Alice Liddell 001 // In a World of my Own

Dec 04, 2009 21:38

Who: Alice Liddell and whoever wants to help her
Where: Somni
Style: Either
Status: Open ♥

Bright blue eyes looked all around her in curiosity. Her head snapping from side to side in a useless endeavor to take in everything she saw all within a matter of seconds (and really, it was a useless endeavor. You simply couldn't take in everything in a matter of seconds). She had never seen a place like this before. She had never even dreamed of such a place! Everything was so terribly high! The sky seemed like a narrow strip of blue! She had never seen anything so tall before except for the clock tower in London when father had taken her and her sister to see it! But even the clock tower seemed smaller than these buildings! She looked up and up as far as she could, yet she couldn’t see the top at all! Alice looked so far back in an effort to see the top of the buildings that she nearly fell backwards!

Righting herself quickly she bit her lip and pressed the tips of her fingers to her lips. Her arm tightened around the stuffed rabbit in her arms. She didn’t even question how it had appeared there (the rabbit - after all - was a far less troublesome and curious thing than the buildings). The most prominent question in Alice’s mind was however did she get here (it wasn’t a rabbit hole of course, and it wasn’t going through the looking glass)? And after that question of course was the question, where WAS here? Then all the standard questions about wherever "here" was and whatever it was called started to line up in a neat little row in her mind. Why were the buildings so terrible tall? And whoever lived in such buildings? Perhaps giants lived in them! Oh dear, she rather hoped they were friendly giants and not the sort to eat people. That wouldn’t have been pleasant at all. Although if giants did live in the buildings, Alice rather hoped that she was too small in comparison. She hoped she would be small enough that the giants would only see her as an ant. And everyone ignored ants (although to be perfectly honest, Alice was quite displeased at the idea of being an ant).

Well… she supposed the only way she was going to get answers to her questions was to find someone to answer them. Though… that most certainly seemed easier than what was the reality. Alice hugged the rabbit closer and gazed down (for her neck had gotten tired from looking up so much). It was the most… curious road she had ever seen! Why, it was as black as a shadow! Alice looked at her own shadow just then and decided that the road was even darker than that! Tentatively she stepped down from the sidewalk and put one foot on the road. She closed her eyes tightly and waited. When nothing happened she opened one eye slowly and then the other.

"Curiouser and curiouser!" she cried aloud as she placed both feet on the black road. She didn’t stand on it for very long though. One simply didn’t stand on a road for very long. There was too much likelihood of being trampled by a carriage and that was a simply dreadful thing to happen. She gazed down at the little rabbit and it gazed back at her with deep black button eyes. "Well, I don’t know who you belong to little rabbit. If you belong to me now it was very rude of you not to tell me you belong to me. But if you don’t belong to me I rather hope that whomever you do belong to won’t think I stole you!" Oh that would be horrible! To be thought of as a thief when she had done nothing wrong was quite bothersome. "Still... you do need a name little rabbit," she paused and continued to gaze at the little rabbit with large feet and floppy ears. "Well little rabbit, you look like a Basil." Alice nodded her head, terribly pleased at the name she had chosen. "Yes, Basil is a very good name I should think for you little bunny! So from now on, you are Mr. Basil. And we haven’t been properly introduced Mr. Basil," she said in a serious tone. Introductions were a very important thing after all. If Basil turned out to be the speaking sort she didn’t want him to think her rude.

"My name is Alice, Alice Liddell. It’s very nice to meet you, Mr. Basil. There, now we’re introduced," she giggled. What a bit of nonsense she thought to herself. Perhaps a bit too much nonsense. Still, she had learned it far better to introduce herself on the off chance the little rabbit could understand her than for him to assume she was rude.

She moved and wrapped her arms around Basil, holding him close to her chest as she started to walk down the sidewalk.

"Basil," Alice started the conversation, "do you know where I might find someone?" she asked. Perhaps the little bunny would know. He had, after all, just appeared in her arms for no reason. She blinked in amazement as the little rabbit suddenly transformed into... well. She wasn’t sure WHAT it was! She looked at the bright blue shiny contraption. She lifted it up and turned it over in her hands again and again. Squinted blue eyes looked at the small box with great scrutiny. "Now Basil," she said, still addressing the rabbit despite it turning into… whatever the little device was. "Whatever is the purpose of turning into this! How shall it help me find someone?" Such a daft bunny Basil was turning out to be. Alice gazed at what she assumed was the front (or top, she wasn’t quite sure). She saw numerous buttons all written in English! Oh! Perhaps the little thing was a typing machine like what her father had! It was a very good thing Alice knew her letters.

"But however do I use it?" she thought aloud. Thinking aloud seemed ideal since asking Basil had provided her with the box. Well… she still didn’t know what the contraption was unfortunately, but Basil had turned into this little device at her question, surely it would help her find someone. "Or is it on already?" she couldn’t tell. Although the screen itself wasn't black, so perhaps it was on? Unless... it wasn't SUPPOSED to be black? And who had decided black meant 'off' anyways. Well... she supposed it made sense with a lantern or fire place. When the fire was put out, it left only black wood or a burnt wick. But this wasn’t anything like a candle or lantern. But the light screen looking back at her could have easily meant that it still wasn’t on and Alice wouldn’t have been any the wiser. Well, she supposed she would just have to try and find out. She was sure something peculiar would happen. And hopefully her voice was too soft for the giants to hear. "Hello?" she said at the little device. "Basil are you on? Would someone please be so kind as to tell me where I am and possibly if this is... working? I've seem to have lost my way."

boris airay, draco malfoy, alice liddell (heart no kuni), !location: somni, javert, cielo, undertaker, xerxes break, tohru adachi, mokona modoki (larg), blood dupre, alice liddell (original), danny fenton

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