Cheers, darlin'. [so very open]

Aug 02, 2011 09:28

Characters: Roy Mustang and YOU, of course.
Location: The Northern Lights.
Rating: G... I guess?
Time: Early evening (December 2) until the small hours of December 3~
Description: Mustang in a bar, with booze. You know you want it.

Best way to spend one's vacation. )

re-l meyer, mihael 'mello' keehl, yuri lowell, raidou kuzunoha, auron, faye valentine, hatake kakashi, tardis, sakata gintoki, hitsugaya toushirou, roy mustang, temeraire

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Comments 394

iwantmythief August 2 2011, 01:43:26 UTC
Sexy found her way to the bar finally, days after having it suggested to her for fun by Haru. She let her hair down for the day, and it fell in a huge mass of curls that she seemed to have tried hard to keep at least a little tame. Karen was the one that helped her in that aspect of life, at least. Slowly but surely she was learning how to function as normally as a time and space vehicle could manage in a human body.

Seeing Roy, she lit up and waved to him as she began to walk towards him. Invitations were still another aspect of social curtsey she had yet to learn. She took a seat nearby, "Hello, Roy! I hear you're taking some time off! That's good to hear! It's never good to work too hard, that's how you get into too much trouble. I've never been here before, do you have any suggestions on what to get?" She never drank before, either.


thewarisover August 2 2011, 02:09:18 UTC

Roy nodded and smiled, and dutifully listened to Sexy's usual chatter with half an ear as he took another sip of his drink.

"If this is your first time, something light might be good."


iwantmythief August 2 2011, 02:26:39 UTC
"Light? Well, what would be considered light? I guess I'll need to find something I like too. As long as it doesn't taste like carrots." She looked around for something that might list options. Some sort of screen, surely?


thewarisover August 2 2011, 02:47:12 UTC
"A cocktail, maybe. Allow me."

The bartender was coming around. Roy waved towards the man, putting on another smile.

"Something for my lady companion, if you will. Light and sweet."


loves_humanity August 2 2011, 01:55:10 UTC
Izaya approached the Northern Lights casually, once the doors of Dorsia were closed for the night. He liked to people watch on his way home, sometimes stopping for a drink - though he really didn't drink much - to find some amusement to get his mind working again, after a day of dull, boring problem-solving.

So he was quite surprised to see no other than Roy Mustang sitting at the bar, alone at that.

Izaya weighted pros and cons, and decided to be reckless. Recklessness seemed to be a requirement in this place, after all, he reminded himself, thinking of a certain mismatched monster with the most amusing smile.

"I hope this isn't taken," he murmured politely, body language changing from one step to the next, subtly, as he slid into the seat next to Mustang. He offered a vague smile, before ordering a drink for himself.


thewarisover August 2 2011, 02:09:59 UTC
"Not at all."

A smile, swift but distant, in the other's direction. Then he was calling for another shot.


loves_humanity August 3 2011, 19:54:09 UTC
"Thank you," Izaya smiled politely and concentrated on his drink as it arrived.

He was extra careful to slowly loosen his posture, so it'd seem he was naturally relaxing as he finished his drink, to make it seem natural. After the first one was done, he pulled out the communicator from his jacket's pocket. He checked the network and commented on some posts, always attentive to Mustang at his side, but also very careful to mask his curiosity and appear as nothing but a guy interested in his own business.


thewarisover August 4 2011, 11:38:52 UTC
Roy, on the other hand, didn't pay as much attention to the stranger as he might have on any other day. He was more at ease than he'd ever been; maybe even cheerier, after his previous run-ins.

It was probably interesting to anyone who had heard of Mustang, and kept tabs on how he was on the network. This was a very different Meister from the usual.


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thewarisover August 2 2011, 02:41:44 UTC

Roy smiled at the other man, and gestured towards the seat beside him.

"Why don't you join me?"


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thewarisover August 3 2011, 06:20:51 UTC
Roy thanked the other man for the free drink, of course. He leaned back, putting the bottle to his lips.

"I hope so. The witches have been pretty quiet... either they were even more crippled by losing their Arizona base than we thought, or they're planning something."

The Meister, however, didn't seem nearly bothered by it as one would think. He was confident in what Death City had, with Shibusen and the guests. He knew things would work out somehow.


womanwattitude August 2 2011, 03:00:01 UTC
While The Northern Lights wasn't one of Faye's more frequent haunts, it was always good to mix things up once and a while to keep things from going stale. She breezed into the building, looking for a place to sit, and grinned when she spotted a familiar figure off by himself.

Well, what do you know? He really was taking some down time. Faye had had her suspicions that he was still working on the sly.

"You know, for a really good vacation, what you need is a beach and a mai tai in your hand. But all things considered, I guess this is makes for a close second."


thewarisover August 2 2011, 03:11:52 UTC
"Incredibly close, now that you're here."

Roy positively beamed in Faye's direction. It had been too long.



womanwattitude August 3 2011, 18:03:59 UTC
"I'll take that as an invitation to join you~"

It really had been too long, and as Faye slid into an empty seat next to him, she wondered if she had ever seen Roy outside of a work setting. Nothing came to mind, so she counted this as a good change.

"What's your poison?" she asked, gesturing to his glass.


thewarisover August 4 2011, 11:35:20 UTC
"Scotch, for the moment. You don't come here very often, do you?"

He couldn't remember seeing Faye in the Lights before...


silvershamurai August 2 2011, 03:09:43 UTC
His first official Watch patrol is over, and considering there is nothing like giving oneself a good pat on the back for a day's hard work, Gintoki decides to spoil himself a little with a drink. He doesn't usually get the chance nor funds to be able to buy himself classy cocktails, so hey, once is okay, right? Or maybe he'd go for something a little more hard-boiled. Whiskey? Why not? Beats cheap beer, right?

Upon setting foot into the bar, Gintoki feels a sense of nostalgia in the way night life is apparent in Death City. Reminds him of home. What sets the bar apart however, is the fact that Roy Mustang appears to be seated at the counter. You sure as hell don't see that in Edo.

Striding over, Gintoki takes a seat one chair away from Roy's position.



thewarisover August 2 2011, 03:34:48 UTC

Roy blinked, pleasantly surprised to see the silver-haired man coming around. He smiled, though, and turned back to his drink.

"Back from patrol, I take it."


silvershamurai August 2 2011, 09:42:07 UTC
When the bartender came around, Gintoki fished around in his kimono for his wallet before he withdrew it. After ordering his whiskey, and slipping the bartender a few notes, he turned back to Roy.

"Yeah, met up with Zura while I was at it. Didn't think he'd find me so soon."


thewarisover August 2 2011, 15:11:54 UTC
"Was he surprised?"

Roy quietly made a note to make sure Gintoki's next drink was on him. It was only right, given the fact that he was probably going to ask some things that the silver-haired samurai would not be comfortable with later...


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