Nov 26, 2011 12:51

When: Saturday, 11/26 ALL DAY/into the night
Where: House of Awesome!
Summary: Tis Thanksgiving HoA style!
Warnings: Maybe swearing, but probably none

It is Thanksgiving! )

blaine anderson, magneto, saint michael, nina fortner, jubilee, kenzo tenma, *open log, zoey, castiel, chuck shurley, rochelle, crowley

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Comments 381

kissesdarling November 28 2011, 01:39:30 UTC
[He is literally only here because Castiel invited him.

Really. ... seriously.

He's just eyeing the surroundings, perhaps a little more on edge than normal, because Michael is here, but it's too late to just vanish now.

He's going to kill Castiel for this idiotic slip-up.]


makes_asteroids November 28 2011, 01:52:16 UTC
[Oh hey, he's seen you around. He'll just leave a glass and a bottle of good Scotch on the table next to Crowley on his way to the kitchen with more empty dishes.

You want to say something you'll have wait until he comes out or follow him.]


kissesdarling November 28 2011, 01:53:28 UTC
[ . . . how unusual. He eyes the scotch for a moment or two, but he doesn't follow him back into the kitchen. He, instead, waits for Magneto to come back out, and he speaks suddenly.]

Good taste.


makes_asteroids November 28 2011, 01:56:16 UTC

Occasionally? Yes. You looked like you expect someone to bite you.


paterelohim November 28 2011, 03:26:05 UTC
[Chuck is just happily derping around the party - no cane or anything at all, thank you very much - generally with a drink in hand. At various points in the day he's talking to people, drinking (and talking to people), picking at appetizers, or setting into Magneto's deep-fried turkey like he has something to prove, all generally with a smile on his face. There isn't too much to be gloomy about today: as fucked-up as everything in his entire world is, that's just a constant of His life, and easily forgotten. The point is that, for literally the first time in the whole of His long life, he's near his family on Thanksgiving. Sure, a big part of him misses his family back home- the Shurleys, his mom, his dad, his annoying cousins and great-aunt who always talks about immigration killing America. He misses them, and wishes he could be back there sitting around a table eating dry turkey and ducking questions about his career, but this?

This isn't so bad.]


HI. Also, sorry for the melodrama tl;dr again. axemeaquestion November 28 2011, 04:23:39 UTC
[For Rochelle in particular today had BEEN gloomy. All the talk about Thanksgiving constantly reminded her of the ones with her big family. Now she didn't know if they were even alive, much less if she would ever get to find out. And the three people from home that became her family too? Only one of them was there, and she worried about the others. It was hard not to be envious of the others here getting their families back. And she had been through a whole damn year here.

Still. She had things to be thankful for. A lot. For one, she was alive. Two, she had Nick here. Zoey too. She came back. So did Claire. You had no idea how happy it made her for them to have come back with her current record of friends-who-stayed. And for all the people she'd lost, she still had good friends. Good company. Hell, for all the shit that happened here, she had a life. And it was usually a damn good one, too ( ... )


tl;dr is never wrong :| paterelohim November 28 2011, 17:12:07 UTC
Hey. [Chuck smiles back at her, gives her a one-armed sort of bro-hug, then pulls back and indicates the enormous deep-fried turkey wing on his plate.]

Would you be?


awesome axemeaquestion November 28 2011, 18:34:16 UTC
[Rochelle would have given him a full-on hug, but with her hand preoccupied she just one-arm hugging him back, laughed, and looked over at his plate. When she let go she pulled up a seat next to him.]

I think I'm eventually gonna throw up, but I can go for a while. I take it you're one of those bottomless stomach types. [She smirked and nudged him a little.]


azarathmetrion November 28 2011, 06:34:30 UTC
[Raven is wandering around her second Thanksgiving party with her "I-don't-do-parties" face on, aimlessly poking at some food or drinking tea. It seems like she's ready to dodge out at any given moment, but she sticks around, since at least nothing obnoxious is going on.]


paterelohim November 28 2011, 17:03:29 UTC
[Chuck all but bumps into her at some point after too many conversations with too many angels, which explains his distraction.]

Oh god, sorry!

-Raven, it's- ah, okay. [Relieved little chuckle. Being rude to strangers is so much more awkward than being rude to people you know.] Sorry about that.


azarathmetrion November 29 2011, 05:18:58 UTC
[She looks mildly affronted for a moment, but his derpishness wins through and she just rolls her eyes in the end.]

It's okay.

This is a... different crowd than usual.


paterelohim December 2 2011, 04:13:26 UTC
Ah, yeah, it is. [Looking around with a shrug.] Jubes put out an open invitation. I still can't believe- I mean, seriously, an angel and a demon showing up? What is that?


thelittlestbub November 28 2011, 11:52:32 UTC
[So, that short Chinese tiny little thing in the corner? That's probably her third plate of appetizers, even though the turkey isn't done yet. also, she's got a milkshake, because someone loves her best and you can't have one so there.

She loves parties like this and has been mingling but she needs to eat now. NOMNOMNOM.]


paterelohim November 28 2011, 16:49:36 UTC
[Chuck finds her later- not for the first time today, of course - once he's attacked the fried turkey. He's kind of. busy with it. Not that it stops him from talking.]

Dude, have you tried this?


thelittlestbub November 28 2011, 19:03:47 UTC
Mm? [Jubes reaches over and because she's classy takes some from him, popping it into her mouth.]

Dude. That's... awesome. I thought you didn't like turkey?

[And she's stealing another piece.]


paterelohim November 28 2011, 21:09:33 UTC
So did I! But seriously.

[That's all you can say about this shit. Chuck follows the CLASSY trend by biting some skin off of the drumstick.]

This has to qualify for a Nobel Prize in something.


herausgesucht November 29 2011, 04:48:40 UTC
[She's a little out of her element, but Nina's happy enough to be here. A cultural exchange of sorts-they might not have celebrated Thanksgiving back home, but she likes the concept, as well as the possibility of getting to know more people. Jubilee, at least, she's sure she'll like, since Tenma already likes her so much.]


makes_asteroids November 30 2011, 02:15:57 UTC
[He thinks he recognizes her from the Network.]

Hello, welcome, I'm Michael.


herausgesucht November 30 2011, 02:48:54 UTC
[Likewise, she's sure she's seen the older man, though they haven't spoken.]

Michael, hello. I'm Nina. Jubilee invited Tenma and me. It's nice to meet you.


makes_asteroids November 30 2011, 18:07:03 UTC
Nina. My pleasure, truly. I'd offer my hand but I was on my way to wash them from cooking. I haven't spotted Tenma yet, although if Jubilee invited him, I'm sure he'll be here.


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