EVENT: Wandering the halls

Aug 31, 2009 23:47

Name(s): Open to anyone not in the Library log!
Location: All over-- except the Library and Great Hall
Week: 41
Time: Around midday Saturday onwards, following the posting of Cid's journal
Rating: Uhhhhhm. There is violence, all mun approved, and a crazy ghost.


❧daryan crescend, ❧clare, ❧laguna loire, ❧riza hawkeye, ❧sabriel abhorsen, ❧cynthia brighton, ❧belladonna "ghost widow" vetrano, ❧link virtus, ❧ophelia ripley, ❧ichigo kurosaki, ❧zuko tsanglung, harry dresden, ❧nanao ise, ❧jaina solo, kururu sumeragi, ❧ramza beoulve, ❧flora windcutter, catty turner, ❧kallen stadtfeld, ❧sasuke uchiha, ❧roy mustang, !event, ❧sharpay evans, ❧helen armstrong, ❧iroh fu tsanglung, ❧sheik irfaan, ❧maes hughes, ❧yuki mitani, ❧aang, ❧orihime inoue, ❧dante sparda, ❧shunsui kyouraku, ❧touya kinomoto

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notthatharry September 1 2009, 15:20:53 UTC
Swearing, Harry tried to move the first year Griffindors with him down the hallway as fast as he could. He'd been heading for the library to see how he could help when he'd run into some first years hiding out in a classroom ( ... )


scroll_heir September 1 2009, 18:31:37 UTC
Catty was running down the halls as fast as she could, cursing Harry in her head. After thrusting her charges on the unsuspecting Sociology professor, she had turned and run off again. They would be safer with him, anyway, even if he was really creepy.

Why hadn't she kept an eye on Harry? Knowing him, he'd find his way right to the bitch of a ghost, regardless if he was looking for her or not.

She startled when she heard the explosion, jumping back a few steps. Her nerves were shot as it was, being on edge and terrified out of her mind. Though, strangely, she was aware that she wasn't scared for herself, but for everybody else.

Her wand was already out, clutched tightly in her hand as she turned the corner, willing her legs to stop shaking so much. Running first years, Harry, Belladonna. Harry facing the horrifying, solid ghost. "You idiot," she whispered.


ladyghostwidow September 2 2009, 07:52:44 UTC
Oh! An explosion! How divine! How original. A nasty sneer hooked her lips, teeth shining white as her eyes as she reappeared from the smoke.
"Smoke and mirrors, little ones, you can't run along to join the circus until you know fully all the tricks of smoke and mirrors."

Mmmmm, yes. She did enjoy disappearing acts and surprise tactics. Just like the circus her precious school had been reduced to. It was a ring of animals. Repulsive little animals, all wretched and all better suited to drowning in a sack than any other occupation.

Ah, what was this? Still here? Step by step, she came closer. Always, always closer. So close she could smell the filth of them.
"How bold," Belladonna said with a smile, and in a sickening moment her fingers were twisted through Catty's hair, movements faster than they should have ever been. Her fingers dragged against the little whores scalp, digging, searching, feeling. "Hello, little cat. Such a bedraggled little stray," she whispered against the girl's ear ( ... )


notthatharry September 2 2009, 20:33:40 UTC
Hell's bells, what was it with psychotic nut jobs and incomprehensible metaphors? Was there a book somewhere Harry was missing ( ... )


scroll_heir September 2 2009, 21:37:23 UTC
Cold. It was the first thing Catty noticed about her fear as Belladonna had her hair twisted in the former ghost's fingers. Her head jerked back on her neck, and she could feel the chill travel through her body, feel her heart hammer in her chest, feel the panicky twitch of her fingers as they curled around her useless wand.

She jerked her head to the side as Belladonna whispered in her ear, trying to get away, and ending up only hissing in pain. Oh, right. She was trapped. Like an idiot. "Strays shouldn't be worth your time," Catty muttered back, her voice a lot more even than she expected it to be. Was this how adrenaline worked?

Dine in peace? She didn't like the sound of that; she didn't want to end up being some bitch's meal for the night ( ... )


I am adding links to the main entry explaining where in canon some of this stuff comes from |D ladyghostwidow September 4 2009, 10:35:06 UTC
"It is a responsible citizen's duty to see all burdens on society cleared away," Belladonna replied smoothly, demeanor completely calm in the face of the Turner brat's distress and that boy's apparent whim for heroic ( ... )


notthatharry September 6 2009, 03:19:57 UTC
Gritting his teeth, Harry dragged himself through the tar backwards, hurling low level curses to keep Bella distracted and unaware of what he was actually doing. Of course, he had to admit, for all the sheer terror he felt at the ghost's presence, she was beginning to piss him off.

"Hell's bells, do you ever shut up? Seriously, I was scared five minutes ago, now you're just being obnoxious!"

He kept up the pressure with stunning spells, Expelliarmus, and even a few Incarcerous charms. None were meant to get through, none could hurt Catty, but all were likely creating the image that he was a normal student.

Then, just when Belladonna seemed to be bored with the game, he pointed his want at the tar and muttered, Terra Fistus.

A second later a large hand rose out of the tar, and moved to snatch the physical ghost.


scroll_heir September 7 2009, 01:20:30 UTC
Catty breathed in deeply, ready to tell the Witch Bitch how she happened to be the one who needed to be cleared away, to be handled for the good of everyone, but being jerked around and coming within inches of being hit with something before the shield was put up jostled her brain around. The girl didn't even have time to cry out at the flash of pain traveling through her body.

"Damn," she muttered, her legs still shaking in fear as it grew darker, the room shrinking. Not a small space, please Selene, not a small space. She couldn't handle small spaces, and a shrinking room made her feel a little sick. She wasn't doing anybody any good in this position, trapped like a wild animal. Not herself, not Harry. Quickly tucking her wand into her pocket, leaving both of her hands free, she reached for Belladonna's hand and pried at it. She was cold, terrified, and every bit as determined to get the hell away from here. And the wand was safer in her pocket than it was in her hand while she tried to get away ( ... )


ladyghostwidow September 10 2009, 08:56:36 UTC
Belladonna matched Harry move for move, twisted her hand harder in Catty's hair for each tug to loosen it. She had not, however, been prepared for the hand, and looked on, impressed. Pleased. "Good show, Harry! I am sure your lovely Charms professor would have been proud of you, had she lived to see the day!" A lie? Yes. But the expressions would be delicious. Sumptuous. Divine.

"Language, Miss Turner," Belladonna noted absently, wand carving patterns into the air as she examined the hand clawing for her. This was very interesting. "We have quite a show, it seems, and I will not have you spoiling it with your rudeness." The grip stayed in place, unrelenting as she wrenched Catty around to draw her from the mire.

Well, if it was summoning he wanted, summoning the boy could have! It was a treat to get to use her favourite spell with good cause twice in one day, to be sure! "Animus tendo." Arcane words rolled off her tongue and the ground shuddered as, once more, the arms of Hell's beasts reached up to claim the hand. Black, oily ( ... )


notthatharry September 11 2009, 03:28:13 UTC
Belladonna's words didn't register for a moment, as Harry was too busy trying to dodge the ghost's attacks, and trying to figure out some way to free Catty, his mind racing around the problem of how to get them both out alive. His whole world had coalesced around the simple fact that he had to save her. It was like when he'd decided to go back from Elaine, and if it were any other situation Harry might have been shocked at how strongly he felt the need to protect this girl ( ... )


scroll_heir September 12 2009, 15:24:55 UTC
Part of Catty was beginning to feel like it was futile to try and free herself with each harsher tug of her hair. She felt like giving up, just let Belladonna do with her as she wished. No, no. What the hell was she thinking, wanting to give up? She did still considerably at Belladonna's words, though, her stomach sinking in horror. Had she lived to see the day? That... That couldn't have been what she heard the bitch say, couldn't have been it at all. Catty didn't even register the admonishment she received for her language, lost in her thoughts for a moment ( ... )


ladyghostwidow September 19 2009, 19:36:08 UTC
The word had barely passed his lips as Belladonna took action of her own. That spell was nothing she felt inclined to deal with. Her expression was one of tightly reigned in surprise, serious and she held her hand out, palm flat against the air. "Versitas secui!" she cried out, loud and clear. A violent burst of wind ripped through the hall and the very air groaned as it tore open, a vast opening into an endless void. The fire burned hot, the air about it rippling with it's intensity, but the parting between dimensions drank it up, draining the fire away from this reality and into another ( ... )


notthatharry September 24 2009, 04:47:23 UTC
Harry swore as yet another attack failed to even score a hit. No matter what he did the bitch was too strong, and if he didn't come up with something soon Catty would die. Yet even his strongest spell had been sucked up as if it was a child's cantrip. Just how the hell had she done that ( ... )


scroll_heir September 25 2009, 04:19:40 UTC
None of Harry's spells seemed to be working, no matter how powerful they seemed to be. Catty choked back a sob as Belladonna, once again, toyed around with them like childhood playthings. She just wanted Harry to run. It, she, definitely wasn't worth this.

Things were starting to became a little hazy, and she wondered if it was from the blood now covering her neck. No, she didn't know a lot about anatomy or anything, but there was no way she had lost enough blood to make her woozy yet. Her eyelids fluttered a bit. Panic rose up in her like bile, but it was a brief flash, slowly being overpowered by the tiresome blanket being thrown over her.

Catty wasn't an idiot. She was being drained, fueling the old witch's magic with her own energy. Her energy was being used against Harry. Catty was powerless, being forced to watch blue bolts of lightning flash towards Harry, the sickening feeling of knowing that it was her own energy being used clenching at her ( ... )


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