"Icky" is a 4-Letter Word

May 10, 2010 15:49

One of my favorite people was talking about the phenomenon "girls are icky" showing up in certain corners of fandom, which is always guaranteed to get my righteous rage up. And there's nothing like righteous rage to bring on a MEME ( Read more... )

poll, when we were awesome, meme, fandom

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<3s shetiger May 10 2010, 20:15:57 UTC
I apologize in advance for the size of these. Am lazy, and also I kind of (irrationally) hate GIMP, which is the only graphics program I have on my 'puter.

As promised, Garcia cleavage:

And a little of that fashion sense:

JJ being coy for the sake of the team:

And yeah, she's got this:

I kind of fail at having Emily caps on hand, but here's one that's never not awesome:


Re: <3s smittywing May 11 2010, 14:15:15 UTC
You should never apologize for the size of Garcia's cleavage. Uh, I mean...PRETTY!

Dude is the horseshoe necklace in the first JJ pic the one she was playing with in Risky Business? If so, I gotta give them mad props for continuity. Or at least creative use of jewelry in a way that resembles continuity.

Also, that is totally one of my favorite Emily pics, and you know why. Stars in her eyes.


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