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icequeen_aran November 15 2009, 00:19:43 UTC
It was hard not to notice Flint's hard work all over campus, but it wasn't hard for Samus to leave it at that; she wasn't exactly bristling with excitement to go jump in some leaf piles. In fact, the thought didn't even cross her mind once.

However, she did find herself walking outside with her hands stuffed in her jacket pockets, enjoying the not-rainy weather immensely.


pedaltothemetal November 15 2009, 05:05:38 UTC
Suddenly, music! Except not really!

Little did Samus know she was being FOLLOWED. It happened to be an increasing occurance in recent days, especially now that there were leaf piles involved. And little did Samus know that there was something terrible and horrible and awful lurking amongst the trees and bushes and fall foliage.

A leaf monster! A terrible, horrible, awful one. Sneaking around and watching the blonde and generally being a creepy creep, waiting for the precise moment to strike.

Ordinarily, Falcon would not be hiding in a rather large pile of leaves, but Samus was out and about, so that was a good enough excuse for him. When he sensed she was close enough, he jumped forth from his leafy hiding place, grabbing her around the waist and dragging her into the depths of the pile. Or trying to. Whether Samus would succumb to falling backwards into the mound of leaves was yet to be seen.


icequeen_aran November 15 2009, 05:46:13 UTC
Little did Samus know she was being FOLLOWED. Except Samus was trained to be always aware of her surroundings, even when alchohol was involved.

Okay that was kind of an excuse but nay! Alcohol was not involved at the very moment or was it and she heard a sound to her side. A faint, ominous leaf-rustling sort of sound which drew her attention. Something horrible was about to befall her, Samus could feel it. The hairs on the back of her neck stood and she braced herself for a... a something whatever it was.

IT WAS A LEAF MONSTER ATTACKING HER OH NO! "Hrrhn!" Not about to be overcome by such a horrible fiend pulling her from behind, she thrashed and wiggled for her life and nearly punched the stupid monster in his stupid face, but her vision was obscured by leaves in the blink of an eye! Whatever it was it had clearly planned it's attack long in advance and was bigger than her and very strong and looked just like...

"Ffffnnnnrrghn FALCON!" She shrieked! Which was muffled by a giant pile of leaves, of course.


pedaltothemetal November 15 2009, 06:45:59 UTC
Falcon was almost punched in the face. Almost. He was surprised she didn't try worse, seeing as he'd just exploded out of a pile of leaves.

"Nnooooo!" He said triumphantly, fighting to keep hold of a very squirmy Samus. "An awful terrible horrible leaf monster, come to kidnap you." The introduction was accompanied by a very evil laugh.

Of course, Falcon knew full well that his words would be taken as a challenge and this whole ambush would probably degenerate into rolling around in a leaf pile and lots of yelling. Which...wasn't a particularly terrible situation. "I have you now."


icequeen_aran November 15 2009, 07:20:51 UTC
Very squirmy Samus was, even after recognizing her life was not in any real danger. But she did have a big, scary, awful terrible horrible leaf monster on her hands now.

"What are you doing!" Or rather the leaf monster's hands were on her, making escape very difficult; so of course she would take that as a challenge. A... very challenging challenge if only because Falcon had her arms pinned to her sides at the moment. Usually pushing Falcon around wasn't a problem for her but it was the most she could do to roll the both of them out of the leaf monster's domain.

"Nonononono~!" Samus yelped desperately, her cry creeping closer and closer into unbecoming bounty hunter squeals with every subsequent 'no'. She could probably break free at the cost of not humoring him hurting him. Maybe if she just wiggled really hard instead she could avoid that. Yes. That sounded like a plan. And then she could break free and show him what's what.

Leaves were everywhere.


pedaltothemetal November 15 2009, 08:24:44 UTC
After several instances of Samus making Falcon produce noises that were largely unbecoming of him, it was a refreshing change of pace to have the reverse. It was a lot less humiliating, too. But still, it was no easy task, with the other bounty hunter struggling and leaves flying about. The whole situation was rather chaotic, and probably looked rather chaotic as well.

He couldn't help but notice that though she was fighting back, she wasn't fighting back as hard as she could. If she really wanted him off her, she would have done it in the first three and a half seconds of leaf monster attack.

But really, it wasn't like he was going to question. Despite her wiggling he managed to execute some very impressive maneuvers until he was sitting atop her on the pile of leaves, pinning her wrists. "Ha!"


icequeen_aran November 15 2009, 08:49:25 UTC
Yes, if Samus really wanted him off her she would have done so already... so it was very probable that she did not, in fact, want him off her! She could act like that wasn't the case, however. As those were some impressive maneuvers he managed to pull out of his ass.

Once Falcon had her by the wrists, her wiggling subsided and she cast him a tired stare that betrayed the fact this was actually a pleasant surprise. "Oh no. What ever shall I do." She said incredibly deadpan.


pedaltothemetal November 16 2009, 03:10:00 UTC
"I don't know." He grinned down at her. "What shall you do?"

Falcon knew what he was going to do. As long as she was being apathetic he was going to take handfuls of foliage and rain them on her. Which meant he had to let go of her wrists, but exploding out of a leaf pile and tackling her into said leaf pile without getting kicked in the important manparts was accomplishment enough.

"How are you today?" He said, sprinkling leaves on her face.


icequeen_aran November 16 2009, 17:50:09 UTC
What shall she do? Grump and pout her lips out for starters as she was showered with brown, crunchy leaves. Perhaps try to combat them by blowing a few away with her bottom lip, just to be an extra grump.

A grump that felt herself slowly sinking into the cushiony leaf pile with Falcon's extra weight on top of her. Not that it was necessarily a bad thing but, "Today, I was kidnapped." She stated, no less deadpan than before. "By a leaf monster."

Ah, but her hands were free, which meant Samus was not going to be kidnapped for much longer. She knew Falcon would have expected for her to take advantage of her freedom, and so she did; it only took one hooked leg to roll the both of them so she was sitting on top now, looking not quite as apathetic as before. "But there was something about him that caught my eye."


pedaltothemetal November 17 2009, 05:02:26 UTC
He'd expected that to happen, so he didn't resist. It wasn't a particularly adverse sequence of events, after all. And he could still fling leaves at her (they just fell back on his face oh well he would fling them anyway). "You're not officially kidnapped because the leaf monster hasn't brought you anywhere yet."

Nevermind the fact that he was technically not in a position to be kidnapping anyone at the moment. He was confident he could change that, though, especially because they both seemed rather lenient about who was sitting on who. Maybe not for long, however.

"Yet" was still the operative word. With Samus, one always had to wait for the opportune moment for re-kidnapping.

"What about him?"


icequeen_aran November 17 2009, 15:45:13 UTC
Oh. Oh. Not officially yet. Yet. "Well, for starters..." Samus watched with a dry amusement as the leaves were helplessly repelled by help ala gravity and came tumbling back down to their owner. Served the big goof right. "This leaf monster had a very scruffy manly beard which looked kind of strange and unusual on him." Samus emphasized this by cupping said strange leaf monster's face in her hands and gently pulling on said scruffy one-week and some days or so old beard. It was just starting to grow out of that itchy, stubbly, prickly stage and was more bearable to touch.

Which she was doing. A lot of at the moment because Falcon just looked so strange with a beard.


pedaltothemetal November 18 2009, 03:42:06 UTC
"The leaf monster would like to take this chance to remind the lady that it is No-Shave November and she'll have to deal with it for another few weeks."

Falcon didn't particularly like having a beard. This was his second No-Shave November because otherwise Max would try to emasculate him even more than usual. At least it was getting past the itchy stage. The first week was always the worst.

"But if you really want me to shave it, I will."


icequeen_aran November 18 2009, 16:17:06 UTC
Samus didn't particularly like nor dislike Falcon's beard. She was quite used to the stubbly and unshaven kinds of faces but a nice smooth one was well... nice and smooth. It just looked strange to her, was all. Samus regressed into petting it as she mulled over Falcon's words. Her ears were quick to focus in on that word again--lady, but she brushed it off, not unlike how she was unconsciously brushing the leaves off his face.

"I suppose I'll have to deal with it." She gave him a wry little smirk, "Unless this leaf monster is looking for an excuse to shave it off." And she so pointed to herself, getting the feeling Falcon would love to spare himself itchiness if he could find said good excuse.

"I won't tell Max, promise."


I DID IT AGAIN AND I DIDN'T EVEN NOTICE HRRKLJD I THINK IT'S A SIGN. pedaltothemetal November 18 2009, 16:33:43 UTC
"No, I was just throwing that out there. I'm keeping it unless you really want me to shave it, but if you don't..." He reached up and threw a handful of leaves into her hair. God forbid he back out of No-Shave November for any other reason.

Falcon had decided enough was enough with the being sat on so he squirmed out from under her and pulled her down with him until they were laying side by side on the foliage.

"I wonder whose hard work we ruined." He thought aloud in reference to the nearly obliterated pile of leaves.


CAPTAIN DOUGLAS MALKOVICH B| icequeen_aran November 18 2009, 18:09:16 UTC
Samus made a face and a small, sputtering pffbt pbbt sound as she was bombarded with another small assault of foliage. This was quite a leaf monster she had on her hands. Well, on her hands until she was no longer on top anyway. Lying next to Falcon like this she had a good view of the cloudless sky. Samus took a moment to stare at--appreciative of how it looked now compared to the stark contrast it was the week before Halloween.

"Someone who probably doesn't get paid enough to come fix the hard work we ruined." For a moment she laid there and sighed, feeling slightly nostalgic and completely thoughtful. Not an uncommon occurrence for a sky-ward Samus. Was was not common was the fact that she was completely content at the moment.

"It's really been three months already, huh?" She breathed after rolling a little closer to him.


pedaltothemetal November 19 2009, 07:03:28 UTC
Was Falcon snuggling? Maybe? Ok yes maybe a little.

Had it been that long? Falcon took a moment to count the months in his head. August 1st, September 1st, October 1st, November 1st...it had been three. It didn't feel like three months. Or maybe it had. Time always seemed so fast and so slow all at once.

It had been a good three months. A great three months, there was no doubt about that.

He wished he was better at letting her know that. Three words were so hard. "You're past the thirty-day money-back guarantee. I guess you're stuck with me."


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