themed recs: favorite media

Sep 04, 2007 12:52

Because it's miserably hot (here at least! :D) and because media type things make me happy, this week's themed rec post is: your favorite SPN media! Any kind of media is welcome -- images, interviews, youtube vids, fanvids, whatever! It can focus on any of the characters/pairings on the show, or any of the actors!

Feel free to link us to the media or post it here. We just want to share in the love!

(As always, though, if you happen to link/post something that is pairing-centric, please give us the pairing info!)

To start things off, one of my absolute favorite, favorite articles in any fandom is the article in which we learn Jensen is sort of shy. Oh, words can not even express how much I love this. :D

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