May 12, 2010 19:43

Characters: a-r0yal-flush
Where: Deathbucks
Rating: G ♥
Time: August 5th
Description: Yuuri feels like a cookie! And a cookie he must have! So he toddles off to Deathbucks to get said cookie while pondering over his up and coming patrol duty o7

Cookies should make everything better. )

shibuya yuuri, zhi ming/james (hong kong), yozak gurrier, sakura kinomoto

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vanvanvandarvia May 13 2010, 03:23:18 UTC
Anachronism hoooooo! Yozak was looking more than spiffy in his new threads, with a steaming mocha latte clutched in his hands as he rifled through menus on his Shibusen communicator. He would have been downright unrecognizable if it wasn't for his casual lean against the wall and the private way that he made smiling conference with his device, because no matter how much of a spy Yozak was, he could never stray too far from himself.

"Ordering an extra for me, young man?" Yozak asked in that trilling sing-song, finding it apparently unnecessary to look up from the keypad that his fingers were busy with, even if he was directly addressing his king.


a_r0yal_flush May 13 2010, 04:02:24 UTC
"Eh?" Yuuri hadn't realised in the beginning that Yozak was even there, but as he glanced back to regard the spy, his expression instantly brightened, "Yozak! He called out happily before fumbling with the offered paper bag. "Aa sorry, but could you make it one more?" The young Maou asked before paying for the three cookies and heading out of the line.

Opening up the bag, he offered for Yozak to take one of them. "I hope you don't mind chocolate chip?" He asked in a sheepish tone. Maybe he should have asked what Yozak wanted before ordering a third one? Aaa if it was a flavour he didn't like, Yuuri decided that he'd do the right thing and buy Yozak one he did like!


vanvanvandarvia May 13 2010, 04:09:04 UTC
"Just don't tell Lord von Kleist, mm? We wouldn't want him to die of jealousy." Yozak said, carefully lifting a cookie out of the bag. He struck it up into the air, like they were knocking drinks instead of sweets, and took an investigatory bite that left a smile on his face.

So the verdict was muy bien, it seemed. "Delicious! You spoil your retainers so, young man," Yozak said, leaning into a playfully close proximity.


a_r0yal_flush May 13 2010, 04:16:00 UTC
There was a look of confusion that flashed over Yuuri's face. Gunter would be jealous? Then maybe he should get a cookie for him as well. Waitaminute! He should get one for Conrad and Gwendal as well! That was a great idea! "Then I'll make sure to get him and the others one before I leave," Yuuri said with a grin.

He waited and watched in anticipation to see what his friend thought of the cookie. Granted, he hadn't tried one from here himself yet, but they looked tasty and that was enough for him. The moment that he heard those satisfied words, Yuuri found himself grinning widely. "You like it? I'm so glad!" He said before Yozak's following words caused him to rub at the back of his head sheepishly, "Aaa well I wouldn't say it was spoiling."


vanvanvandarvia May 13 2010, 04:20:05 UTC
It was just like Yuuri to want to take everything to the extreme. Not only that, it was charming, so Yozak certainly looked swayed at the end of it. "I'm sure," he said, rubbing at the corner of his mouth to neatly free it of any residual cookie dust, "that they'd much rather go out to get them with you, young man." He reached out to catch a handful of Yuuri's hair, ruffling the king's 'do nicely. "What are the royal plans for today, anyway?"


a_r0yal_flush May 13 2010, 04:55:17 UTC
He peered up curiously at Yozak as the spy began to speak. There was nothing but curiosity in his gaze while his mind supplied him with the rest of the sentence that might be spoken. Sure? Sure what? Sure that they might want more than one cookie. What if one of them didn't like it! Then it would make them feel obligated to take it even though they didn't want it! Aaa he didn't want to do that to his fri--

His rambling thoughts came to an abrupt halt as Yuuri finally caught the rest of Yozak's statement. Grinning widely, the young Maou peered up through the hair ruffling as he said, "You're right about that! I should invite them with me next time."

His mind was made up in that respect, and when asked about his day, Yuuri easily admitted, "I'm not sure what's planned for the rest of the day, but I signed myself up for the patrol England's setting up."


vanvanvandarvia May 13 2010, 05:00:34 UTC
Yozak made a low noise in the pit of his throat and went back to leaning Rebel Without a Cause against the coffeehouse wall. The quirk of his brow said it all; the king signing himself up for a patrol would be a glorious headache for the captain, which was a brand of trouble that Yozak decided he was particularly fond of.

"I should get around to doing that too," he said with a distracted lightness to his tone, his eyes on the overhead panels. What a shame about their wasted rappelling potential. "Have you spoken to the captain about it yet?"


a_r0yal_flush May 13 2010, 05:08:59 UTC
Yuuri pulled his own cookie out of the bag as Yozak leant away. Taking a small bite of it, the young Maou made a decidedly pleased sound as he tasted just how good it was. It really was delicious as Yozak said! Now he'd have to get a few extra for Conrad and the others!

"You're going to join as well?" That was fortunate, since he was considering asking the others if they wanted to help. With Yozak and the others, Yuuri held no doubt that they'd not only be able to keep everyone safe, but find out Crane's location as well.

His enjoyment over the cookie came to an abrupt stop, though, at the mention of Conrad. A quick flash of guilt wormed its way through his body, and with a sheepish expression, Yuuri glanced at Yozak, "Not yet. I sort of joined without thinking."


vanvanvandarvia May 13 2010, 05:16:27 UTC
"Of course, young man," Yozak said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world, and by all rights it could have been. Though he wasn't always glimpsed at Yuuri's side, he could always be counted to be stowed away somewhere close, waiting.

Not now though. Now he flicked the cuffs of a particularly dashing jacket and replaced his communicator in the pocket of his well-suited denims, smiling openly at the king. It was the sort of expression that was wrought with sharp canines and tricky shadows; Yozak had the look of conspiracy down pat. "You can tell him it was my idea to sign you up then," he said, and that little light in his eyes flared. "Unless you want to get a rise out of the captain, that is. I couldn't blame you for that."


a_r0yal_flush May 13 2010, 16:03:23 UTC
He was definitely happy to hear that Yozak was interested in helping out. Yuuri was sure that with everyone working together, they'd all be able to find Doctor Crane a lot faster. That wasn't to mention the fact that he was starting to feel a little more useful again. While he couldn't do anything in the fight against Adachi, the young Maou knew there was something that he could do here.

"I wouldn't want to get you into any trouble," Yuuri said with a laugh before he shook his head, "I want to tell him the truth, even if I don't want him to worry over anything."


vanvanvandarvia May 14 2010, 04:20:58 UTC
"Have it your way then," Yozak said, sounding a hundred times more exasperated than he truly looked. It may have been the fault of that run-away grin he was wearing, like he was day-dreaming about train heists or pranking one of the ten nobles. "Where do I go to sign up for such a thing anyway?"

And then another thought came to him, one that had been niggling at him for quite awhile. "Hm . . . I still have my 'identity' to take care of, don't I?"


a_r0yal_flush May 14 2010, 06:19:06 UTC
Yuuri couldn't help but smile apologetically at Yozak as he heard the tone. He really didn't want to put the blame on others when it was his own choice, but there was some part of him that felt that the spy knew just that - if that grin was any indication. "England made an announcement over the PDA, so you'll probably be able to find it on there and sign up. That's how I did it!"

Taking another bite of his cookie, the young Maou munched happily on it before he found himself confused over the whole identity question. "Huh?" he sounded questionably before asking, "Your identity? What do you mean by that, Yozak?"


vanvanvandarvia May 14 2010, 07:56:28 UTC
"I still have to get used to these things," Yozak admitted sheepishly, taking the PDA into his hand again. It had been a long morning of figuring out the mechanics of the thing, but Yozak was nothing if not resilient. Still, he was developing a curious callous on his finger, and getting better at typing, so that was a start.

"The captain mentioned somethin' about weapons and whatnot," he said flippantly, waving a hand through the air to demonstrate, of course, just how much the captain kept everything from him. "I haven't figured out which I am, but the whole thing sounds bizarre to me, doesn't it? Using people as weapons . . ."

Though using the captain as a weapon sounded like it'd be fun, for a few minutes at least. His smirk came right back at that thought.


a_r0yal_flush May 14 2010, 21:09:27 UTC
He found himself laughing lightly at Yozak's admission. "I was just the same way when I first got here, but I was just lucky that Japan sort of has something similar." Yuuri offered with a comforting smile, "I can always teach you how to use it, if you're interested?"

Yuuri definitely thought that it was a strange situation as well, and knowing that he turned into a weapon was still something he had to get used to. He knew that Conrad, Gwendal and Murata were meisters, and he idly wondered if Yozak would as well. "You should ask one of the staff members to find out. I know that Watakui told me what I was."


vanvanvandarvia May 15 2010, 01:16:20 UTC
"Our Lord of The Sovereign Knitting Needles gave me a crash course," Yozak said, drawling out every gratuitous part of the title. If there was one person he liked ribbing better than poor Yuuri, it was the grombling eldest for sure. "But it'd be an honor to hear anything his majesty has to teach me." Judging by that shady look he shot at Yuuri then, however, they were nearly neck-and-neck for entertainment value.

"But don't worry, little majesty, I'll take care of things. It wouldn't do to have me out of commission when there are big nasties scratching in the walls 'round here, would it?" All that he needed was a flashlight to point at a sour angle at his face, to match that eldritch tenor and ghost story smirk.


a_r0yal_flush May 15 2010, 15:47:35 UTC
Yuuri couldn't help but grin widely at Yozak's assessment of Gwendal. While he held no doubt that his retainer would be frowning at hearing such a thing, the young Maou found the colourful title to be rather fitting. "I'm sure that Gwendal knows more about these things than I do," He offered with a wide smile, "Well, if you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask!"

He nodded his head initially to the talk about Yozak finding out what he was, but paused at the whole thought of something nasty scratching in the wall. "Egh?!" Yuuri sounded in fearful surprise before a shiver ran down the length of his spine, "Aaaa no no, it really wouldn't!"


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