- 115th tide | | dusky -

Sep 07, 2010 13:13


[The camera catches a blurry glimpse of green with a faraway backdrop of ocean until it levels to show us this strange plant, looking rather bald and sorry. There's a heavy sigh and the image quivers again.]

...It's a no-go alright. Ruined. Just look at what that curse made us do. Fine, so it was a thousand times better than the ( Read more... )

property destruction, aftermath, egg plant ftw, ...do not want, but why is the guru gone??, cephirian flora is weird, well fuck you too city, closet mellow girl, so not right, no magic knight behavior, flower girl?, failing at her job so hard, sob, sort of moody, clef

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Comments 356

sound_rune September 7 2010, 17:46:16 UTC
I'm sorry, Umi... I'm afraid I don't know much about plants. I hope you find someone who can help.


1/2 soulofocean September 7 2010, 17:52:22 UTC
...Connell. [Sweet as ever... She can't be moody around you.]


soulofocean September 7 2010, 17:52:36 UTC
It's okay! It's not like I'm clueless in the matter. I'll just give it my best shot!

Um. You didn't get hit by that curse, did you?


sound_rune September 7 2010, 17:55:48 UTC
[he smiled for a brief moment to see Umi's determination, nodding to her once] That's good... I wish you all the best, then.

[and then he blinked at her latter question] Curse... What curse was it, Umi? Tyr and Yuri both told me not to go out, so I didn't really know what was happening outside.


eagleofautozam September 7 2010, 18:28:37 UTC
If it is a plant it might come back to life with water, sun, and fertilizer… right? Even a plant from Cephiro should like something like that.
Or maybe you could start some new plants with the seeds from those fruit?

[Granted maybe not the best source of information when it comes to plant life but those are the basic concepts of plant care.

But… Umi had said something a little more pressing that Eagle just HAD to ask about.]

May I ask what you meant by ‘Clef would have known’?


1/3 soulofocean September 7 2010, 18:34:54 UTC
...Eagle. Well, ALL those are on my list of stuff to try out, you bet! Though I'm not sure if it does anything when a plant's left in this state.


2/3 soulofocean September 7 2010, 18:35:55 UTC
Getting a new one to grow. That's a thought... [One that she's considering. Even so, with all the sentimental value this one has...]

But... it wouldn't be the same plant. Would it.


3/3 soulofocean September 7 2010, 18:36:50 UTC
Aw. That. Guess I just muttered it to myself.

[And Eagle would notice that. Umi doesn't see harm in him knowing, however. She trusts his word in the Non-Aggression Treaty thing. Still, there's a pause.]

...Clef's gone home. I checked the Hall for his portrait this morning.


onceaweiss September 7 2010, 18:30:20 UTC
Would you like help, Umi?


soulofocean September 7 2010, 18:38:03 UTC
Aya. Just- ...look at the mess we made.

Do you really think there's hope?


onceaweiss September 7 2010, 18:39:56 UTC
I think so.


soulofocean September 7 2010, 18:41:59 UTC
...I'll trust your word on this one, then! I could really use a hand. The poor thing looks wrecked.


1/2 sparkling_by September 7 2010, 20:25:08 UTC
sparkling_by September 7 2010, 20:25:26 UTC
Have you watered it and talked to it?


soulofocean September 7 2010, 20:33:06 UTC
...Watered? Yeah. Talked to...? Um. You think I should?


sparkling_by September 7 2010, 20:34:44 UTC
At least fifteen minutes a day, of which five you should make sure to ask how it's been doing.


seekinghead September 8 2010, 01:03:02 UTC
are you alright?


soulofocean September 8 2010, 01:29:31 UTC

I'm okay! Just... a bit annoyed at this place's timing knack for making us destroy things. That's it.


seekinghead September 9 2010, 08:26:14 UTC
it was something special to you?


soulofocean September 9 2010, 16:44:15 UTC
...Well. Yeah. It holds a lot of nice memories.


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