1 Wicca spell [Action/Accidental Voice]

Aug 26, 2010 08:46

[It's early morning when Willow finally wakes up, blinking the sleep from her eyes. It takes her a few minutes to realize she's not in bed at Buffy's house, like she was last night when she fell asleep. Had she actually fallen asleep or had she dozed off for a little? The pile of clothes next to her says she merely dozed off before bed, but she can ( Read more... )

scared of my power, kidnapped?, did someone use magic?, why am i lost again?, definitely confused at everything

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[Action] esper_flight August 26 2010, 15:38:49 UTC
[Terra's walking by, nibbling on a muffin and carrying a bakery bag. She's just taking a relaxing morning walk before heading home to share her bakery finds with Setzer, but the woman at the fountain catches her attention.

Pausing abruptly, the green-haired woman stares intently...then her eyes widen.]

You're new?!


[Action] slayersidekick August 26 2010, 15:43:46 UTC
[Willow turns her head at the sound of an unfamiliar voice and promptly closes the journal, holding it and her clothes close to her chest.]

New? I-I don't remember falling asleep outside or in a hospital gown.

[Which is the long version of "yes."]


[Action] esper_flight August 26 2010, 15:51:16 UTC
[Terra shakes her head slowly, incredulous.]

Wow. We haven't had new people here in...months.

[Trying to shake herself out of that startled state, she tries to smile, though it's apologetic. She hates giving bad news.]

My name is Terra and this is Luceti. I'm a captive, too, and so is everyone here. I'm sorry....


[Action] slayersidekick August 26 2010, 15:55:14 UTC
[Willow stares for a minute. What is this girl talking about?]

I'm Willow. [Pause.] Okay, where is here, this Luceti place? This isn't some new city or a demon dimension I got randomly sucked into while I wasn't looking. [...Pleading look.] I-is it?


[Action] esper_flight August 26 2010, 16:11:45 UTC
Some demons are nice.

[Said a little defensively. But she knows that's a tangent.]

Um...well, it's like this; a lot of people from a lot of different worlds and times are taken to this one. The people responsible are called the Malnosso, and they say they're scientists. They want to use us to figure out how to travel between worlds or go home or something like that...and because of that, they sometimes throw bizarre experiments at us.

[Minor twitch when she talks about experiments; not her favorite subject.]


[Action] slayersidekick August 26 2010, 16:17:17 UTC
I never said they weren't! [Also defensively. Can't really blame her.] I-I was just wondering which one I'm in, that's all.

[But she falls quiet to listen, frowning. For all she knows, the demon spawn Buffy helped kill disrupted something in the dimensions somewhere. Also, green hair makes her wonder... but she'll ignore it for now.]

...S-so it is another dimension... [She notices a twitch, but doesn't comment on it.] Do you know someone named Buffy Summers? Blonde hair, stronger than a person should be?


[Action] esper_flight August 26 2010, 16:51:32 UTC
[Terra perks up a bit and nods.]

I don't know her well -we haven't interacted that much- but I know she's in town. You're from her world?


[Action] slayersidekick August 26 2010, 18:58:47 UTC
[Willow nods and relaxes ever so slightly.] Yeah. We've been best friends for four and a half years. [She glances down at the journal.] Maybe I'll just... wait for her here.


[Action] esper_flight August 26 2010, 19:53:08 UTC
[She follows Willow's gaze.]

You can probably reach her through the journal. It's enchanted somehow, so that people can communicate over long distances. Everyone has them...and the wings.


[Action] slayersidekick August 26 2010, 20:36:08 UTC
...This is the weirdest dimension I've heard of, but I guess I should be happy that at least I'm not a vampire in this one.


[Action] esper_flight August 26 2010, 20:46:04 UTC

Um, I think I've heard of a couple of people in this town who are vampires, but everyone arrives as they are. You don't turn into something else...unless there's an experiment for that.


[Action] slayersidekick August 26 2010, 20:51:48 UTC
Yeah, the nightcrawlers who make with the pointy teeth and the neck biting.

Oh... Um... are any of them named Spike, Drusilla, Harmony, or Angel? [If so, there might be problems. Well, not so much for Harmony. But the other three... BIG problems. Any other vampire is pretty much fair staking game in her book.]


[Action] esper_flight August 26 2010, 21:01:13 UTC
[Terra frowns in thought, for a moment. Her tone is a little hesitant, since it's not as though she hangs around the Luceti vampire population. But being here for a while means she's picked up a few things.]

Angel...he was here, but I think he was sent back a while ago. I heard of Drusilla too, but I don't know if she's still here or not. I don't know anyone named Harmony, though Spike sounds a little familiar.....

I'm sorry I can't be more accurate.


[Action] slayersidekick August 26 2010, 21:04:06 UTC
[Willow waits patiently, curious and worried at the same time.]

Angel? You're sure it was Angel and not... Angelus? [Same person, different personality. HUGE difference. At the mention of Drusilla, she winces, though.] If Drusilla's here, we'll have to watch out for her. She's definitely not stable enough to be left alone. And Spike is... [Sigh.] Watch out for him, too.


[Action] esper_flight August 26 2010, 21:19:21 UTC
I'll let the Blue Rogues know.

...they're a group dedicated to the defense of the people here.

[She thinks for a moment, then shakes her head.]

No, I don't remember the name Angelus. I don't think he was ever listed as a threat, either.


[Action] slayersidekick August 26 2010, 21:23:48 UTC
Spike's not really bad anymore, as far as vampires go, but he's not quite harmless. I mean, he can't hurt humans, but he's still a vampire.

Good. [Relief again.] You'd know if he'd been here. Well... technically Angelus is Angel without his soul and he likes to torture people.


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