May 12, 2010 19:43

Characters: a-r0yal-flush
Where: Deathbucks
Rating: G ♥
Time: August 5th
Description: Yuuri feels like a cookie! And a cookie he must have! So he toddles off to Deathbucks to get said cookie while pondering over his up and coming patrol duty o7

Cookies should make everything better. )

shibuya yuuri, zhi ming/james (hong kong), yozak gurrier, sakura kinomoto

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i hope this is okay x: rosy_wings May 14 2010, 02:03:41 UTC
She knew that England had said not to go out alone, but all her friends were busy right now. Besides, surely it couldn't hurt to go just to the stores, could it?

That was Sakura's reasoning when she entered Deathbucks after morning training. Maybe she'd get some treats for everyone, since they all seemed to be working really hard.

Standing in front of the display, she peered carefully at the pastries, trying to decide what to get.


More than okay <3! a_r0yal_flush May 14 2010, 02:29:37 UTC
Yuuri smiled widely at the server as he paid them and received his purchase. Hopefully Sara wound be happy with the flavour he'd picked out for him. If not then he could always go and get him something else.

Distracted in his thoughts, he didn't notice that there was someone standing behind him. Moving to turn around, Yuuri spluttered in surprise as he bumped right into another customer.

"Aaa sorry! I didn't see you there," The young Maou blurted out before asked, "I didn't hurt you, did I?"


<333! rosy_wings May 14 2010, 03:46:21 UTC
Sakura squeaked a little as she stumbled forward, having been caught off guard. She laughed weakly, embarrassed.

"I'm okay! Are you?"


a_r0yal_flush May 14 2010, 06:10:11 UTC
There was definitely a rush of guilt flashing through him as he saw her stumble forward. Reaching out to try and help steady her balance, Yuuri smiled apologetically even as she said she was fine.

"Yeah, I'm definitely fine," He muttered before offering, "Let me buy you something as my apology! It's the least that I can do."


rosy_wings May 15 2010, 01:36:16 UTC
She looked up, startled, when he steadied her, but she smiled up at him. He seemed like a good person.

And then his words sunk in, and she shook her head, stammering. "You don't have to! I know it was just an accident."


a_r0yal_flush May 15 2010, 15:50:36 UTC
Yuuri pulled his hands away when it seemed that he'd managed to steady her balance. That was a relief! The last thing he wanted to do was to injure anyone else, after all, especially one who seemed as nice as this girl.

"If you're sure?" He asked while blinking once in surprise. It had been his fault, and he felt as though he needed to make up for it. Maybe he'd think of something else soon enough! Smiling, the young Maou offered, "I'm Yuuri."


rosy_wings May 18 2010, 03:46:15 UTC
"I'm Sakura!" She smiled shyly at him. "It's nice to meet you, Yuuri-san," she offered, bowing politely.

"And I'm really sure. I was just trying to pick what to get for my friends, so I wasn't paying attention either."


a_r0yal_flush May 19 2010, 16:55:20 UTC
"It's great to meet you too, Sakura-san!," He returned the bow happily. It had been a while since he'd last met anyone new, and he was glad that he actually bumped into Sakura... even if he wouldn't have wanted it so literally.

"Oh, I see!" There was a friendly smile on his face as he said that, "Do you live here, or were you and your friends brought here like everyone else?"


rosy_wings May 19 2010, 23:17:53 UTC
She shook her head. "We were all brought here. Everyone seems to be working really hard, you see, so I wanted to get them something nice in return!"

She gestured to the selection of pastries. "I'm just not sure what to get," she confessed sheepishly.


a_r0yal_flush May 20 2010, 00:30:22 UTC
Yuuri wasn't all that surprised when he found out that Sakura and her friends had been brought here as well. There were just so many people who have that it left the young Maou both happy and saddened by the thought.

"I can understand your feeling for wanting to do that," He murmured happily before glancing down to the selection of pastries. There definitely were a lot to pick from. "Hmm," Yuuri sounded thoughtfully as he glanced at the selection, "Well, what sort of foods do you friends like? It looks like they've got some here with fruit inside of them, aaaand there's one with icing, by the looks of it... what else..."


rosy_wings May 20 2010, 02:20:15 UTC

... )


a_r0yal_flush May 20 2010, 23:22:44 UTC
There were definitely a number of good looking pastries in the window. Aaa it was so tempting to get some of these for Sara and the others as well, but he had the cookies he'd just bought. Maybe next time!

"Then you should definitely go with the fruit ones!" Yuuri said in agreement before peering curiously at Sakura. Holding up the bag in his hand, the young Maou gestured to it, "I already bought a few cookies for myself and a good friend of mine, so I'm all good."


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