Title: Confidence (Part 1/?) Pairing: Koyama x Theresa Summary: Change can be for the better, will hers be for the better or for the worst? Notes: This is it! hahahaha Hope you like it XDDD
Title: Twitter Pairing: Yuya/maki (one-sided), Shige/Maki Summary: Even if they say that they don't have a boyfriend or girlfriend, doesn't necessarily mean they're single either.
Title: Torn 9/9 Author: resha_ueda Rating: PG - 13 Pairing: Shige/OC, Tegoshi/OC, NEWS Summary: Series of events will unveil shocking truths that no one knew existed. A sequel to time
Title: Torn 8/9 Author: resha_ueda Rating: PG - 13 Pairing: Shige/OC, Tegoshi/OC, NEWS Summary: Series of events will unveil shocking truths that no one knew existed. A sequel to time
Title: Torn 7/? Author: resha_ueda Rating: PG - 13 Pairing: Shige/OC, Tegoshi/OC, NEWS Summary: Series of events will unveil shocking truths that no one knew existed. A sequel to time
Title: Waiting Summary: Options are weighed hoping at the end she’ll make the right choice Author's note: Felt the need to write and this is dedicated to nekoism