Alice Liddell 032 // Caught in the Midst

Jul 24, 2011 10:54

Who: Alice and anyone willing to rescue her
Where: Espoir
Style: First for speed please
Status: OPEN!
Summary: Alice is being attacked

[She was running away from the men, their eyes narrowed. But she was only a little thing and they had longer legs and arms trying to grab her. She had started running as soon as she saw them, but they had seen ( Read more... )

zelos wilder, juri kuran, ieyatsu sawada (giotto), leon (squall leonheart), jean valjean, zion liddell, altaïr ibn-la'ahad, omi tsukiyono (mamoru), lara croft, !location: espoir, oz vessalius, train heartnet, !moon: cycle 75, alice liddell (original)

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nvrtheeasyway July 25 2011, 03:14:55 UTC
[The purple gem gets knocked out of the hand of whoever is trying to put it on the young lady and a dull thud is heard as Lara pistol wipes the assailant. A punch takes care of another zombified citizen and the Brit kneels down by the little girl's side.]

Are you all right Alice?

[There's not a lot of time for idle talk, but before the girls have to run, Lara wants to make sure the blond is okay]


madcuriosity July 26 2011, 07:27:48 UTC
Lady Lara! [Little arms wrap around Lara's shoulders, and she's so relieved her hug is tight. She's shaking and has to bite back a whimper.]


nvrtheeasyway July 26 2011, 19:51:10 UTC
[She hugs the child back, taking the time to rub soothing circles on her back before she quickly picks her up as Lara hears the sound of maniacal laughter in the background. Wrapping Alice's small legs around her waist, she starts to jog out a little]

All right darling, I need to be a big girl now and hang on tightly to me, okay?

[While she doesn't want to injure any of the citizens, she still can't let come closer. She takes out one of her gun, clicking the safety off as she looks around, eyes searching for an escape route. If it comes to it, she can always shoot in the legs or arms in order to disable the zombies]


madcuriosity July 27 2011, 06:51:19 UTC
[Alice nodded before the possessed citizens started coming at them again.]

L-Lady Lara where are we going to go! [She held on tight to Lara, when one gets too close she cries out in fear.]


nvrtheeasyway July 29 2011, 00:51:39 UTC
[Lara looks around as she tries to spot a route back to her Skyrunner. That hover bike Cid gave her is proving to be very useful.]

I don't know how the village looks right now, but at worse I will bring you back at the Mansion and you can call your father from there to let him know you are safe, Alice.

[Despite the fact that she has a child wrapped tightly against her, Lara shoots at the leg of the closest one, one she pistol whips another one, slowly making her way back to her bike]

Have you ever fly, darling?


madcuriosity July 29 2011, 05:58:17 UTC
Ah- well not... I-. [She wasn't really able to recount when she had flown in the present situation. She looks at the bike and looked up at Lara.] We-We're leaving now right?


nvrtheeasyway August 2 2011, 04:20:04 UTC
[Despite the dire situation, Lara manages to give the child a warm, reassuring smile]

Well I suppose this is as good as any other time to try it, no?

[After hacking down a few more possessed people, the Tomb Raider makes it to her Skyrunner and she gently lets Alice slip on the seat.]

Yes, I believe it is best for us not to stay out here for too long, wouldn't say, Alice?

[The brunette straddles the seat behind the young blond and she starts the hover bike, quickly bringing it in the air as she slips an arm around Alice to keep her from falling.]

All right, let us see if your home is safe.


madcuriosity August 2 2011, 06:00:23 UTC
A-Are they attacking people in their homes? D-Do you think daddy and Cosette are safe?

[She eeped as the bike suddenly moved ans she held onto Lara and the bike simultaneously.]


nvrtheeasyway August 4 2011, 05:27:52 UTC
[Pressing the child closer to her, Lara looks down at the cottage beneath them. Luckily for the residents of Somarium, the possessed people are evading the closed doors and windows.]

They seem to only take on the people out in the open, Alice. I believe your family is safe. I can see your house from here as well.


madcuriosity August 5 2011, 06:23:40 UTC
Do-do you want to stay with us until this calms down?


nvrtheeasyway August 8 2011, 20:15:33 UTC
[Lara brings the Skyrunner down close to Alice's home and she shakes her head, smiling softly.]

Thank you for the offer, Alice, but I think I should probably continue to help people against the possessed people of Somarium. But if there's anything you need, don't hesitate to call, all right?


madcuriosity August 9 2011, 06:07:37 UTC
Ah, thank you, Lady Lara. Thank you very much.


nvrtheeasyway August 11 2011, 06:15:58 UTC
And you are very welcome, Alice. Now go on, I'll make sure that none of these possessed people follows you inside.


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