Roundtable theme: J2 domestic fic

Oct 05, 2008 13:28

Lazy breakfasts, and doing laundry. Cooking and cleaning and joint trips to Home Depot. Who doesn't love some domestic shmoop? Well obviously Jared and Jensen do - now they are actually living together! But hell we were writing it before they were doing it, so share your favourite moments of domestic bliss! Fic and art recs welcome.

Past roundtable themes: Genderswap| College fics| canon pairings | wingfic | Big Bang | recs for newbies | Spoiler links | Stanford era | original characters | the Impala | vids | religion | outsider pov | the deal | amnesia | demons | angst | Christmas | the supernatural | humour | gen fic | desktop wallpapers | women of Supernatural | Bobby Singer | favourite media | wee!Winchesters (or Harvelles or...) | first times | case file fic | John Winchester | hurt/comfort | roadhouse | episode codas | rare pairings | apocalypse fic | alternate universe | special powers | pre-show | road-tripping.

Feel free to go back and add to them at any time!

Ratings and pairings for recs (where relevant) are always helpful. No self recs, please.

roundtable themes

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