DS/C6D Tag Game, YAY!

Feb 28, 2008 17:19

Hoooray! Also, whew! I'm first up to bat for the DS/C6D tag game, and I offer a podfic of cesperanza's story Unplugged

Fanfic Title: Unplugged.
Format: MP3, 9.6 MB/20min
Fanfic Author: cesperanza
Fandom: Due South, Fraser/Kowalski-ish
Read by: slidellra

Sendspace link: here.

ETA: Permanent link (courtesy of the really rather nifty general_jinjur): Please right click and save.

ETA2: Permanent link for podbook (podbooking courtesy of and with art by the also incredibly nifty cybel, file hosted by the still-nifty general_jinjur): Please right click and save.

Because, yup, I love me some podfic, and I haven't recorded any for ages, and I love love love this story. It's tense and vivid and does remarkably deft things with what is shown to both the reader and characters.

Also, if you listen, you can giggle at my girly voice, slightly hoarsened from allergies, portraying that of Harding Welsh. Good times, my friends. Good times.

Enjoy! And for our next victim, I tag hyperfocused. Your 24 hour countdown starts now! Have fun!

(Tag game sign ups [still open!] and participant list and such over here.)

tag game, audiofic

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