Roundtable theme: Genderswap

Sep 22, 2008 21:58

It's hard to tear myself away from thinking about the season premiere, and all the new and wonderful fic that's coming out of that (and I'm sure we'll be having recs up for you soon). But until then, something completely different - genderswap (specifically a character changing gender, not being born a different gender - that'll be a theme for another time). There's some awesome artwork out there, as well as hilarious fic and serious fic and thought-provoking fic - share your favourites with us!

Past roundtable themes: college | horror | canon pairings | wingfic | Big Bang | recs for newbies | Spoiler links | Stanford era | original characters | the Impala | vids | religion | outsider pov | the deal | amnesia | demons | angst | Christmas | the supernatural | humour | gen fic | desktop wallpapers | women of Supernatural | Bobby Singer | favourite media | wee!Winchesters (or Harvelles or...) | first times | case file fic | John Winchester | hurt/comfort | roadhouse | episode codas | rare pairings | apocalypse fic | alternate universe | special powers | pre-show | road-tripping. Feel free to go back and add to them at any time!

Ratings and pairings for recs (where relevant) are always helpful. No self recs, please.

roundtable themes

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