Nov 26, 2011 12:51

When: Saturday, 11/26 ALL DAY/into the night
Where: House of Awesome!
Summary: Tis Thanksgiving HoA style!
Warnings: Maybe swearing, but probably none

[OOC: Action or prose tags, whichever is fine. Hop in, thread hop, mingle, do whatever.

Some general rules of the house:

1 - No fighting. Yelling is okay, physical fights will be stopped, by someone who will kick you out, even after Sirens.
2 - Unless you're given IC PERMISSION - or have standing perms - no one is allowed upstairs, nor down into the basement.
3 - No powers. Unless you either live there, or its an accident.
4 - Remember have fun!
5 - Don't try to feed Magneto pork products. If he doesn't fry you where you stand, Jubilee will.
6 - Old Lace is not a dog. Remember thou art tasty and taste good with cranberry sauce.
7 - Respect that Magneto drinks breadNon-Canadian beer. Giving him a Canadian beer might seem funny at first, but won't when he gets his revenge. Jubilee will laugh like a hyena.
8 - Not everyone who is short is a child. Remember that, and you won't find out what "detonation at a subatomic level" really means.
9 - Do not engage in Deadpool debates. You will lose and become his new Bob, Agent of Hydra.
9b - Magneto uses Hydra agents to test Darkness Proofing.
10 - All rules subject to change on Jubilee's whim and her sugar levels.
11 - Insult the house chefs at your own risk]

blaine anderson, magneto, saint michael, nina fortner, jubilee, kenzo tenma, *open log, zoey, castiel, chuck shurley, rochelle, crowley

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