Who Lit Toph on Fire?

Nov 07, 2006 00:24

Good news: I have a big sexy red couch!

Bad news: I have a small unsexy grey mouse!

Torchwood 1.4 )

prison break, tv, pimpings, personal, studio 60 on the sunset strip, girls, torchwood, lj friends, heroes

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Comments 45

tophatter2 November 7 2006, 14:57:41 UTC
Clea Duvall is, like, Matt's own personal Exposition Fairy. Her dialogue is always so clunky. She might be phoning it in just a little, since I thought she was a lot better on Carnivale. Re: Claire. 1.) I kept thinking, "This tape's going to end up on YouTube." 2.) She should really make sure that her brother didn't just slip her some random blank tape.

I keep hoping Sorkin will burn himself out on taking shots at the religious right/his vision of middle America and we can just get on with the show, but he's never entirely done with them, and it's getting in the way of the show.


gymble November 7 2006, 15:28:51 UTC
Peter doesn't believe Nathan when he actually tries to be straight with him about the flying thing, like, will anything make him happy?
Yeah, what's up with people wanting to believe (Peter and Mohinder) and then flipping the moment that someone actually tries to tell them the truth? The hell? In Peter's defense, Nathan is a slimy politician. The way he flat out lied to his wife really bothered me. Unlike you, I'm not sure that the affair with Niki was a one time thing. Of course, I don't like Nathan.

Also, he can speak English again.
But didn't Ando have to translate for him in the casino? I think that Hiro can only speak English when he's talking to an important character. Make up your mind, writers!

Micah has powers!!
Yeah, that was cool.

Oh, Promo Guy!
Could someone please tell the promo guy to watch the damn show? Also, why does Peter not understand that he's an Empath yet? Peter can only fly when he's around Nathan.


spectralbovine November 7 2006, 16:12:41 UTC
I think that Hiro can only speak English when he's talking to an important character. Make up your mind, writers!

Also, why does Peter not understand that he's an Empath yet? Peter can only fly when he's around Nathan.
Well, in his dream, he was stupid, but he was around Nathan when he wanted to fly again, so that would have worked. I mean, he did seem to realize he was grabbing other people's powers before.


gymble November 7 2006, 16:21:17 UTC
That's true. I forgot that that turned out to be a dream. But between that (and the promo guy doesn't seem to understand Peter's powers) and Hiro's inconsistent English skills, I'm bit worried that the continuity fairy was conked on the head.


maka2000 November 7 2006, 15:30:43 UTC
They made it blindingly obvious that Radioactive Man is going to blow up New York.

Nah, this is my theory: Claire's Dad, Silent Black Dude and now Pixie are working to catalogue the people with powers. They've marked the good ones with the 2 lines - the bad ones with the squiggle, like ikiN has. Sylar is going around killing other heroes and stealing their powers. In the future he kills Radioactive Guy and Sylar blows up New York.

I hated S60. I'm the opposite of you in that the more the show goes on, the less I like all the people involved - except Jack and Harriet. I like them. But they're not enough for me to stick around. Bummer.


spectralbovine November 7 2006, 16:14:08 UTC
They've marked the good ones with the 2 lines - the bad ones with the squiggle, like ikiN has.
Hm, interesting. But ikiN had that squiggle before Claire's dad even found her.

Sylar is going around killing other heroes and stealing their powers.
This is pretty much certain.


maka2000 November 7 2006, 16:27:53 UTC
But ikiN had that squiggle before Claire's dad even found her.
Oh no, I think Claire's dad took ikiN before we even met her actually. Remember when he saw her in bed with Nathan? He very nonchalantly said, "Take the other one." So I think they'd already taken her, catalogued her, and released her a while ago. She just has no memory of it. Remember, she's had ikiN around for awhile since she apparently killed DL's crew, framed him for the killings, and stole his money.


spectralbovine November 7 2006, 16:33:46 UTC
Oooh. Good catch! If he did say "Take the other one" specifically, that makes a lot of sense.


harper47 November 7 2006, 15:37:36 UTC
I kind of loved Studio 60 last night. I thought Weber was terrific and I don't know - maybe I'm just a sucker for meta commentary but I kind of liked that they were acknowledging that a lot of their stuff wasn't funny and was just pretentious. I'm all- hey this must be the first show they were able to tweak after all the criticism started rolling in ( ... )


alannaofdoom November 7 2006, 15:47:23 UTC
I may be a bad person, but I feel like that makes Nathan less sleazy.

Oh, see, the thing that makes me really hate him is his "I just wanted to be with someone who doesn't make me feel guilty every time I look at her" whining. Because - judging from the interaction we saw onscreen, at least - she's not all "You put me in this wheelchair and I will never never let you forget it" with him. So his guilt is his damn issue and he needs to be a big boy and figure it out without cheating on his wife. Ugh. I do like the character, I just don't like the character, you know?

Jessica? They named ikiN Jessica? Wow, that's... prosaic. Ali Larter = still awesome. The subtle differences in voice and mannerism are so well done ( ... )


spectralbovine November 7 2006, 16:17:24 UTC
Ali Larter = still awesome. The subtle differences in voice and mannerism are so well done.
So I'm not crazy? Because I feel like I'm the only one who's noticing how great she is.

Like, Sorkin wants his banter to come off effortlessly and naturally, and sometimes it works, but then there are moments (like the first 10 minutes) where you can see everyone straining.
Oh God, yes. Like, in that first ten minutes...all the jokes were SO FORCED. Ugh.


wee_warrior November 7 2006, 17:41:32 UTC
So I'm not crazy? Because I feel like I'm the only one who's noticing how great she is.

Totally not crazy, she does a really good job distinguishing between the two personas. Personally, I like her and her take on the character, but I don't like the storyline all that much, nor the way the show choses to present the character. I get that she's supposed to be freaked out by her power and overwhelmed by what's happening to her, but I don't see why that always has to result in her looking like a complete wimp, especially every time she's talking about her problems to either D.L. or Nathan or, even worse, Micah. While I can get that she might look to a guy to solve her problems - not that I have to like it - I don't really adore the idea that she needs the same from her ten year old son. But I really think that's the writing, not Ali, and I think it might actually get better once she's managed to become the dominant personality over Jessica (I trust that will happen eventually, or there will be chainsaws in the writers' future).


spectralbovine November 7 2006, 18:30:09 UTC
Hee. maka2000, on the other hand, wants Jessica to become the dominant personality. Which would be more fun.


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