"Icky" is a 4-Letter Word

May 10, 2010 15:49

One of my favorite people was talking about the phenomenon "girls are icky" showing up in certain corners of fandom, which is always guaranteed to get my righteous rage up. And there's nothing like righteous rage to bring on a MEME.

I could do this forever, because I have traipsed through a million and one fandoms, but I did these earlier for said favorite person, so I'll be lazy and just reproduce them here:

Morgana: Dude, no one says, I'm in line to be queen like Morgana. She's strong-willed and she tells THE KING what's on her mind and when he's doin' in wrong, and she wears the hell out of a cape. Also, I am in love with her hair.

Gwen: Even though Morgana looks more likely to be queen in Merlin, we all know how that story turns out and Gwen has consistently demonstrated the temperament and common sense that the boys lack Camelot's queen requires.

Morgause: So I don't want to be spoilery for people who are watching on SyFy but trust me, Morgause is awesome.

Elizabeth: Girlfriend walked through a circle of Jello without knowing what was on the other side. That takes balls. Even after she handled the first two crises (sunken city's shield breaking down and military commander kidnapped by evil space catfish) then she had to spend a few years keeping Sheppard and McKay under control. (Okay, I know she had lots of awesome moments but I'm so out of SGA right now I cannot come up with specifics.)

Teyla: Teyla, on the other hand, went around beating people up 8.5 months pregnant, hijacked a Wraith ship to save her baby's daddy so he could take care of Torrin while she's off exploring the galaxy, and occasionally takes over Wraith queens' minds. Also she can pilot the Wraith ship, follow Rodney's engineering projects, and regularly wipes the exercise mats with both John and Ronon.

Criminal Minds
Garcia: Penelope would probably be the best profiler of them all if she didn't know that it would tear her apart. I love that she can stand up and say, no, that's not what I want for my life, and doesn't feel any the worse for it. Also she is totally a goddess of technology who has dork princes and quarterbacks falling to their knees in amazement. Also, she has the most amazing fashion sense of anyone, period. I love her. And her cleavage, OMG.

JJ: Dude, JJ. JJ hits what she aims at. And it doesn't get back up. And she's fine with doing it, to save herself or her family. She's awesome at her job, and doesn't want to be a profiler, although she admits she has to do some profiling to pick which cases to take - and I'm SURE she has to do some profiling to juggle all those personalities. Hotch trusts her enough to take her word on questionable cases, and that's a mix of her having done awesome by him in the past, and that stealth profiling she does - of him. She does it with local law enforcement, too - we've talked about that ep where she convinces the guy to let her look through files "because these guys won't let me do anything..." I also love The Crossing, how she looked at the failure of standard law enforcement and decided the abbreviated team was taking that stalking case, to prevent a crime, rather than solve one.

Emily: Do you remember way back in second season when I couldn't remember Emily's name? Yeah, that was a long time ago. Emily got hit by a truck and climbed out of the car and emptied her clip at the guy's bumper. How badass is that? She chases down unsubs in the street and kicks down doors and shoots things and is generally awesome, but she also has this past of constantly moving and little attention and many languages and of course heartbreaking choices. And through it all, she's always got one eye out for abandoned teenage girls, trying to keep them from the same sort of life and loneliness she suffered.

Elle: Elle gets the shaft most of the time, no lie. But she was tiny and badass, and she was fiercely dedicated to the balance of work and home. She was the object lesson in why you have to be really messed up to be in the BAU, and she believed in justice, though maybe not the justice system by the end. One of my favorite Elle-memories is when she looked at a rape-attempt victim and said, "Of course she's [acting the way she is]. She's surrounded by men." And then took the woman someplace peaceful and private and let her breathe before telling her story.

Ready? Go! Leave a comment with your favorite woman and why she's awesome. It doesn't matter what fandom. Maybe your girl will sound so fabulous, I'll have to go check her out. :) (Also, you know, picspam and fic recs = always beloved.)

Also, I was thinking about how much I like the kink meme model of leaving anonymous prompts for people to browse and answer as they're inspired - it's fun and it lets people step outside their usual boxes and it's less pressure than a formal challenge. I'm not so much married to the "nothing-but-porn" aspect - it would be just as much fun to say "Kate Beckett meets Wendy Watson" or "Elizabeth Weir plays a practical joke" and let it grab someone's attention. Y/N?

Poll When We Were Awesome Comment Fic Meme

poll, when we were awesome, meme, fandom

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