EVENT: Wandering the halls

Aug 31, 2009 23:47

Name(s): Open to anyone not in the Library log!
Location: All over-- except the Library and Great Hall
Week: 41
Time: Around midday Saturday onwards, following the posting of Cid's journal
Rating: Uhhhhhm. There is violence, all mun approved, and a crazy ghost.


❧daryan crescend, ❧clare, ❧laguna loire, ❧riza hawkeye, ❧sabriel abhorsen, ❧cynthia brighton, ❧belladonna "ghost widow" vetrano, ❧link virtus, ❧ophelia ripley, ❧ichigo kurosaki, ❧zuko tsanglung, harry dresden, ❧nanao ise, ❧jaina solo, kururu sumeragi, ❧ramza beoulve, ❧flora windcutter, catty turner, ❧kallen stadtfeld, ❧sasuke uchiha, ❧roy mustang, !event, ❧sharpay evans, ❧helen armstrong, ❧iroh fu tsanglung, ❧sheik irfaan, ❧maes hughes, ❧yuki mitani, ❧aang, ❧orihime inoue, ❧dante sparda, ❧shunsui kyouraku, ❧touya kinomoto

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Comments 165

A CHALLENGER APPROACHES! whitelotustea September 1 2009, 11:24:56 UTC

Down the hall, the echoes of someone elderly evidently stretching had cast their way to the now corporeal Bella Donna Vetrano. However, what followed afterward could only make it so apparent to her just who it was:

"And my first cup of tea back. Mmmm...SLRRRRRRRRP...ah, delicious as always."

Steps followed with the words. Suddenly, a tall shadow began growing as this someone had reached the corner of the corridor.

"I need to talk to Zuko while I have the chance...he won't believe how good my tea is even without practice!"

When Iroh Fu Tsanglung came closer and discovered the figure of a woman, he couldn't quite make out who was there. It was somebody seemingly familiar, but the identity kept escaping him. Being courteous, he kindly asked, "Is there anything I can help you with, young lady?"


Re: A CHALLENGER APPROACHES! hello_zukohere September 1 2009, 15:25:48 UTC
Zuko was in the common room when he heard the announcement. It took but a moment for the direness of the situation to hit him, and not a second later for him to be out the door.

Logic told him to heed the headmaster's warning and head towards the Great Hall, but his newfound conscience steered him otherwise. There were certain people he was sure would be in the library, and the fact that it was 'ground zero', so to speak, had him running in that direction instead.

The risk of coming across a very real and dangerous Belladonna had only chanced to cross his mind at the very moment he skidded around a corner to spot his sister's beloved idol a short distance away. "Do not try and take her on" Cid's words echoed in his mind, but were quickly shut out. Cowardice was not in his nature, thus running with his tail behind his legs would be outright shameful. And was that... Uncle Iroh? Well now there was absolutely no way he was turning his back ( ... )


ladyghostwidow September 3 2009, 02:09:11 UTC
Oh, if it was not Zuzu and Iroh. How.. quaint. It was an offense against the running order of things, really. An offense against her, even worse, that they should be here in Azula's stead.

"Hello, Iroh," she drawled, looking at him with a cold gaze.

As the flames reached out for her, hot tendrils grasping desperately, she twisted around Iroh faster than he'd ever have expected, and making him a shield from any part of the blaze that might have been able to come close.

Silly little boys.

[OOC - Just FYI, Belladonna looks the same as always, only solid, so Iroh would probably recognise her? Unless that is someone else he is talking to. I was a bit confused, so sorry if I misinterpreted.]


whitelotustea September 3 2009, 13:25:17 UTC
[ooc - I just figured he wouldn't remember that this would've happened with every ghost. Plus, he's old. XD]Iroh was suddenly shocked by the revelation that Ghost Widow had materialised as well. His surprise showed on his face, his wrinkles creasing heavily in his face in surprise followed by deep-veined anger. "Belladonna!" he said under a growling tone. "Stay where you are ( ... )


abovetwinsuns September 1 2009, 15:15:31 UTC
Jaina narrowed her eyes as she walked throughout the hallways, her hand wrapping tightly around her wand as she searched the school for straggling students. So far she hadn't encountered anyone, but she knew the chances of avoiding that were dwindling away. Hopefully, she'd be able to find some wayward students instead of whoever had collapsed the library ( ... )


huesofhonesty September 1 2009, 20:13:33 UTC
Maes had heard the announcement and had gotten serious right away. He knew it was going to be a rough day with just the library exploding...but now they had to deal with a corporeal Belladonna. He made sure he had his wand and started working his way towards the Great Hall. His letter to his wife would have to wait until after things were settled. He hoped Roy and the others were okay...especially Havoc since the man was posing as a student at the moment ( ... )


abovetwinsuns September 1 2009, 20:23:20 UTC
Jaina's head snapped up as soon as she heard the man calling to her, and she instantly recognized the journalism professor, for once with a grave expression on his face.

"Professor Hughes, I was instructed by Headmaster to find missing students," she said with a nod, not wanting to disrespect him but also making it known with her tone that she wasn't going back to the Great Hall until she was positively certain all the younger students were safe, "There's still some missing, and I'm not leaving until I find them."

Jaina froze when Professor Hughes started running towards her, and she frowned, quickly drawing out her wand and turning around.

Her heart skipped a beat for a moment as she saw her House Ghost Belladonna approaching, not looking so ghosty anymore.

"Damn it," she whispered, focusing her mind and getting prepared for a duel.


ladyghostwidow September 2 2009, 07:40:29 UTC
"Ah, ah, ah," Belladonna murmured, heels clicking as she calmly made her way down the hallway. There was no rush, no need to hurry.She could savour each sweet moment of it, each drop rolling across her tongue like honey.

"Lets not have you scurrying off. I have so longed to make each of your proper acquaintance." Her words were a frost creeping through the air, chest rising and falling with breaths she needn't take, fingers flexing contentedly around the familiar length in her hand. It was like the wood came to life between her fingertips, bloodthirsty dogwood and writing basilisk coiling and ready to strike.

Her smile was relaxed, almost serene as she flicked it easily towards Maes and then around to Jaina, a shower of red sparks snapping towards them both, more to alarm than anything else, the violently coloured snaps of light bright enough to burn the eyes.

"Mmm. I had so missed this," she murmured lovingly to her wand, dragging it across her cheek. "We are together again, my love."


notthatharry September 1 2009, 15:20:53 UTC
Swearing, Harry tried to move the first year Griffindors with him down the hallway as fast as he could. He'd been heading for the library to see how he could help when he'd run into some first years hiding out in a classroom ( ... )


scroll_heir September 1 2009, 18:31:37 UTC
Catty was running down the halls as fast as she could, cursing Harry in her head. After thrusting her charges on the unsuspecting Sociology professor, she had turned and run off again. They would be safer with him, anyway, even if he was really creepy.

Why hadn't she kept an eye on Harry? Knowing him, he'd find his way right to the bitch of a ghost, regardless if he was looking for her or not.

She startled when she heard the explosion, jumping back a few steps. Her nerves were shot as it was, being on edge and terrified out of her mind. Though, strangely, she was aware that she wasn't scared for herself, but for everybody else.

Her wand was already out, clutched tightly in her hand as she turned the corner, willing her legs to stop shaking so much. Running first years, Harry, Belladonna. Harry facing the horrifying, solid ghost. "You idiot," she whispered.


ladyghostwidow September 2 2009, 07:52:44 UTC
Oh! An explosion! How divine! How original. A nasty sneer hooked her lips, teeth shining white as her eyes as she reappeared from the smoke.
"Smoke and mirrors, little ones, you can't run along to join the circus until you know fully all the tricks of smoke and mirrors."

Mmmmm, yes. She did enjoy disappearing acts and surprise tactics. Just like the circus her precious school had been reduced to. It was a ring of animals. Repulsive little animals, all wretched and all better suited to drowning in a sack than any other occupation.

Ah, what was this? Still here? Step by step, she came closer. Always, always closer. So close she could smell the filth of them.
"How bold," Belladonna said with a smile, and in a sickening moment her fingers were twisted through Catty's hair, movements faster than they should have ever been. Her fingers dragged against the little whores scalp, digging, searching, feeling. "Hello, little cat. Such a bedraggled little stray," she whispered against the girl's ear ( ... )


notthatharry September 2 2009, 20:33:40 UTC
Hell's bells, what was it with psychotic nut jobs and incomprehensible metaphors? Was there a book somewhere Harry was missing ( ... )


as_bells_toll September 1 2009, 18:40:13 UTC
Sabriel was swearing, which was not normal behavior for her. She had been trying to avoid the bad feeling that had knotted itself in her stomach all week--but this, this was something far worse than anything she could imagined coming from that feeling ( ... )


Uhm. ladyghostwidow September 2 2009, 08:50:56 UTC
It was a fickle thing, wasn't it? Life and all the trimmings? Belladonna examined the flesh beneath her nails. When had she last had such a thing? Willamina Willowsparrow? "No," she murmured to herself, idly picking the remains out and inspecting them. Without looking up, she addressed Sabriel. Sabriel, the insolent little one that had thought to drive her from this place. So naive. Oh well. She'd see. The web was already being spun was it not? Yes. It was. It was dancing icy fingertips a c r o s s the g r o u n d.

"It's a funny thing, life. So unreliable. It comes and goes without our seeing to have any control," she started, not looking up, but instead raising her wand to her mouth. She dragged her teeth and her tongue down it, tasting the magic and blood soaked into the dark wood, and a quiet laugh spilled forth. "It's so fleeting. So, so fleeting. Tick tock tick tock up and a r o u n d the mulberry bush, tangled thorns and blackened hearts, tick tick tick tick," her words were rushing into a frenzied whisper as she slashed her ( ... )


Re: Uhm. as_bells_toll September 2 2009, 21:24:59 UTC
She felt sick, a rolling wave of nausea crawling up in her throat making her feel unable to speak. Sabriel had known Belladonna was dangerous, deadly, but she at least thought she would have a fighting chance.

The ice was growing fast, and one of her arms was already held fast and tight in the harsh grip of the formal ghost. That left Sabriel with one hand, and little time before the ice took that chance from her as well.

Still, she had to try.

"Webs are delicately spun." Sabriel whispered, a plan forming haphazardly in her mind. "Beautifully sinister, but still a delicate balance that is so easy to snap."

She acted fast, the arm not in Belladonna's grasp jerked wildly, earning several harsh scrapes from the growing ice as she scrambled to get a bell. Saraneth, a heavy but trusted bell, was the one she took hold of. The Binder was her only chance--but the ringing fell short, warbled in her hurry. Damn it.


ladyghostwidow September 4 2009, 11:41:19 UTC
"Those t o y s are not permitted," the Widow whispered against Sabriel's ear. "For-bid-den items in these halls." Shimmering filigree that hooked around the Ravenclaw's fingers and up her hand at an alarming rate encompassed the bell, the magical frost far stronger than it had any right to be.

This was verging on intoxicating, the return to a purpose to which she had been so well suited. Belladonna's grip tightened around Sabriel's hand, slowly pulling back. "There s h o u l d be order kept to keep e a c h and a l l wrapped up and safe, should there not?"

Oh yes. Yes, there should. There was no denying it. Not now, not evermore. She smiled against Sabriel's neck. "You m!u!s!t! be punished for your sssssinssss."

Her grip tightened and snapped back, with the sickening crack of bone drifting to her ears like music most divine. "You shall be cleansed. Fear not."


prof_leg_cramp September 1 2009, 20:20:40 UTC
Laguna panted as he limped through the halls as fast as he could. He was anxious, nervous, and hoping that the students are alright. He'd run through as much of the school as possible to direct any stray to the Great Hall.

Geez, what the hell happened though? It sounded like a bomb had gone off and he would have continued thinking so (and wonder how even that was possible) when the Headmaster had made his announcement. And shit, the ghosts were solid now? Everything was such a mess!

He rounded the corner and his eyes widened. He'd heard about Belladonna, but never met her and really never wanted to. But it looked like he would as the professor spotted her picking up her wand. Cid had said that she shouldn't have it and he from what he had heard of this ghost, he could see why. Laguna reached into his belt loop and pulled out his wand, where he kept it at his side, and pointed it at former ghost's. "Expelliarmus!"


ladyghostwidow September 3 2009, 02:35:49 UTC
A sharp wave of her wand, and that stupid little man's attempt to disarm her -her! her, of all people! - was rendered worthless.

Was this not... "Loire?" she asked, voice pressing n e e d l e s into his skin slowly with it's cadence. Sweet as venom.

Yes! Loire! He had broken his leg just recently, as she recalled, and was reminded by that feeble limp. "You seem a touch off balance."

Without a moments hesitation she aimed her wand at his leg, a slithering, sticky web coiling around the ankle of the leg that had so recently remained unbroke. "Allow me to fix it!" Belladonna said with a rush, a sickening crack reverberating as the web crushed closed.

[OOC - since you didn't reply to the OOC entry I did about injuries I went off the comment you left in the mod post about injuries. Let me know if you want this changed.]


prof_leg_cramp September 3 2009, 03:28:19 UTC
[Nah, it's fine, sorry for not replying. My internet has actually been shoddy lately, so I haven't been able to do much else. D: *using the school computers right now* and don't worry, this is FINE! <3 Just, ah, don't kill him. XD;;]

Laguna fell to the floor with a howl, damn it, what was with people and going for that leg?! His wand fell from his grasp and he desperately wished he had his gun with him instead. He cried out when he tried to pull his wounded leg from the web and only succeeded in causing pain to shoot up further.

He made a grab for his wand. "Just because your not a ghost anymore," He gritted through the pain. "Doesn't mean you can hurt people! Why are you doing this?"


ladyghostwidow September 10 2009, 08:15:08 UTC
She looked at him, boredom written across her delicate features. She had been beautiful, once. She was beautiful now, she knew.

"There is n o t h i n g I cannot do," Belladonna said slowly, sympathetically, as she explained it to someone whose intelligence was so very, very below her own. "Why would I d e n y myself something that I enjoy so? At which I eXCel so magnificently?"

Ah, then perhaps that was it. All this fellow excelled at was failure and loss, was it not? And apparently curling up with animals, as if he were a feral beast himself. Filthy. Utterly, totally, sickeningly filthy. With her will, another web wrapped around his other leg, tightening rapidly. Not breaking pressure, not yet.

Not yet.

"Shame about E l l o n e lEaVinG, is it Not?" she asked lightly, and then the web crushed more tightly. "MaYbe you sHould do what you can about f o l l o w i n g." She smirked out her amusement.


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