Nov 26, 2011 12:51

When: Saturday, 11/26 ALL DAY/into the night
Where: House of Awesome!
Summary: Tis Thanksgiving HoA style!
Warnings: Maybe swearing, but probably none

It is Thanksgiving! )

blaine anderson, magneto, saint michael, nina fortner, jubilee, kenzo tenma, *open log, zoey, castiel, chuck shurley, rochelle, crowley

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Comments 381

Hope this is cool! I can change if need be. axemeaquestion November 27 2011, 01:12:52 UTC
[Rochelle hung around, waiting for her apocalypse riding brothers and sisters in arms that she invited. In the mean time, she decided to just mingle with everyone else until she got that little "ping" inside her head. She honestly couldn't remember if either of them had been inside her new place. Nick, she didn't think so, but Zoey she coudn't recall at all.

It was a jeans-and-a-nice-shirt kind of belated Thanksgiving, and she decided to just chat with everyone else until it was time to eat.]


leading3men November 27 2011, 04:40:40 UTC
[ Zoey arrives with cheap cranberry juice and not-so-cheap vodka. Guess which one she's going to save for her fellow zombie killers for later? ]

Hey, there. Happy Thanksgiving.

[ She's shrugging off her red, leather jacket. ]


axemeaquestion November 27 2011, 04:47:05 UTC
[Rochelle was occupied eying that turkey when Zoey's voice caught her attention. She looked over her shoulder.]

Hey, Zoey! [She was obviously lit up to have people she knew (better) around. She walked on over to Zoey.] Happy Thanksgiving back. Is that for me?


leading3men November 27 2011, 04:57:12 UTC
[ Zoey puts a finger to her lips. ]

Hush, I don't want people to think it's for everyone.

[ She eyes the turkey as well. ] That's a big dead bird.


mediumdrip November 27 2011, 16:37:57 UTC
Blaine hadn't realized how much he'd missed this place until he was standing in it again. The last time he had been here was for his therapy with Emma and then Kurt's hospitalization had taken all of his attention and caused him to put off coming back. He knew that was dangerous, and probably a little unhealthy, but after going back home for seven months and coming back to find only the weekend had gone by, he felt better and it seemed silly to call for his next appointment ( ... )


makes_asteroids November 27 2011, 22:06:06 UTC
"Hello Blaine." Erik called out from the hall to the rec room, magnetically balancing a plate with fruit he was eating off of, a mug of coffee in his hand, a fork in the other. "I'm glad you came."


mediumdrip November 28 2011, 01:57:36 UTC
Blaine smiled when he saw the older man. He had the look of someone who had just recovered from the flu, a little pale and tired looking, but his hair was perfectly maintained and his smile was genuine.

"Hey. Can I help with anything?"


makes_asteroids November 28 2011, 03:38:51 UTC
"Not at all, you're a guest. Guests don't help." Blaine didn't look well to him, but he didn't look ill enough to fuss too much. Still. "There's some juice in the kitchen, and plenty of food." Eat, in other words.

It was an easy motion, touching the back of his hand to Blaine's forehead for a moment. "If there something you'd like?"


makes_asteroids November 27 2011, 22:02:06 UTC
[Mostly, he was cooking, even when he was stealing bites here and there. Setting up on the roof to fry a turkey to go with the other perfectly brined and roasted one, leaving France to mind the kitchen, but otherwise, when he wasn't frying the turkey, he could be found in the kitchen or mingling out with others, normally with either bottle of German style, if not imported German, beer in his hand or more towards nighttime a glass of wine - though he's sipping the alochol lightly, nursing each drink between and hour or two, or with a steaming oversized mug of coffee in his hand.]


paterelohim November 28 2011, 01:59:50 UTC
[Who has two thumbs and is staying f a r away from the hot oil splash zone on the roof? THIS GUY.]

Man, I can't get over how dangerous that is. [Still staring at it appreciatively, though. Like it can show him the way.]


makes_asteroids November 28 2011, 02:07:44 UTC
[It's perfectly safe. He even has a turkey derrick set up.]

It's only dangerous if you don't know what you are doing. If I can handle Semtex I can do this.


paterelohim November 28 2011, 02:09:32 UTC
Hey, man, a thousand redneck Youtube posters can't be wrong. This shit has a body count.

[Not that he's... leaving, or anything. He might even be coming closer out of morbid curiosity.]


servingfather November 27 2011, 22:12:36 UTC
[He'd come out of sheer curiosity. Sure Michael had seen people celebrate the holiday all across Canada first and then America but it was different from a human's perspective. Or at least that was what he'd been lead to believe. So seeing as how Michael wasn't really close with that many humans his curiosity had led him to the one place that housed both of his close acquaintances - Chuck and Magneto.

So don't mind this guy hanging out near the outer edges of the different areas just watching the people.]


thelittlestbub November 27 2011, 22:15:51 UTC
[She was also lurking around the edges. Just because that was what she did at a big gathering before throwing herself into the fray. Besides, she had no doubt that someone would get up to shenanigans and she'd have to throw them out.

Deadpool, she's looking at you.

However, seeing the one guy (Mike? Was that his name?) hanging around the edges, she grabbed a plate of hors d'oeuvres and wandered in that direction.]

Hiya! Welcome to the House of Awesome.


servingfather November 27 2011, 22:37:56 UTC
[Michael had no intention of "throwing himself into the fray". He was more the type to let the fray come to him unless he spotted someone he wanted to talk to.

So he wasn't surprised when Jubilee approached him and gave her a smile.]

Thank you, although this is hardly my first time being here. My visits tend to involve Chuck in some manner.


thelittlestbub November 27 2011, 22:41:30 UTC
Ah. Well, Chuck's floating around here somewhere.

[Jubilee winks.]

That might even be literal, depending on if he's using the wheelchair or not.


wingsandwill November 28 2011, 00:42:06 UTC
[Castiel had already suffered through one thanksgiving, okay. Another is just unnecessary. But Chuck had demanded his presence, and he did live in the building anyway, so here he is.

That doesn't mean he's being social. In fact, he's slinking around the outer edge of the gathering, trying to blend into the wall and stay far away from Michael, who he'd sensed easily enough with his strengthening grace.]


kissesdarling November 28 2011, 00:49:41 UTC
[Oh, look who just appears places. At least he was invited this time. 8| But Crowley is leaning against the wall, with a drink, and without warning:]

You've invited me to a party where Michael is attending.

[He is so mad right now you don't even know. 8|]


wingsandwill November 28 2011, 00:51:15 UTC
I wasn't aware he'd be here.

[Because he wouldn't have gone himself, okay. Also hi, Crowley.]


kissesdarling November 28 2011, 00:56:39 UTC
You didn't check your own guest list, don't you live here.

[Crowley totally hasn't said hello to anyone else he knows yet, mainly because he could care less, and he's only here because Castiel invited him.]


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