students, left and right, were transferring out of Hogwarts and leaving her with unfulfilled roles. For the first rehearsal hardly anyone had shown up. Her grip tightened on the script, and Sharpay narrowed her eyes, until of course, that sickening snap resounded through the vacant corridor. Snapping her eyes up, Sharpay fumbled with a smile; her train of thought derailing like a runaway locomotive. "Afternoon Belladonna. Help me, ..? Not unless you were interested in sating your appetite with revenge."


ladyghostwidow September 10 2009, 08:36:30 UTC
Revenge? Oh, that was wonderful! Revenge! But what did this little girl know of revenge, it's bitter sweetness, the way it burned out some sort of excruciating pleasure?

She knew nothing. Nothing at all. Belladonna could make her thirst for real revenge though, twist and shape and take this spiiiiineless girl and make her into something beautiful.

"I have all manneR of appetiTes," she murmured dismissively. "wHat was it that troUBled you, my s w e e t?"
Her hands steepled under her chin. "Did someone copy your homework?" Belladonna asked, and the condescending spite rung through coldly in her final question.

[OOC - orz So sorry for delay! Somehow I thought I had replied to this thread already D8]


Just nanao and shunshun for now I think~ bookish_nanao September 2 2009, 20:46:08 UTC
Nanao held her wand loosely by her side, a defensive charm ready in her mind should she need it. She was quite certain that she wouldn't run into Belladonna, or would at least hear her coming and be able to avoid her.

Her eyes swept the corridors ahead of her for anything out of the ordinary, her ears straining to hear sounds of either students or Belladonna. Nanao had no desire to confront the newly-corporeal witch. She knew the extent of her dueling skills and had no delusions of grandeur or heroics.

Hopefully everyone else could get enough sense to help them last the night.

She gritted her teeth, wishing again that all this could have occured when there was that she had to deal with. All ghosts once again taking on flesh did mean that Belladonna was a thread once more; but it also meant-

I just want to be able to touch you~

Nanao stopped herself and took a deep breath. This was neither the time nor the place for that kind of reflection and everything that went with it. There was too much going on right now, and she could not ( ... )


and GW whenever she shows up~ pinkhaori September 2 2009, 22:34:15 UTC
Shunsui, of course, had no intention of staying where Nanao told him to. Belladonna Vetrano was solid, and had her wand, and was evil. She had centuries of rage built up in her and was planning to take them out on whoever happened by. No, Shunsui was definitely not going to leave his Nanao-chan alone.

He ran, ran! him! notoriously lazy Shunsui was running down the hall, and he found it somewhat surprising that he still remembered how, after so very many years of floating ( ... )


Nanao would really rather she didn't. bookish_nanao September 2 2009, 23:39:48 UTC
At the sound of running footsteps Nanao stopped and looked back along the corridor. They sounded too heavy to be Belladonna (unless the witch had put on a bit of weight with her new body), so it was most likely a student. Hopefully they wouldn't be too seriously injured and could get themselves to the Great Hal-

There were some things one never noticed about ghosts, because they simply weren't there to be noticed.
Ghosts usually floated off the ground, so height was never a question. But he was tall, it seemed. Impressively tall. Physical presence was another deficiency, for the simple reason they had nothing to be present with. Currently, it was definitely not something Shunsui lacked. Even the small motion of a chest rising and falling with actual breaths...

But the reason Nanao could only stare at him as he approached her was unspeakable frustration that he hadn't done as she'd told him to. Nothing else ( ... )


Ah, but how often do things go the way Nanao wants? pinkhaori September 3 2009, 00:04:13 UTC
"And I told you to give me a kiss," he responded, pushing his lips out at her, all traces of seriousness fading from his features.

Shunsui knew the situation was dangerous, very dangerous, but it seemed somehow that the graver things around him got, the less serious he himself became- and a situation which involved Nanao and Belladonna was very grave indeed. He wondered if perhaps he could irritate Nanao back to the Great Hall. There were many capable professors gathered there, surely it was the safest place in all the school. And Shunsui dearly wanted Nanao to be safe.

At her look, he knew better than to suggest it, however.


Claymores only, for the moment handyhelper September 2 2009, 21:10:44 UTC
"Come on, come on," Cynthia whispered to herself, running down the corridors with speed and stamina that might seem unhuman. It was unhuman, but maybe no one would notice in the chaos. They needed to find Ophelia, and they needed to find her yesterday. There was no way they were going to let the Captain down, or any of the students here that Ophelia would hurt.

Cynthia set her jaw. She wouldn't let it happen, and she knew Flora and Helen wouldn't either.

She still kind of wished Miria was here, though...


Re: Claymores only, for the moment windcutting September 2 2009, 22:51:41 UTC
Flora had left just as soon as she had heard from Miria that Ophelia was "loose". Well loose meaning the higher number was probably out and about causing harm to everyone around her. That was no way for a claymore to act and she sighed at the thought. Running, or more so walking at an incredibly fast pace, Flora kept alert looking out for either Ophelia or her two comrades. Best to find Ophelia first.

However, she spotted Cynthia first running down the corridors. She followed until she was by the other's side, hand getting ready for battle.

"Fourteen have you seen twenty-two yet (she couldn't help but refer to them by number)?"


doesntshutup September 2 2009, 23:12:01 UTC
Running around the halls, Helen could feel her energy surge and she already knew her eyes were flashing brighter with each step as she shoved her way through the flood of children going in the opposite direction. Although the idea of Miria not being there to instruct them made Helen slightly on edge, she had to do what she was told and go find that bitch, Ophelia, before someone got really hurt. A double attack from her and not so ghosty Belladonna would probably level the school but, Helen was still smirking a bit at the idea of getting a good fight out of this. Hey, it was three against one, they had a chance to win despite Ophelia being one of the top five.

“Oh for fuck’s sake, Flora!” She called irritably when she spotted the other two girls, “Try calling me Helen. It’s easier to say then ‘number twenty-fucking-two.’”


handyhelper September 5 2009, 06:06:18 UTC
"Flora!" Cynthia was relieved to spot her friend. Good, that meant that at least Flora wasn't alone-- oh, good, and neither was Helen. "Helen! Thank goodness you guys are here! Are you both okay?"

She smiled a little at them, bright and encouraging, but still showing the seriousness of the situation. This wasn't the same as when they used to hunt, but... well. It was still a pretty serious situation, and they needed to make sure to keep people protected. "I guess we're good to go. What's the plan, Flora? Find Ophelia and try to lead her away from where everyone else is?"

[OOC - so maybe we can get round to Helen again, and then before Cynthia tags again, Icky can throw in Ophelia?]


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