DS/C6D TAG GAME! We like games.

Feb 27, 2008 23:19

Verrrrrrrry selfishly, I find myself in need of more. MORE fic and more picspam and more fanart and more squee and more recs and more MORE. I am greedy, and I do greedy things.

Today's greedy thing is starting a tag game. A game in which we all sign up as willing and able to post something shiny (see above list of possible shiny things and expand upon it freely) within 24 hours of being tagged. I'll kick it off by posting something or other by 11 pm Chicago time on the 28th (just under 24 hours from now).

Rules of sorts:

* Sign up in the comments to this post if you are willing to play. (Play! Play!)

* I will post something and then tag somebody, who will then have 24 hours from when I posted to post something shiny.

* That person will then tag somebody else off the list from the comments here (I'll put the list in this post as well, for easy checking).

* When each taggee posts their something and tags the next somebody, they should reply to the next taggee's sign-up comment here to let them know they've been tagged. (Because we don't have a dedicated comm or planning ahead of time or anything sensible like that. Make sense? Just come here to poke the next person to make sure they know they've been tagged. ETA: tag the next person in both your post and here, because overkill is our friend.)

* Each taggee should comment here or at the previous poster's post acknowledging the tag ASAP. Their 24 hour window to post starts when the previous person posts. If you absolutely can't post something (anything!) in the 24 hour window, comment ASAP to let us know and I or the previous poster will tag somebody else.

This is something sort of like stop_drop_porn, but you can post ANYTHING. Fic, porny fic (I wouldn't object! At ALL!), picspam, recs, fanart, what you love about DS or C6D, whatever. (I'm expecting mostly DS, but my love of C6D infiltrates everything. If you're confused about what C6D means, ask me or check out the guidelines we give over at ds_snippets.) It's low pressure! 24 hours, sure, but ANYTHING GOES. It's a game of things what are SHINY and DS or C6D. There's A LOT.

The game starts tonight, but still feel free to speak up in the comments here with questions or suggestions.

People of awesome. Also, people who are playing (with links added as posts go up):

slidellra Podfic of "Unplugged," by Speranza (F/K-ish)
mrs_laugh_track Anagram fun
china_shop DS puzzles!
primroseburrows Tempest (F/K)
akamine_chan A dare and snippet recs
zabira Podfic of "The Sun Will Rise From Here," by BrynnMcK (HCL, Joe/Billy)
snoopypez C6D music and a dS ficlet
monroe_nell dS AU playlist, pretty smiles (participatory!), and dS recs.
pocketmouse ReGen pimpage
malnpudl A celebration of Canadian music
hyperfocused (Acrostic) Attention, Amazement, Announcement, Awakening (Alliteration) (F/K)
sageness Canada: links for surviving the wilderness, maps & bears
llassah Canada does Hogwarts
vsee Four Season 1 and Season 2 Episodes Well Worth Another Look
laylee Johnny Johanssen: A Tribute
umbrella_half Coffee Going Cold (HCL), Guilt (WW), Waking Up (dS)
spuffyduds Tease (F/K)
etcetera_cat F/K snippet and more to come
lovelokest Headstones treasure trove
jadelennox Meta: Whiskey Echo and I, being from the Northlands and disposed, a Fraser sonnet
burntsmore 10 times Fraser and RayK tried to have sex on the job -- and one time they didn't
scriggle A Mountie, a Chicago cop or two, & a deaf half-wolf picspam
sprat Dating Is Hazardous (F/K)
isiscolo Slings & Arrows vidlet: Sharp Dressed Man
nos4a2no9 Wilby Wonderful recs AND Bingo! (F/K)
dugrival RayK's closet picspam and Untitled F/K banter snippet
brynnmck Geoffrey Tennant Love
catwalksalone Second Verse, Same as the First (FKV comic)
fillionaire S&A icons
mergatrude sandrainthesun art appreciation
meresy Callum's posture picspam
belmanoir Man Enough to Admit It (Ray/Ray, PG)
sisterofdream Tiny!Dief
simplystars Northern lights pics and links to S&A clips
bluebrocade Oldies but Goodies: Ten recs from ds_flashfiction.
sansets Wilby Wonderful and Slings & Arrows icons
arrow00 Slimed (F/K, NC-17) PLUS bonus DS icons.
dessert_first F/K ficlet
luzula dS Vid recs
aingeal8c Pictures - with words! (F/V)

ETA: The comments here are marked with the time in GMT/UTC. If that's not your time zone, you can compare it to yours using the internet. Handy way keep track of your 24 hours!

tag game

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