"Icky" is a 4-Letter Word

May 10, 2010 15:49

One of my favorite people was talking about the phenomenon "girls are icky" showing up in certain corners of fandom, which is always guaranteed to get my righteous rage up. And there's nothing like righteous rage to bring on a MEME ( Read more... )

poll, when we were awesome, meme, fandom

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Comments 33

omglawdork May 10 2010, 20:39:10 UTC
Love it! Un-grounding myself to say "other" - which means my answer is "I am so onboard for this it's not even funny, so long as it finishes up after I've finished this bitch of an article for work and also my 50 remaining thank you notes and have addressed the 175 birth announcements sitting on my desk, since my baby is over three months old and all." In other words, I'm in like flynn if I can feasibly make it work, schedule-wise. :)

ETA: ah hell, if I don't have to write any sex and I can pick whatever prompt I want, I'm sure I can make it work. :) 1000 word min?


smittywing May 11 2010, 16:52:12 UTC
You only have to participate if a prompt grabs you, and there's no minimum. You can just scribble a little scene if you're inspired. If I did it, I probably wouldn't start it for a few days and the prompting would run at least a week, and the writing for unfulfilled prompts could go on as long as people still wanted to write.

Also, dude. That's why God made computer address labels. Let's talk about mail merge. ;)


madripoor_rose May 10 2010, 20:42:42 UTC
I've been falling deeper into DC comics fandom, and reading up some back issues of The Flash...how awesome is Wally's mom, Mary West?

After years of an unhappy marriage, she leaves her husband after he turns out to be a Manhunter agent and tries to kill her. When her son goes bankrupt, she dusts off her secretarial skills and talks a friend into hiring her. She installs the Justice League Transporter Tube in their apartment, since Flash can't figure it out, and *hacks* it so she can take day trips to Paris and Athens. While she's going this, she stumbles into an Interpol case and ends up all Scarecrow and Mrs. King with Inspector Ernesto Varni, who she eventually marries.


smittywing May 11 2010, 16:54:33 UTC
Dude, she sounds awesome! I haven't read much Flash - some of the older Mark Waid issues and most of Geoff Johns' run, but Mary sure seems a force to be reckoned with. I particularly like her installing the Transporter Tube because Flash can't figure it out! I completely approve of her hacking her way overseas, too. I would love to be able to do that.


wychwood May 10 2010, 21:01:35 UTC
Okay, I know she had lots of awesome moments but I'm so out of SGA right now I cannot come up with specifics.

My Crowning Moment of Awesome for Weir will always be the bit from the Siege where she goes off to talk the Genii out of a nuclear bomb or three, and she's blindfolded and tied to a chair and still the boss of everyone in that room. The courage to do it, the sheer guts to carry it off, and just the extent to which she totally owns her interrogator - I adore that scene.


smittywing May 11 2010, 17:17:30 UTC
OMG, that was awesome. The thing I will always remember about that scene is how she had her foot tucked around the leg of the chair - it was like this tiny little tell that she was human, while she was owning everyone. Anything could have happened in that situation and she made it come out in her favor.


wychwood May 11 2010, 19:45:19 UTC
Yeah - you can really see how scared she is, but she's just not going to let that stop her, you know?

Also one of the very few occasions in the series where I could believe that she had a past as a diplomat. The writers pretty much failed on that otherwise.


bluerosefairy May 10 2010, 21:09:02 UTC
I am on a huge giant Ashes to Ashes kick right now, so I need to fangirl all over you about how awesome Alex Drake is.

Yeah, that's Detective Inspector Drake to you.

DI Alexandra "Alex" Drake is made of awesome. Alex was a psychological profiler for CID in London in 2008 when she got sent to work with a fellow cop who was having some psychological trauma: DI Sam Tyler. A little while later, she gets involved in a hostage situation where not only is her life threatened, but her daughter's as well. She doesn't scream and cry - she does her job and tries to talk Leyton down. It doesn't work, because she gets shot - and wakes up in 1981.

She's really not happy about it.

Does Alex freak out? Yes. But does she give up? No. Alex is smart and so, so tenacious. She tries to figure out the rules of this world again and again. She's a fighter, as she says - "fight to live, fight to see my daughter again, fight to get home" - and she is tough as nails.

She can stand up to Gene Hunt and shout right back at him.I love Alex's reaction to Gene ( ... )


smittywing May 11 2010, 17:59:54 UTC
Holy crap, this is an incredible pimp effort. I hope everyone reads this. I love women who balance multiple roles and I clearly need to watch this. (Randomly, does she tower over Chris or is that some weird camera trick of body position, distance, and perception?)

(Also also, hey! I knew she looked familiar so I looked her up on imdb and she was in the first season of Spooks - which is the only one I saw. Totally totally gorgeous.)


bluerosefairy May 11 2010, 18:39:49 UTC
Hee, thank you. I might come back later and fangirl about Shaz, too, who is a sassy, snarky plonk and once shot a man while wearing her wedding dress.

You REALLY need to watch A2A. It's one of the best examples I can think of of a show that gets its genre and audience - it's got a mytharc, yes, and you can absolutely watch it as a sci-fi/fantasy/thriller show. But you can also watch it for the awesome 80's music, fashion, and references.

(Marshall Lancaster is about 5'7. Keeley Hawes is 5'10, without the heels. Yes, she is that tall, but in that picture, he's kind of ducking down to run around the Quattro and chase a suspect. It's a weird pic, but it's the only one I could find at the moment.)


kaiyah19 May 17 2010, 16:39:52 UTC
Thank you. Definitely looking this up.


cereta May 10 2010, 23:22:18 UTC
In a culture that treats women her age with vague tolerance at best, Jessica Fletcher takes shit from no one. From the pilot, she never doubted that important men should listen to her. After all, she was right!

Fiona Glenanne blows shit up. And shoots. And rescues her boyfriend.

Kate Beckett is a great cop, who knows when to be serious and when to give Castle back just a bit of his own.


smittywing May 11 2010, 18:32:31 UTC
That is an excellent observation that Jessica has not just sexism to contend with, but ageism as well. Good thing she's awesome enough to take them all.

What I love best about Fiona is all the ways she knows to blow things up. In that way, she's kind of like a walking encyclopedia. And far more dangerous than Michael.

Beckett! <3 <3 <3


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