Cheers, darlin'. [so very open]

Aug 02, 2011 09:28

Characters: Roy Mustang and YOU, of course.
Location: The Northern Lights.
Rating: G... I guess?
Time: Early evening (December 2) until the small hours of December 3~
Description: Mustang in a bar, with booze. You know you want it.

Best way to spend one's vacation. )

re-l meyer, mihael 'mello' keehl, yuri lowell, raidou kuzunoha, auron, faye valentine, hatake kakashi, tardis, sakata gintoki, hitsugaya toushirou, roy mustang, temeraire

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Comments 394

shendefeng August 2 2011, 03:51:05 UTC
After a post and receiving news about a certain issue, he was content to ask about it afterward to the man in charge of the Watch. It was something to help him and Toph do patrols better together - of course it could have been made out of satin as in the Chinese way, but leather was something more manageable, was it not ( ... )


thewarisover August 2 2011, 04:37:51 UTC
The mild gasps of surprise and a frightened shriek caught Roy's attention. The man turned about, trying to see what the source was...

...Well. That explained it. The Meister tried not to smile, and made his way outside.



shendefeng August 2 2011, 04:52:43 UTC
He was somewhat surprised that Roy had indeed come out to meet him, and even call out to him.

He gave him a slight bow of his head, "Good evening, sir. How do you do?"

At least he thought that that was the way one must address their superior. It did not seem too relevant back home due to the large difference in height, though now it somehow became more apparent, and the need to do so was more justified in this case.


thewarisover August 2 2011, 05:43:10 UTC
"Pretty good, actually. Yourself?"

He was perfectly fine with a dragon dropping in to see him, and made sure to show that to the awed bystanders. They'd calm down soon enough.


monadmayer August 2 2011, 04:33:43 UTC

Re-L had always been a night owl. When she was young Deadalus had always commented about how she seemed much more alive - lively - in the shadows of moonlight, and sluggish under the artificial sunlight that glared down on them from Romdeau's domed ceiling. In that way he was correct, the moon was more welcoming than the glaring sun. Later, it would almost seem ironic as Vincent would explain to her how her realized clone had burned up under the true sunlight that had begun to shine down on a cold Earth that had long missed it. Here in Death City that was no different, the soft click of her heeled boots against the floor strong, almost stomping with their assuredness, though some odd compulsion - no doubt a habit that had its roots in something she was taught as a young adult, compelled her to still strap her gun to her thigh as she usually would, despite the fact that she was well assured no one would really bother her here.

After all, Pino had called her 'scary lady' for the longest time for a reasonBut she almost seems shocked ( ... )


thewarisover August 2 2011, 05:39:46 UTC
"Not at all."

He was lucky, it seemed: lots of familiar and friendly faces were turning up to see him. Roy smiled, visibly pleased at having company once again.

"What's your poison for tonight?"


monadmayer August 2 2011, 05:44:40 UTC

"Let's just say if this place doesn't have a good, strong, red wine I may have to relocate." Hey, old wines were only for the social elite in Romdeau, and pretty much all she was allowed to drink there, being the Regent's granddaughter. Hard liquor doesn't even come to mind, much less something less.. fussy like beer.

"It looks like your break is agreeing with you."


thewarisover August 2 2011, 06:51:29 UTC
"I think that can be arranged." A nod to the bartender, who's starting to look amused at all the company Roy's been getting that evening.

"Does it? No more dark circles under my eyes and strained smiles?"


grab_my_bells August 2 2011, 05:05:11 UTC
Kakashi never really intended to be at the bar. He didn't drink much--and when he did, it was almost never alone--and wasn't much for the nightlife (though he wasn't much for any social life at all), so he had no reason to hang around The Northern Lights.

But the bookstore was closed and he was bored. Normally he might go up to the rooftops to watch the stars back home and be alone with his thoughts, or visit the memorial, but those weren't options here. He could go back to the apartment he shared with Gai, but that wasn't exactly conducive to clearing his head.

Noticing Roy when he entered the bar, Kakashi ordered a drink and took a seat a short ways away from his commander. He had no intentions of crowding the other man and, after a slight and mostly disinterested wave in Roy's direction, Kakashi pulled out his copy of Icha Icha Paradise instead of striking up a conversation.


thewarisover August 2 2011, 05:46:38 UTC
Roy, of course, dutifully returned the wave with a brief raise of his glass. He watched Kakashi a moment from over his drink, considering his options. He rarely spoke to the other man, he realized - he had a lot more run-ins with Gai.

Perhaps this was an opportunity. Roy eventually left his seat in order to approach.

"Mind if I join you for a bit?"


lol nice icon XD grab_my_bells August 3 2011, 03:26:51 UTC
"Sure." Kakashi shrugged, but closed his book, giving Roy the opportunity to take the seat beside him. Maybe if he got to know Roy better then Gai would get off his back about making friends and being social.

...Not likely, but maybe.

"I guess it's too cliche to ask if you come here often, hm?" He wasn't great at small talk. It was much easier to deliver a mission report and disappear again.


it's one of my favorites. ♥ thewarisover August 3 2011, 06:24:05 UTC
Roy smiled at the other in response, and dutifully slipped in. The question made him chuckle.

"Cliches can be nice too, I think." A beat, as he knocked back a bit of his drink. "Not all that often. The Brew's my more regular haunt."


betterrockets August 2 2011, 05:32:07 UTC
Grit had decided to go take a drink at the Northern Lights for no reason other than he just felt like it. Grabbing the beer from the counter, he decided to take a look around the bar. Seeing a familiar person (just from the few times they've talked), he moves over to him.

"Hey. This seat taken?" Pointing to the seat next to him.


thewarisover August 2 2011, 05:53:54 UTC
"Not at all."

Roy knocked back the rest of his current drink, and called for a second.

"Nice evening, if I do say so myself."


betterrockets August 2 2011, 17:11:01 UTC

He slipped in beside him, and sipped on his drink.

"Yeah, it ain't too bad. Expected it to be much hotter here."


thewarisover August 3 2011, 06:00:24 UTC
"Were you hoping it would be?"

The nights were, after all, getting colder pretty quickly. Winter was apparently bad no matter where you were, desert included.


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thewarisover August 2 2011, 07:05:51 UTC
Huh, another familiar face. At least Cross was looking... well, better than he had the last time Roy had come in contact with him?

"Need more of that wine?" Roy asked, addressing Cross. "It'll be on me."


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thewarisover August 2 2011, 08:03:03 UTC
That makes Roy chuckle.

"Don't worry. I'm not going to sell you out."


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