1 Wicca spell [Action/Accidental Voice]

Aug 26, 2010 08:46

[It's early morning when Willow finally wakes up, blinking the sleep from her eyes. It takes her a few minutes to realize she's not in bed at Buffy's house, like she was last night when she fell asleep. Had she actually fallen asleep or had she dozed off for a little? The pile of clothes next to her says she merely dozed off before bed, but she can ( Read more... )

scared of my power, kidnapped?, did someone use magic?, why am i lost again?, definitely confused at everything

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Comments 265

[voice] slaying August 26 2010, 13:13:12 UTC
[Willow. It has been a month and some since Buffy has last heard that voice and she isn't sure whether to be pleased or paranoid. Getting stuck here, after all, is no real reason for celebration.]

Will? [She asks, tentatively.] Will, it's me.


[voice] slayersidekick August 26 2010, 15:16:13 UTC
Buffy? [The voice seems to be coming from the book thing she's holding.]

Buffy, where are you- OW! [Okay, suddenly moving hurts. Or well, maybe sitting back down with the thing and resting her back against the fountain had been a bad idea.]


[voice] slaying August 26 2010, 18:59:31 UTC
I'm in the book. I mean--I'm not really in the book. More like the book is a phone. And we're talk--you know what? Never mind. Details.

[Then the ow and Buffy is already looking for her shoes.] The more important question is where are you?


[voice] slayersidekick August 26 2010, 19:02:36 UTC
...You can explain it to me later? [Because knowing Buffy, the distance between them is about to get drastically smaller.]

I'm not sure. I'm by a fountain and there's lots of people wandering around.


[Action] esper_flight August 26 2010, 15:38:49 UTC
[Terra's walking by, nibbling on a muffin and carrying a bakery bag. She's just taking a relaxing morning walk before heading home to share her bakery finds with Setzer, but the woman at the fountain catches her attention.

Pausing abruptly, the green-haired woman stares intently...then her eyes widen.]

You're new?!


[Action] slayersidekick August 26 2010, 15:43:46 UTC
[Willow turns her head at the sound of an unfamiliar voice and promptly closes the journal, holding it and her clothes close to her chest.]

New? I-I don't remember falling asleep outside or in a hospital gown.

[Which is the long version of "yes."]


[Action] esper_flight August 26 2010, 15:51:16 UTC
[Terra shakes her head slowly, incredulous.]

Wow. We haven't had new people here in...months.

[Trying to shake herself out of that startled state, she tries to smile, though it's apologetic. She hates giving bad news.]

My name is Terra and this is Luceti. I'm a captive, too, and so is everyone here. I'm sorry....


[Action] slayersidekick August 26 2010, 15:55:14 UTC
[Willow stares for a minute. What is this girl talking about?]

I'm Willow. [Pause.] Okay, where is here, this Luceti place? This isn't some new city or a demon dimension I got randomly sucked into while I wasn't looking. [...Pleading look.] I-is it?


voice; univalent August 26 2010, 17:56:38 UTC
[ early morning means this ensouled vampire who is very much not the poncier, irish version (with very different coloring, thank you) was just about to shed clothing and roll into bed when the sound of willow's voice came floating from the pages of the journal tossed carelessly on a table across the room. spike gets up, pads over to it and picks the thing up, looking down at it with a furrowed brow that goes unseen. ]

Bloody hell, Red?


voice; slayersidekick August 26 2010, 18:54:43 UTC
[How fortunate for her. She just stares at the journal for a minute before sitting back down on the fountain ledge and figuring out how to work it. That voice sounds so very familiar.]



voice; univalent August 27 2010, 00:22:59 UTC
That'd be right, yeah. ...huh, thought they'd tossed you back into the world of the right and somewhat sane. Heard of cases of them pullin' people back in, but this is definitely a first.

[ pause. ]

I take it you don't recall having been here before?


voice; slayersidekick August 27 2010, 01:39:27 UTC
What are you talking about? [ Even for Spike, this is talking nonsense. ]


voice; folkloristic August 26 2010, 19:08:33 UTC
That would be your journal! It's how everyone communicates around here! Like one of those...cellphone things.


voice; slayersidekick August 26 2010, 19:10:50 UTC
A communication journal? [Give her a second, she's staring at it.] Huh... I'll have to figure out how it works. [Which she will. She's good at this sort of thing.]


voice; folkloristic August 26 2010, 19:29:17 UTC
Exactly! It's amazing isn't it? I wonder how they do it. Ah-uh you've probably heard by now but this place is called Luceti.


voice; slayersidekick August 26 2010, 19:31:37 UTC
I bet I can find out.

Yeah... it looks like a whole other dimension from Sunnydale.


[ voice ] hippocraticly August 26 2010, 19:16:12 UTC
... Rosenberg?


[ voice ] - lmfao those keywords XD slayersidekick August 26 2010, 19:18:56 UTC
[Have a gigantically awkward silence. Who is this guy? Hesitantly:] Do I know you? You don't sound like Principle Snyder and he's one of the only people who calls me that...


[ voice ] - XD hippocraticly August 26 2010, 19:23:04 UTC
I'm a doctor, not a principle.

[ Wait, he's getting off-track here. Must be the same with what happened with Uhura. ] Not really, but.. uh, I've heard about you. You're from Sunnydale, right? Buffy's friend.


[ voice ] slayersidekick August 26 2010, 19:25:17 UTC

[Hold it. She perks up.] Yeah, Buffy's a good friend of mine. You know her?


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