1 Wicca spell [Action/Accidental Voice]

Aug 26, 2010 08:46

[It's early morning when Willow finally wakes up, blinking the sleep from her eyes. It takes her a few minutes to realize she's not in bed at Buffy's house, like she was last night when she fell asleep. Had she actually fallen asleep or had she dozed off for a little? The pile of clothes next to her says she merely dozed off before bed, but she can ( Read more... )

scared of my power, kidnapped?, did someone use magic?, why am i lost again?, definitely confused at everything

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voice; univalent August 26 2010, 17:56:38 UTC
[ early morning means this ensouled vampire who is very much not the poncier, irish version (with very different coloring, thank you) was just about to shed clothing and roll into bed when the sound of willow's voice came floating from the pages of the journal tossed carelessly on a table across the room. spike gets up, pads over to it and picks the thing up, looking down at it with a furrowed brow that goes unseen. ]

Bloody hell, Red?


voice; slayersidekick August 26 2010, 18:54:43 UTC
[How fortunate for her. She just stares at the journal for a minute before sitting back down on the fountain ledge and figuring out how to work it. That voice sounds so very familiar.]



voice; univalent August 27 2010, 00:22:59 UTC
That'd be right, yeah. ...huh, thought they'd tossed you back into the world of the right and somewhat sane. Heard of cases of them pullin' people back in, but this is definitely a first.

[ pause. ]

I take it you don't recall having been here before?


voice; slayersidekick August 27 2010, 01:39:27 UTC
What are you talking about? [ Even for Spike, this is talking nonsense. ]


voice; univalent August 27 2010, 12:55:27 UTC
Well, then. That answers that question.

[ huff. irritation? perhaps. more so with luceti and the malnosso than anything else. ...with a touch of tired in there due to the obvious morning plus vampire combination. ]

Hate to be the bearer of news of the bad sort, but you've been in this place before. They sent you home, but seems like those off their rockers lab coats felt the need to bring you back, sans-recollection.


voice; slayersidekick August 27 2010, 13:59:55 UTC
[ Okay, that? That's unnerving. More than a little. ] Lab coats? Oh great, is this a new dimension the Initiative took over and now runs experiments on or something?


voice; univalent August 27 2010, 14:07:29 UTC
[ the vampire snorts. ]

Never thought I'd say this, but the Malnosso make Soldier Boy and his Initiative groupies look like cuddly puppies.


voice; slayersidekick August 27 2010, 14:11:47 UTC
Oh... [ Well, that's... not such a nice thing to hear. ]

Worse than experiments or worse experiments than what the Initiative did? ... Is Adam here, too?


voice; univalent August 27 2010, 14:18:11 UTC
Bit of both, I'd say. The Initiative had guns and tools, chips and the backing of the United States' government. They were a different sort of power. The Malnosso aren't really bound to anything and their resources are unlimited; from attaching these wings to making you think you're someone else for a week without so much as layin' a finger on you.


voice; slayersidekick August 27 2010, 14:22:38 UTC
Oh... great. [ That kind of kills the hopeful optimism she'd been clinging to. ]

Don't tell me- there's no way out, right? [ sarcasm. ] At least the Initiative had an escape route.


voice; univalent August 27 2010, 14:31:25 UTC
...sorry, love. No way out. Not saying there isn't one, but people've been tryin' to escape this sodding place for bleedin' ever and the only way anyone ever leaves is if they decide it's your time to go. We're not in control. If there's a way out without getting their keys, then it's yet to be discovered.


voice; slayersidekick August 27 2010, 14:33:15 UTC
[ Hey, there's a goal for Willow to work towards! ] Guess I'll just have to join the research crew and see what I can find out. Is there a library around here?


voice; univalent August 27 2010, 14:49:26 UTC
Not really sure. That's more a question for Buffy. Sure there's something.


voice; slayersidekick August 27 2010, 16:08:13 UTC
I'll ask her, then. A-anything else I should know about this place?


voice; univalent August 27 2010, 16:55:51 UTC
Nothin' I can think of right off the bat. Well, other than some of the locals being none too the friendly, but that's pretty much a given for any new place.


voice; slayersidekick August 27 2010, 20:47:52 UTC
Being in another dimension makes me more wary about everyone being not-so-friendly, so no worries on that from me!


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