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Comments 167

umbreon_blacky November 12 2009, 04:26:51 UTC
Blacky was finally feeling well enough to drag herself out of the infirmary, and even if she was having a bit of trouble walking, she wasn't going to let that stop her from getting out and getting some much-needed fresh air. The weather seemed so nice lately, too. It was probably the last bit of good weather of the year, and she wasn't going to watch it from the wrong side of the window.

Even if the weather was warm enough for some people, Blacky was bundled up in unusually heavy, concealing layers. She was still covered in bruises and cuts from the end of October, and she found that she looked too thin to pull off her normal outfits. Her favourite dress had been ruined anyway. Vanity aside, she didn't want to risk getting uncomfortably cold at all anyway.

She huddled on one of the benches, hands tucked into the sweater's oversized sleeves, content to just watch the world going by around her.


tattlemethis November 13 2009, 05:36:24 UTC
Goombella, bundled up in a coat with a book under one arm and one of the fallen leaves in her other, walked down the path, admiring the leaf she carried. The world was so pretty during the fall. There was so much colour...

Her plan was to go and find a place to sit and read outdoors to just enjoy the ambiance, and by pure coincidence she happened upon the bench occupied by Blacky. "Excuse me," she began, "can I join you?"


umbreon_blacky November 14 2009, 02:13:49 UTC
Blacky looked up, taking a moment to place the student's face. "Ah, of course... Goombella, isn't it?" She moved closer to one edge of the bench to give Goombella more room to sit, especially if she wasn't fond of close contact with strangers. People could be so silly that way.

She gestured to the book. "What are you reading?"


tattlemethis November 14 2009, 03:16:28 UTC
"Oh, it's a book about ancient Greek mythology," she said, holding it up for Blacky to see while she sat. "That's right, Goombella. You're Miss Blacky, right? The psychology teacher?"


monotreme_101 November 12 2009, 19:18:51 UTC
Knuckles was walking along and enjoying the sunshine. It was weak, but it was there.

And... the piles of leaves? He hadn't seen anything quite like them since he'd made his own leaf piles on Angel Island. Most of the trees up there were evergreens, but they still dropped leaves due to the wind and rain. He'd gather them together and set them in a pile where the sun was sure to last a few hours and then he'd take a nap...

...damn a nap sounded good about now.

He looked around and spotted no-one really close by. Taking off his backpack and jacket and quickly gulping down the last of his coffee, he then lay down, curled in a little ball on top of the pile of leaves and smiled as thier familiar, scratchy caress wooed him away from the world of the waking.


orangestarbeats November 13 2009, 05:30:19 UTC
Jake was walking by, hands in his pockets and listening to his music. When out of the corner of his eye he saw the huge pile of leaves. He thought for a few moments. He looked around to make sure nobody would see him, and promptly hopped into the pile. That done, he picked himself up and started walking away, a goofy grin on his face.

Couldn't act mature ALL the time.


black_hawke November 15 2009, 06:11:51 UTC
Unfortunately for Jake, someone was watching. Hawke had been sitting on a nearby bench, buried in a book when he heard the telltale sound of someone jumping in a leaf pile. A leaf pile in the general area, at that. Upon further inspection, it appeared to be Jake.

"I saw that." He quipped at the CO's retreating figure.


orangestarbeats November 15 2009, 06:53:49 UTC
Uh oh.

"Don't judge me. Oh, uh, hey there Hawke."


black_hawke November 16 2009, 00:36:03 UTC
"Jake." He replied in greeting, JUDGING HIM still buried in his book. It was a wonder he'd even seen the student's leafy escapades at all.

"Someone had to rake those."


operatingbuddy November 14 2009, 03:59:00 UTC
R.O.B. hovered down the pathway. He was keeping track of the temperature; as the days got colder, he intended to determine optimum operating settings for maximum performance. But as he passed by, he caught sight of a man in a cowboy hat, gathering up fallen leaves into a pile. Curiously, R.O.B. hovered towards the man and said, "Pardon me. Query: Why are you gathering fallen leaves into a pile?"


2x4_of_justice November 15 2009, 02:41:39 UTC
Flint turned around at the sound of the strange voice. He paused when he didn't immediately see anything, and then looked down.

...The hell was this thing.

"Uh." Well, it could talk, so obviously it could listen, right? "I'm cleaning 'em up, of course."


operatingbuddy November 15 2009, 06:14:28 UTC
Cleaning them? "I comprehend," R.O.B. replied. Clearly these leaves were a nuisance, and this man's function was to remove that nuisance to create a more aesthetically pleasing environment. A perfect opportunity to earn his keep. "Query: May I assist you in your task?"


2x4_of_justice November 16 2009, 03:22:27 UTC
Well, this was unexpected. Flint had seen plenty of people out and about today (unfortunately for him, this was BEFORE they all started jumping in his meticulously raked leaf piles), but nobody had offered to help. Then again, this thing was some kind of robot, and robots did that sort of thing. Flint didn't really like the idea of getting a machine to help, but this was taking him longer than he had anticipated.

"Uh, sure. I think I left the extra rakes up against the wall over there." He said, gesturing to the nearest building.


icequeen_aran November 15 2009, 00:19:43 UTC
It was hard not to notice Flint's hard work all over campus, but it wasn't hard for Samus to leave it at that; she wasn't exactly bristling with excitement to go jump in some leaf piles. In fact, the thought didn't even cross her mind once.

However, she did find herself walking outside with her hands stuffed in her jacket pockets, enjoying the not-rainy weather immensely.


pedaltothemetal November 15 2009, 05:05:38 UTC
Suddenly, music! Except not really!

Little did Samus know she was being FOLLOWED. It happened to be an increasing occurance in recent days, especially now that there were leaf piles involved. And little did Samus know that there was something terrible and horrible and awful lurking amongst the trees and bushes and fall foliage.

A leaf monster! A terrible, horrible, awful one. Sneaking around and watching the blonde and generally being a creepy creep, waiting for the precise moment to strike.

Ordinarily, Falcon would not be hiding in a rather large pile of leaves, but Samus was out and about, so that was a good enough excuse for him. When he sensed she was close enough, he jumped forth from his leafy hiding place, grabbing her around the waist and dragging her into the depths of the pile. Or trying to. Whether Samus would succumb to falling backwards into the mound of leaves was yet to be seen.


icequeen_aran November 15 2009, 05:46:13 UTC
Little did Samus know she was being FOLLOWED. Except Samus was trained to be always aware of her surroundings, even when alchohol was involved.

Okay that was kind of an excuse but nay! Alcohol was not involved at the very moment or was it and she heard a sound to her side. A faint, ominous leaf-rustling sort of sound which drew her attention. Something horrible was about to befall her, Samus could feel it. The hairs on the back of her neck stood and she braced herself for a... a something whatever it was.

IT WAS A LEAF MONSTER ATTACKING HER OH NO! "Hrrhn!" Not about to be overcome by such a horrible fiend pulling her from behind, she thrashed and wiggled for her life and nearly punched the stupid monster in his stupid face, but her vision was obscured by leaves in the blink of an eye! Whatever it was it had clearly planned it's attack long in advance and was bigger than her and very strong and looked just like...

"Ffffnnnnrrghn FALCON!" She shrieked! Which was muffled by a giant pile of leaves, of course.


pedaltothemetal November 15 2009, 06:45:59 UTC
Falcon was almost punched in the face. Almost. He was surprised she didn't try worse, seeing as he'd just exploded out of a pile of leaves.

"Nnooooo!" He said triumphantly, fighting to keep hold of a very squirmy Samus. "An awful terrible horrible leaf monster, come to kidnap you." The introduction was accompanied by a very evil laugh.

Of course, Falcon knew full well that his words would be taken as a challenge and this whole ambush would probably degenerate into rolling around in a leaf pile and lots of yelling. Which...wasn't a particularly terrible situation. "I have you now."


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