May 12, 2010 19:43

Characters: a-r0yal-flush
Where: Deathbucks
Rating: G ♥
Time: August 5th
Description: Yuuri feels like a cookie! And a cookie he must have! So he toddles off to Deathbucks to get said cookie while pondering over his up and coming patrol duty o7

Cookies should make everything better. )

shibuya yuuri, zhi ming/james (hong kong), yozak gurrier, sakura kinomoto

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Comments 36

queensharbour May 13 2010, 02:52:41 UTC
Having arrived at the Deathbucks a little later, Hong Kong stood a few steps away from Yuuri, regarding the menu on the chalkboard with a skeptical look as he scoured it for tea. He hadn't had time to make it himself before morning training, and he was due to meet Namine and China to practice resonating at some point. Whatever they had here would have to do.

Strange. No Darjeeling, no English Breakfast, no Earl Grey. Just a lot of America's coffee. What was a Frappucino?

He squinted slightly, reading over the menu again, not realizing he'd been walking to follow the words before he bumped into the boy in front of him.

"Ah- Sorry."


a_r0yal_flush May 13 2010, 03:23:05 UTC
Yuuri was beginning to reach over to take the bag of cookies, but he found himself suddenly lurching over the counter as someone accidentally bumped into him. "Aaa!" He called out in wide-eyed surprise before he pushed himself back up to stand.

Glancing back over his shoulder, Yuuri smiled apologetically as he said, "It's alright. Are you oka--" Yuuri found himself gasping in surprise before his entire expression brightened, "James!"


queensharbour May 13 2010, 03:56:48 UTC
"Sorry about that," he repeated, embarrassed he'd managed to knock him over to begin with, blinking when the boy called his name. He did seem familiar. ... Right, that person who'd spoken to him when he arrived. The one who'd told off England.

"Yuuri?" He guessed, meeting his eyes as he helped him straighten, taking a step back to give him room.


a_r0yal_flush May 13 2010, 04:12:30 UTC
He shook his head at the apology, and there was no doubt to the fact that he didn't blame his friend at all. "You've nothing to apologise for," Yuuri offered, and really to him, Hong Kong hadn't. "If you hadn't bumped into me, then we wouldn't have met like this."

Nodding his head, Yuuri was about to reply before he realised he was holding up the line. He scrambled sheepishly out of the way in the next moment, and with an apologetic bow towards the customers waiting in line, the young Maou turned his attention back to his friend, "It's great to finally meet you in person. Were you waiting in line as well?"


vanvanvandarvia May 13 2010, 03:23:18 UTC
Anachronism hoooooo! Yozak was looking more than spiffy in his new threads, with a steaming mocha latte clutched in his hands as he rifled through menus on his Shibusen communicator. He would have been downright unrecognizable if it wasn't for his casual lean against the wall and the private way that he made smiling conference with his device, because no matter how much of a spy Yozak was, he could never stray too far from himself.

"Ordering an extra for me, young man?" Yozak asked in that trilling sing-song, finding it apparently unnecessary to look up from the keypad that his fingers were busy with, even if he was directly addressing his king.


a_r0yal_flush May 13 2010, 04:02:24 UTC
"Eh?" Yuuri hadn't realised in the beginning that Yozak was even there, but as he glanced back to regard the spy, his expression instantly brightened, "Yozak! He called out happily before fumbling with the offered paper bag. "Aa sorry, but could you make it one more?" The young Maou asked before paying for the three cookies and heading out of the line.

Opening up the bag, he offered for Yozak to take one of them. "I hope you don't mind chocolate chip?" He asked in a sheepish tone. Maybe he should have asked what Yozak wanted before ordering a third one? Aaa if it was a flavour he didn't like, Yuuri decided that he'd do the right thing and buy Yozak one he did like!


vanvanvandarvia May 13 2010, 04:09:04 UTC
"Just don't tell Lord von Kleist, mm? We wouldn't want him to die of jealousy." Yozak said, carefully lifting a cookie out of the bag. He struck it up into the air, like they were knocking drinks instead of sweets, and took an investigatory bite that left a smile on his face.

So the verdict was muy bien, it seemed. "Delicious! You spoil your retainers so, young man," Yozak said, leaning into a playfully close proximity.


a_r0yal_flush May 13 2010, 04:16:00 UTC
There was a look of confusion that flashed over Yuuri's face. Gunter would be jealous? Then maybe he should get a cookie for him as well. Waitaminute! He should get one for Conrad and Gwendal as well! That was a great idea! "Then I'll make sure to get him and the others one before I leave," Yuuri said with a grin.

He waited and watched in anticipation to see what his friend thought of the cookie. Granted, he hadn't tried one from here himself yet, but they looked tasty and that was enough for him. The moment that he heard those satisfied words, Yuuri found himself grinning widely. "You like it? I'm so glad!" He said before Yozak's following words caused him to rub at the back of his head sheepishly, "Aaa well I wouldn't say it was spoiling."


i hope this is okay x: rosy_wings May 14 2010, 02:03:41 UTC
She knew that England had said not to go out alone, but all her friends were busy right now. Besides, surely it couldn't hurt to go just to the stores, could it?

That was Sakura's reasoning when she entered Deathbucks after morning training. Maybe she'd get some treats for everyone, since they all seemed to be working really hard.

Standing in front of the display, she peered carefully at the pastries, trying to decide what to get.


More than okay <3! a_r0yal_flush May 14 2010, 02:29:37 UTC
Yuuri smiled widely at the server as he paid them and received his purchase. Hopefully Sara wound be happy with the flavour he'd picked out for him. If not then he could always go and get him something else.

Distracted in his thoughts, he didn't notice that there was someone standing behind him. Moving to turn around, Yuuri spluttered in surprise as he bumped right into another customer.

"Aaa sorry! I didn't see you there," The young Maou blurted out before asked, "I didn't hurt you, did I?"


<333! rosy_wings May 14 2010, 03:46:21 UTC
Sakura squeaked a little as she stumbled forward, having been caught off guard. She laughed weakly, embarrassed.

"I'm okay! Are you?"


a_r0yal_flush May 14 2010, 06:10:11 UTC
There was definitely a rush of guilt flashing through him as he saw her stumble forward. Reaching out to try and help steady her balance, Yuuri smiled apologetically even as she said she was fine.

"Yeah, I'm definitely fine," He muttered before offering, "Let me buy you something as my apology! It's the least that I can do."


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