"Icky" is a 4-Letter Word

May 10, 2010 15:49

One of my favorite people was talking about the phenomenon "girls are icky" showing up in certain corners of fandom, which is always guaranteed to get my righteous rage up. And there's nothing like righteous rage to bring on a MEME ( Read more... )

poll, when we were awesome, meme, fandom

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Comments 33

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smittywing May 10 2010, 20:07:32 UTC
I think those are the examples that are even more important - because it's easy to slam characters that aren't written well, without thinking of them as people or looking at them as potential stories that could be written well. It's easier to say, "Well, Gwen's storyline has sucked so they should just kill her off and let Arthur and Merlin be together." Because yeah, that's going to happen.


trobadora May 10 2010, 19:55:49 UTC
Ha, I've spent the last couple days rambling about the awesomeness of Cara and recent developments in her storyline. If you haven't you should totally check out Legend of the Seeker. I'll be lazy and just link instead of repeating myself. *g*

Btw, seems you forgot to close a bold tag somewhere.


smittywing May 10 2010, 20:11:24 UTC
Thanks! I saw your posts but I didn't read them because I didn't want to spoil myself in case I did decide to check it out.

I think I got the bold tag. Thanks!


trobadora May 10 2010, 20:54:12 UTC
You really should - I love that show so much, and Cara is pretty much win personified.


<3s shetiger May 10 2010, 20:15:57 UTC
I apologize in advance for the size of these. Am lazy, and also I kind of (irrationally) hate GIMP, which is the only graphics program I have on my 'puter.

As promised, Garcia cleavage:

... )


Re: <3s smittywing May 11 2010, 14:15:15 UTC
You should never apologize for the size of Garcia's cleavage. Uh, I mean...PRETTY!

Dude is the horseshoe necklace in the first JJ pic the one she was playing with in Risky Business? If so, I gotta give them mad props for continuity. Or at least creative use of jewelry in a way that resembles continuity.

Also, that is totally one of my favorite Emily pics, and you know why. Stars in her eyes.


...and some Merlin shetiger May 10 2010, 20:19:24 UTC
Everyone is twitterpated in the spring:

... )


Re: ...and some Merlin smittywing May 11 2010, 14:16:46 UTC
Katie is gorgeous. And Morgana sure is rocking that necklace. *hearts*


shetiger May 10 2010, 20:28:23 UTC
And a couple Idol women, because they're awesome.

Megan Joy, Season 8 contestant:

... )


smittywing May 11 2010, 16:48:58 UTC
I think I would love Allison MORE for making that face than for not making it. :D She is adorable and OMG, seriously? She was 16? Dude, at 16, I couldn't get my mom to let me wear eye makeup. I am totally impressed that she's so in touch and confident about her sense of self. And a little envious. :)

Also, I LOVE stories like Megan Joy's! Now I want to go read up on her at Wikipedia. :D


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