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/tackles <333 heroine_pimpin December 5 2009, 06:11:12 UTC
*Well, if there was one thing she had commonplace with Somarium and Wonderland was that she could explore. As much as she liked normal, practical things - she had to admit walking around and discovering new things didn't feel so bad. While strolling around the big city, she happened to see a little girl dressed quite similarly to herself. How strange. And she's talking to herself no less! Perhaps she was lost?*

Little Miss? Are you, in any chance, lost?


/luvs on madcuriosity December 5 2009, 06:23:29 UTC
She looked up from the little device that Basil turned into up at the woman that Alice didn't recognize. Still, she must know where they were (and someone who would answer the "where" and "how" question. Both questions were very important to Alice.) Alice gave a small curtsy when she was addressed. This woman obviously wasn't mad. So she wasn't back in Wonderland or the Looking Glass (well... maybe the Looking Glass. But Alice didn't remember crossing any river into the next square... and she was a Queen there now anyways! So she could move more than one space if she wished!).

"I... well I think I'm lost..." she said as she kept the little... blue device in her hands. "Which I suppose if I think I'm lost then I most likely am lost. But I may be exactly where I need to be! The only problem is... I don't know where this "where" is. Which... if I need to be exactly where I am, I think I deserve to know where this "where" is! Do you know where I am miss?" she asked after a great sigh at the prospect of being lost or found ( ... )


/luvs too heroine_pimpin December 5 2009, 07:06:39 UTC
"Oh dear, another lost one ... Well, I'll just be frank with you Little Miss. This place is called Somarium, and it's very much like a dreamworld. Before you ask, no one seems to know how we got here or how to return home." Her brow ceased a little. "I'm so very sorry to be bringer of bad news."

For a little girl, she talked strangely - perhaps all children are like that when they're little? Alice honestly couldn't remember what she was like when she was around this girl's age.

But she knew what it felt like to be lost and away from home. Peter made sure of that.


madcuriosity December 5 2009, 07:45:56 UTC
She blinked at being called a lost one. Was getting lost common here? She wondered if enough people got lost, would those who were found then the ones who were lost? If everyone was lost except for one person, who was to say that one person wasn't the lost one? But that wasn't the point. She was in Somarium. Which actually quite a pretty word! And Somarium was apparently a dreamworld. But Alice was very used to those. And at least this time she knew from the beginning she was dreaming! So it was just a matter of waking up ( ... )


dyausa_pita December 5 2009, 06:42:26 UTC
Cielo didn't pay attention to his own little Dreamberry device all that often. Perhaps if he did, he'd have noticed one of his tribe mate's names vanishing from the list. As it was, the young man still thought everything was normal, his dwindling tribe was still three strong. He just thought there were better things to do then sit around, staring at a little screen ( ... )


madcuriosity December 5 2009, 07:05:50 UTC
She jumped in surprise when she heard someone call out to her and turned her head ( ... )


dyausa_pita December 5 2009, 07:40:13 UTC
"Dis is Somarium!" He made a wide motion with his arms, as if encompassing the whole world in them. "People say dis whare ya go when ya be fallin asleep~" His head tilted towards his shoulder and he closed his eyes, letting his arms sway back and forth at his sides for a moment, hands hidden in the too big sleeves of the jacket, before snapping them open again.

"Dat ting dere is a Dreamberry! You can talk to all de other dreamin' people wit it, and it'll record de tings ya dream too." Cielo crouched down so he was perched on his toes at the edge of the tree limb, hands resting on his elbows. He was being helpful!


madcuriosity December 5 2009, 07:50:12 UTC
"Somarium?" she repeated. Well if this was the place she went when she went to sleep, it was only a matter of waking up. Quite a simple thing really. Now... how did one wake themselves up when they were aware they were dreaming? She watched the older boy move around and she was terribly curious about his jacket. It was wonderfully colorful but she had never seen anything like it before!

When he pointed at Basil she blinked. A Dreamberry? Well she had no intention of eating Basil, not after he had been so wonderfully helpful to her! That would have been rude.

"And... who are you sir?" she asked since he seemed to know so much.


carnivalcat December 5 2009, 06:50:11 UTC
Boris was getting used to wandering about while making sure not to tend to his injuries. After all, he still had to search for Doll! .... but what was this he happened upon? A little girl talking to a doll and then.. it turned into a Dreamberry? Unfortunately he couldn't manage to make out all her words from the distance he was at. It was for that reason that he drew closer, able to catch her last few statements

So he wandered closer, letting his presence be known as he approached the young girl, "If you've lost your way, you should know where you are. So if you don't know where you are, who's to say this isn't your way?"


madcuriosity December 5 2009, 07:14:25 UTC
Alice heard a very familiar voice.... or... it sounded like a familiar voice. And it not only sounded like a familiar voice, but she would know that sort of riddle anywhere. Alice brightened considerably at the idea of Cheshire being with her. If Cheshire was here then he would surely know where they were! He always knew! Even if he didn't tell her he still knew. And Alice didn't know anything about this place, so if one person knew between the two of them, it was much better than her knowing nothing by herself. Quite pleased with her arithmetic she turned around quickly.

"Cheshire!--" she blinked when she saw not a very pleased grinning tabby... but a very bright pink man. Alice blushed when she realized her mistake (though to be fair, she tried to defend her actions to herself, he certainly sounded like Cheshire. And the only person that had ever sounded like Cheshire had been Cheshire. So it was a perfectly reasonable mistake to make ( ... )


carnivalcat December 5 2009, 07:22:36 UTC
Her eagerness made him laugh a little. She seemed about the twins's age, maybe a little younger. And with just as much naivete, it seemed. It was that thought that brought a smile to Boris's face as she apologized. But at the thought that there could be anyone else like him... it was a little confusing! He was pretty sure he was the one and only Cheshire Cat! ... or at least, at the moment he was. But when he was disposed of, there would be another one. Maybe this girl met another Cheshire?

"I can't help but find that to be a pretty funny thought," he admitted aloud. "I mean, I think I'm a pretty one-of-a-kind individual, wouldn't you agree? But if you know another, then I think they're probably an interesting person." Though he was quick to jump to the next topic, not waiting for her opinion, "You lost, kiddo?"


madcuriosity December 5 2009, 08:01:36 UTC
Her brow knitted in confusion and then disbelief. He was Cheshire? No he couldn't be. Cheshire was a cat... then again, Cheshire could stand on his head and not be all there. Perhaps... he could turn into a man? As soon as she thought that, the small saying came into her mind: 'Should ever man and cat combine, it is man that shall be made greater, while the greatness of a cat declines.' But what if it was him? Then she had gone and insulted one of her dear friends!

"Cheshire Puss?" she said blinking, ignoring his question in favor of knowing if it really was Cheshire. "I never knew you could turn into a man Cheshire!" she said as she stepped closer to him. Basil returned to his normal shape since the Dreamberry wasn't being used. She started to walk around him. Curiosity bubbled in her as she tried to figure out if he was truly her Cheshire... (or as much as Cheshire could belong to someone she supposed ( ... )


charientisms December 5 2009, 06:55:36 UTC
If there was one thing Break was quite good at, it was keeping track of information. And ever since Vincent's rather unexpected arrival in Somarium, he had taken to keeping track of the contacts list, for it was so very conveniently updated whenever someone left or arrived. And one name, at the top of the list, happened to catch his eye.

Alice LiddellHow very curious. And yet, what was preventing a character from a book arriving in a Dream World? He could see little that would; with the parallels between his own world and the book he had found, it was possible, even, that his world was in a book in some other dimension. Perhaps it was not probable, but it was a theory to work with, in any case ( ... )


madcuriosity December 5 2009, 07:33:24 UTC
It seemed Basil was doing a very good job at fulfilling her request! First he had turned into the little... box, and at her request of finding someone, he did! What a wonderful little bunny! If he could fulfill her request in such a way then she was very glad she named him. And she rather hoped that he liked her and that was why he was doing all this for her. She would have to do something nice for him in return. He was already wearing a little waistcoat. And he had a watch in his paws... or had a watch when he was in bunny form. Well... she would think of something to thank the little bunny ( ... )


charientisms December 5 2009, 16:59:31 UTC
So she was indeed Alice Liddell, and Break was aware that that brought their total number of Alice's in this world to three. It might have been amusing, except that Break found it so very peculiar that of all books, a children's fairy tale seemed to be one with the largest impact on other worlds. But now that he had a very reliable source for more information on said books, he was determined to find out why...And if such information could be used to predict the events of his own world. She was clearly a polite young girl--but that was not so surprising, for she had been that way in the book--and so Break smiled and replied, "A pleasure to meet you, Miss Alice. My name is Xerxes Break."

And he bowed in response, for a good impression needed to be made if he planned to use her for information.

Giants, though? He considered this, looking around, but he gathered quickly what she thought. The buildings were far taller than any he'd seen, but he had figured out that they were, quite simply, used to house more people in less space, not to ( ... )


madcuriosity December 5 2009, 20:27:29 UTC
Oh thank goodness! She wasn't in a land of giants. But then who would possibly need such massive buildings! And so many of them at that! She was quite glad to hear that most everyone was a normal size. Although she would like to meet a giant... at least... if it were a nice giant she'd like to meet one anyways. Oh it would be quite lovely to meet a big friendly one she supposed! So long as someone friendly she wouldn't mind meeting anyone of any size! But that wasn't really the issue at the moment. Although her curiosity made her wonder what was inside such large buildings.

"How do you do Mr. Break," she said with a smile. While he was dressed quite oddly Alice was at least happy to see he was pleasant. And it was nice to hear that everyone was the proper size. She had had quite enough experience shrinking and growing to last her a life time. She didn't want to go through that again (though she admitted she wouldn't mind being a little taller ( ... )


[it had to happen!] martini_manjuu December 5 2009, 06:57:39 UTC
Mokona was bouncing through Somni randomly, having fun playing in the various snowdrifts, since the snowdrifts in the city were different than the snowdrifts in the village. He debated calling Stitch to play with him, but he wanted to play on his own for a little while.


Yes, yes it did! <3 madcuriosity December 5 2009, 07:35:23 UTC
She blinked when she saw a little black ball bounce up and down in the snow... was that... it WAS! It was a rabbit! A very curious rabbit, but one nonetheless! Alice rushed over to it. Perhaps this rabbit was a friend of Basil's and could tell her where she was!

"Mr. Rabbit! Mr. Rabbit!" she called Mokona as she ran over to him.


\o/ martini_manjuu December 5 2009, 07:40:02 UTC
Mokona paused and blinked. "Mokona not rabbit!"


madcuriosity December 5 2009, 08:03:34 UTC
She blinked when she reached the rabbit and it proclaimed it wasn't a rabbit.

"Ah... I beg your pardon?" she said when she reached him. "Well... if you aren't a rabbit what are you then?" she said as she gazed down at him. "Because you most certainly look like a rabbit."


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