Stone age love and strange sounds, too

Jul 07, 2011 18:16

When: Friday night! The show starts at 7:30, but the doors have been open since noon. The party ends at 6am, after morning sirens. Tag yourself in whenever!
Where: Purgatory! Gabriel and Jinx's cabaret night club in Sector 5.
Summary: IT'S A ( Read more... )

blaine anderson, sander cohen, deathstroke the terminator, demyx, frau, maka albarn, chuck shurley, gabriel/the trickster, jinx, roxie hart

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Comments 451

post performance taketheearsoff July 8 2011, 03:43:31 UTC
[A gloved hand shoots out from the crowd and clasps over one of Jinx's bony shoulders. Sander Cohen, garbed in a white dress shirt, fine black dress pants, and a cravat, draws the little hex over, draping an arm around her. He hums, tucking a shock of pink strands behind her ear.]

Weeeeeee need to have a little -chit-chat.

[The maestro coos, bright green eyes from behind his black bunny mask taking in her choice of wardrobe. It earns a quirk of the brow and a cheshire grin to boot.]

[ooc: outside of this convo, Cohen will be trolling the club; having a grand ol' time drinking, socializing, and what-have-you.]


hexyoutotuesday July 8 2011, 03:56:22 UTC
[Jinx really should be used to being grabbed by now. Grinning, she immediately relaxes against her boss. This is something she's used to in Felton, but it feels weird here. Hope he doesn't go on one of his tirades.

She purrs as he tucks the hair behind her ear, leaning into his hand.]

If you're going to knock the rock, you can leave.

[She's joking, of course. Also, she seems a lot happier than usual.]


taketheearsoff July 9 2011, 01:41:09 UTC
It's more of a gentle - tap - really. I'm almost reluctant to say anything at all- what with you on cloud seven. Wouldn't want to sully your optimism.

[He murmurs half-jestingly (only half-...his ears are still sore from the previous display that was apparently music). Not at all sorry if his 'stache tickled when he leaned in.]

But- my good look. at. the. crowd. Yoooouuu two have outdone yourselves.

[He's holding her close like he always does; smelling of the absinthe he had before he came and of the drink he's now nursing in the other hand. ]


hexyoutotuesday July 9 2011, 04:22:10 UTC
[Oh, Jinx knows Sander's tastes, and she also knows how he reacts to her singing voice. She's impressed he isn't chewing her out, really. But this is her own territory and she's going to do what she pleases in it. And hey! It could've been worse. This was Cherie Currie. At least she wasn't attempting Whitney Houston.

She gives him a big grin and presses her nose right up against his mask. Only for a moment, though. Ever since that night with Chuck, the scent of absinthe makes her stomach churn.]

That's a big compliment coming from you. Glad you could make it...Daddy.


being ironic like the cool kid he is brbomnomsouls July 8 2011, 04:31:52 UTC
Soul was a Hell (no pun intended) of a lot more relaxed than what he had been opening night. The atmosphere was intoxicating, and since he feels like being ironic tonight he starts his set off with a little Billy Joel song known as Piano Man, followed by Hotel California.

The last song he plays says pretty much everything, but depending on how well someone knew him it might not make sense for Soul to have played it. Still, it was his choice, which is what he liked about the Purg.

After his performance he slips off stage, mingling with the crowd and generally helping the other staff out if needed.


brbwitchkilling July 8 2011, 05:05:03 UTC
Maka let him mingle with his friends for awhile before she finally slid out of the chair at the table she was sitting at, shoving her way through the crowd to get to him. She felt pretty small in this place; it was full of adults, and it made her feel kind of small. Still, it was nice to see where her partner worked, and to watch him play. He seemed pretty at ease with the whole thing, though it wasn't quite the same as when he played for her.

Or at least, that's what she wanted to think.

She stepped up beside him, bumping her shoulder into his in greeting. "Hey."


brbomnomsouls July 8 2011, 05:22:11 UTC
He'd come a long way from that first moment they'd met as far as being willing to play openly was concerned. To be honest he was a little surprised but he'd finally managed to convince himself nobody had anything to criticize him against like they had back home. Here, nobody knew his brother even existed. Well, Kurt was pretty much the only one he'd told, but that aside it wasn't like he could be compared to Wes here.

Here, it was all about him.

Soul glanced out the corner of his eye when he felt Maka bump his shoulder, grin on his face. "Hey. Having fun?"


hexyoutotuesday July 8 2011, 05:33:34 UTC
After getting some soda water from the bar, because alcohol wasn't agreeing with her in the least, Jinx had taken to walking around to actually meet and greet. In her lingerie costume, she shook a few hands, checked up on some of the staff, and then she saw that shock of white hair in the full house. Of course she had to go say hello to her surrogate little brother and tell him what a great job he had done. Half the club was practically singing along to David Bowie when he played. He was a much different person than the kid she hired when this place first opened.

No paying any mind to who he was talking to, she the sorceress just came right up to him and draped her arms over his shoulders. Grinning big, she pecked his cheek with a light kiss. His boss was definitely happy tonight.

"Tell me how much of a genius I am for stealing you. Go ahead. I'm brilliant, right? Tonight would suck without you." She told him this all the while messing up his hair, violating his personal bubble. But he was probably more than just used to it by now ( ... )


jazzmurderess July 8 2011, 04:36:39 UTC
Roxie was already having the time of her life. She'd never lived in the seventies, but she could tell it was her kind of time. The music was...different, but she'd been listening to some of it all week, and there was one band that had stuck out to her in particular.

Thus, when the time came for her to perform, Roxie got up onstage in a floaty white dress with sequins all over the damn place, and belted out ABBA's "Honey, Honey," a good fit for her high voice and cutesy stage manners. When she was done, she curtseyed and hopped off the stage, heading straight for the bar to have a gin and juice and catch her breath.


ibreakrules July 8 2011, 15:58:28 UTC
Everyone seemed to be behaving relatively well, which left Frau to just wander and enjoy himself. It still let him be a general presence about the place to put out the message that he could cause you trouble if you caused trouble though. What was the best way to enjoy himself? Watching all of the women of course.

He'd watched Roxie perform, rather impressed with what she had done. When she headed down to the bar, Frau slowly made his way over.

"Pretty impressive. You have a good voice."

Not to mention the looks and stage presence to go with it.


jazzmurderess July 10 2011, 00:56:17 UTC
Roxie glanced up, a smile lighting her features at the compliment. She shrugged one shoulder, sipping her drink languidly, like she had all the time in world. Really, she might as well.

"Well, thank you," she returned. "I'd never heard of those ABBA guys before, but I really like their music. It's cute." She giggled.


ibreakrules July 10 2011, 01:09:41 UTC
Frau's smile only widened when he saw hers. She looked even better with a smile on her face. Then again, most women did. He hoped it would stay there. Frau rested on leg on the bottom rung of a stool and sat down on the edge of it.

"Never heard of them either, not that that surprises me."


brbwitchkilling July 8 2011, 05:10:14 UTC
Soul was off doing his job, so Maka had found a place to sit at one of the tables, drinking what she sure as heck hoped with just cola. The place was full of people, and she knew Soul was going to perform tonight, and Maka couldn't help but look forward to it, even if appreciation of music wasn't high on her list of things she was good at. She still liked to listen to it, and Soul had a weird dark taste sometimes that interested her. In fact, it was what had drawn her to him in the first place.

Maka swung her feet back and forth between the legs of the chair, her straw perched between her lips as she looked with big green eyes through the crowd.


Guess who was born for this like a boss? ninthserenade July 8 2011, 05:27:25 UTC
[Performing was just as natural as breathing or playing with water. When he was informed about this night he was already raring to go. By noon, he was already at the club. By three, he was fretting. At least by ten he'd finally calmed down enough to actually perform a few songs before he ends with a final one.

Later, Demyx can be found hanging around the bar, still in his stage get-up with a lazy grin on his face.]


THAT KID? 8D hexyoutotuesday July 8 2011, 05:42:14 UTC
[Oh, hello Jinx's fantastic little sitar player. As she's making her rounds through her club, meeting and greeting, she of course makes a stop by the bar. She comes up right beside Demyx and leans on the counter.]

Hey, I might need to borrow one of your belts because I seriously need to keep better track of my pants.

[Playfully insulting both of their costumes at once? Check.]


now I have 'That girl' in my head ninthserenade July 8 2011, 05:50:54 UTC
[Oh hey, awesome boss. He can't help but laugh, reaching down to tug at the uppermost belt.]

I told everyone that two belts were a good idea but they didn't listen to me.

[It's the best kind of insult.]


hexyoutotuesday July 8 2011, 06:07:32 UTC
And now look at me. Walking around like this.

[She puts the back of her hand on her forehead and dramatically swoons onto a stood beside him. A grin quickly comes back to her face, though. She crosses one leg over the over and reaches over to play with his bracelets.]

You know, I didn't think you'd fit in at first, but I might just keep you.


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