Alice Liddell 032 // Caught in the Midst

Jul 24, 2011 10:54

Who: Alice and anyone willing to rescue her
Where: Espoir
Style: First for speed please
Status: OPEN!
Summary: Alice is being attacked

[She was running away from the men, their eyes narrowed. But she was only a little thing and they had longer legs and arms trying to grab her. She had started running as soon as she saw them, but they had seen ( Read more... )

zelos wilder, juri kuran, ieyatsu sawada (giotto), leon (squall leonheart), jean valjean, zion liddell, altaïr ibn-la'ahad, omi tsukiyono (mamoru), lara croft, !location: espoir, oz vessalius, train heartnet, !moon: cycle 75, alice liddell (original)

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Comments 169

nvrtheeasyway July 25 2011, 03:14:55 UTC
[The purple gem gets knocked out of the hand of whoever is trying to put it on the young lady and a dull thud is heard as Lara pistol wipes the assailant. A punch takes care of another zombified citizen and the Brit kneels down by the little girl's side.]

Are you all right Alice?

[There's not a lot of time for idle talk, but before the girls have to run, Lara wants to make sure the blond is okay]


madcuriosity July 26 2011, 07:27:48 UTC
Lady Lara! [Little arms wrap around Lara's shoulders, and she's so relieved her hug is tight. She's shaking and has to bite back a whimper.]


nvrtheeasyway July 26 2011, 19:51:10 UTC
[She hugs the child back, taking the time to rub soothing circles on her back before she quickly picks her up as Lara hears the sound of maniacal laughter in the background. Wrapping Alice's small legs around her waist, she starts to jog out a little]

All right darling, I need to be a big girl now and hang on tightly to me, okay?

[While she doesn't want to injure any of the citizens, she still can't let come closer. She takes out one of her gun, clicking the safety off as she looks around, eyes searching for an escape route. If it comes to it, she can always shoot in the legs or arms in order to disable the zombies]


madcuriosity July 27 2011, 06:51:19 UTC
[Alice nodded before the possessed citizens started coming at them again.]

L-Lady Lara where are we going to go! [She held on tight to Lara, when one gets too close she cries out in fear.]


stole_bread July 25 2011, 04:31:26 UTC
[Barely a split second would pass before the young girl's father would appear, practically out of nowhere, to save her, just as he has always promised he would.

Jean Valjean's usually kind face is quite hardened at the thought of his youngest daughter being harmed.

With a thick, strong hand, he grab firmly onto the wrist of the demon who held Alice's long hair back and twisted, not enough to cause any permanent damage but certainly enough to make the crazed person's grasp go weak.]


madcuriosity July 26 2011, 07:16:55 UTC
[There was a soft grunt of pain from the man with the purple eyes and Alice rushed out of his grip to her father's side.]

Daddy! [She sobbed, relieved to be with him.]

[The men gazed at Valjean and Alice and started to head towards them.]


stole_bread July 29 2011, 20:05:46 UTC
[Valjean, though strong enough for it, has no desire to fight these men. Leave that up to the police to handle.

The older man hoists up his young daughter and flees, strangely fast for a man slowly approaching seventy.]


madcuriosity July 30 2011, 09:41:32 UTC
[She holds onto him for dear life, which is quite accurate, all things considered. The men are quick to follow but can't keep up with Valjean.]


livethecreed July 26 2011, 03:24:43 UTC
[Altair had been scouting the area, both to keep an eye out for any in danger from the wraiths that had appeared Al Mualim much? and to map out the area he had found him inhabiting, when he heard the scream.

Quickly, he raced over the rooftops towards the noise and found Alice, held in the grip of one of the wraiths. Without thinking Altair jumped from the rooftop, only barely remembering to not release the hidden blade. Instead he rammed the hilt into the person's skull and forced them off the girl.]

Are you injured? Can you run? [These things remind him to much of the villagers in Masyaf under Al Mualim's influence for him to want to remain.]


madcuriosity July 26 2011, 07:31:57 UTC
I-I can run. [She just rather not have to. Her reply was quick and before she could prove she was fine, the man was slowly shaking, starting to get back up again, the others with him narrowed their eyes. The jewel was in each of their hands and Alice backed up until her back hit Altair's legs, the men approaching, trying to get the jewels on both of them now.]


Sorry for any mistakes, on my iPhone. livethecreed July 26 2011, 22:20:22 UTC
[Altair glanced down at the girl, finally taking note of her youth. It only took him a moment to make a decision, the creatures were moving towards them again, stone in hand. He reached a hand down to Alice as he moved his other to the knife strapped to his back. It would do no good for her to be harmed as they fled. It took almost no effort to swing her onto his back and he shot a quick warning to her. ]

Hold on tightly. We will be moving swiftly. [He made sure her hands were gripping his shoulders securely before he moved, using the hilt of his blade to knock the wraiths back as he darted through the crowd. Several moments passed slowly as he looked for a break to make their escape, and it was a great relief when he saw the opportunity needed to get them away. Instantly he was climbing to higher ground and sprinting away.]


No worries! I understand completely madcuriosity July 27 2011, 06:53:57 UTC
[She held on around his shoulders as best she could and as soon as he started running she eeped and actually held on tighter. The possessed citizens were coming towards them and she hid her face in his back when a hand reached out for them. He was covered in cuts and bruises, the jewel still clutched tightly in his hand.]


makoinjected July 29 2011, 10:01:46 UTC
[ He had been trying to help those store owners that had been attacked by the people with purple eyes or those that were being attacked straight-forward with little reservations. Alice's scream brought him to the place he was at as he kept his sword in hand before elbowing the man who had her by the hair in the face. Causing his grip to loosen before he pulled her out of the way. ]

You should get out of here, Alice.


madcuriosity July 30 2011, 09:33:44 UTC
[Yes, she should. She hadn't intended to stay once the hand pulling her hair was gone...

Ooof course that plan is being interrupted, just like whatever it was she was about to say, when another of the men grabs her arm in a vice grip and twists. She lets out a scream of pain as her shoulder is wrenched back, certainly not used to such violence.]


makoinjected July 30 2011, 09:46:09 UTC
[ Oh that doesn't make Cloud any less happy than he already was as he practically tackles the individual who had yanked the little girl back. He was actually quite used to being the 'bodyguard' as he just made sure Alice was close to him. ]

C'mon... [ He punches another individual who makes a grab for the little girl. ] We should probably keep close to each other.


madcuriosity July 30 2011, 09:48:54 UTC
[She clings onto him with one arm, until her left arm stops throbbing so much. She is shaking as the men surround them.]

C-Cloud what are we going to do?


-waves shyly- I-I can't quit Alice ;v; killthecrimsons July 31 2011, 17:11:41 UTC

[Zion was infuriated that someone would dare attack someone so dear to him. All he wanted to do was slaughter the fools who dare harm a single perfect hair on her sweet little head. Drawing his gun, he rushed over to where Alice was and bashed the butt of the gun in one of the pathetic fools head who was holding her. A very icy look on his face. He repeated the process with the others, he'd rather die then have Alice be hurt. They only suitable punishment was death for them but he wanted to spare Alice the sight of seeing him like that. ]

Alice....Are you alright? They didn't hurt you?


She can't quit you either <3 madcuriosity August 1 2011, 08:42:24 UTC
Zion! [When she was released she rushed over to Zion, hugging onto him tightly, shaking.] Zion we need to get out of here!


<333333 Bawww Alice~<3 killthecrimsons August 1 2011, 17:07:43 UTC
[Zion hugs her back very protectively, eyes still scanning for any one else who was effected.] Yes...Of course we do! They didn't hurt you did they? I'll punish them if they did!

[No one harms Alice. No one, he didn't care if they were possessed or anything they would still be punished for even daring to attack her. He hugged her tightly before gently pushing her away and holding her hand]

Let's go!


Ziiioooon <3 madcuriosity August 2 2011, 05:43:49 UTC
N-No I'm not hurt! [A sore scalp perhaps but no, they hadn't caused any bruises or cuts.] Please let's go b-before more come! [She grabs his hand and pulls, fear evident on her face.]

Z-Zion please, we can go to my home but let's get out of here.


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